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Conquest confusing! Fustration!

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Forum » New Player Help » Conquest confusing! Fustration! 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ilosoxx » July 6, 2016 12:34pm | Report
Hello smite community!,

Me and my girlfriend just started smite, we have played it a bit before on the pc, but not Much like level 21.. By only doing arena.

Now we started on ps4 and it's a lot of fun, we play all game modes for the first win but after that we pay a couple of conquest we want to play it more but the team composition is so frustrating with random people that I want to stick a screwdriver in my screen..

I give a example, my bea like to play huntard. So most of the time Artemis or jing Wei these 2 are quite easy to play a dominate late with. I like to support her with a support champion so I play a fafnir or ***bakarna the rest of the team locks in with 2 mages and a assassin who doesn't go in jungle.. And stay on mid with Zeus cause he gets one shot on solo lane. If he know what solo lane is. Next game we try to put in fill and see what other people lock in so.. They insta lock in a level X medusa a Thor and a xbalancq..... Guess what games failed cause me and bea can't hold 2 lanes ect..

Now my question is.. What duo can face roll normal conquest until we hit ranked to play more serious...??

Thanks and have a great day! :)


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » July 6, 2016 7:13pm | Report
Medusa and Athena are classics. Taunt with Athena into the Medusa ult.

Khepri with basically anyone, since it is easy to win lanes with.

Hou Yi is a good hunter, considered one of the best for his boxing potential, basically his 1v1 against other hunters.

Anhur and Ymir is good as well. Put the wall up as Ymir behind enemies and let Anhur stun them into oblivion.

Artemis can pair well with a Geb, as long as you both know what you are doing, and Artemis can use her crit items to full effect.

Other ADCs include Chronos, Freya, Kali to a lesser extent, and even Loki if you want to try your luck.


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