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General Conquest Tips

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Forum » New Player Help » General Conquest Tips 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SolarStyle » January 21, 2015 5:08am | Report
So yeah. I joined Smite for around 1-2 months and I'm really, horribly bad at conquest. I often end up feeding (2-17 on previous match) and I feel horrible when that happens because I know I'm dragging my team down. The thing is I can handle myself ok against bots (17-0 was the best I can remember)but just gets wrecked in normal.

I use Hel and Ao Kuang if that helps. I would love any tips you would have to offer.
I'm still new so forgive me if I make stupid mistakes


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » January 21, 2015 9:48am | Report
From what I read, you do not need tips to play in Conquest, more than you need tips to play against players.
A score of 2-17 most likely means that every enemy player would just look at you and you are dead, not only their jungler or solo (assuming you were playing solo with Hel and Ao Kuang).

The sad part is that you cannot learn to play against players in safety.
And you cannot learn much against bots, because they are dumb at hell.

What I would suggest you, even if it sounds weird, is to play some Arena or Assault matches.
Because those 2 modes are focusing more on team fights, so you will learn way faster how to play against players.
You will learn what to do to get kills, and most importantly, what to NOT DO, if you want to survive.
In those 2 modes, the main key is to survive as much as possible, getting kills is a bonus.

So, my first tip would be to play the character you want, but take at least 2 defensive items, more if you are dying too often.
If people are laughing on your build, don't worry and tell them you are learning.

In an full length match, your goal would be to not die more than 5 times in Arena, and not more than 8 in Assault. To achieve that, you need to stay behind your team mates and wait for them to initiate.
It takes some skills to know how and when to initiate as well as to know how much damage you can handle during every period of the game.
Once you are able to survive correctly, progressively use less defensive items in favour of more offensive items, up to a point where you only use your optimal build.

On a side note, a KDA result of 8/8/10 is not very good.
A KDA of 5/2/15 is better as you helped you team more because you died less often.

As for the Conquest tips, I am not the best person to help you since I don't play Conquest that much.
But, there are several guides on this site to help you learn what you need to know for your role.

If you have more specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them. We will be happy to help you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » January 21, 2015 10:56am | Report
I agree with bullfrog. the difference between bots and normal is huge.

every time I get one of my friends in smite the first thing I do is go through all co-op modes to show them and for CQ let them taste every role and then immediately go into normal (mostly assault to force them to try characters).

the things that are different in normal with co-op are:
-abilities will be used a lot more directly add you (e.g. a bot Anubis uses 2 abilities for clearing the wave while a player would save 1 of them and maybe even choose to put them directly on you instead of the minions) and almost never use their ultimate for clearign (looking at you bot Ymir)
-Chasing into (deep) the enemy jungle is a high risk low reward situation. as probably their mid or jungler will come to help killing you before you get the kill and otherwise killing you after you got the kill.
-abilities are harder to hit. Players will do more effort in dodging.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 21, 2015 4:29pm | Report
Not sure if you ONLY play Hel and Ao Kuang, but if that's true, it's really important that you get some time in with as many gods as you can, so you can learn their abilities and what they do. That really translates to a LOT of playing. I can tell you that I was pretty horrible for the first couple of months, and I didn't play Conquest!

Arena is great because you can choose whichever god you want, and that can help you get better with those two in a great teamfight situation that Bullfrog described. Assault, on the other hand, doesn't give you much choice...your god is randomly chosen for you. If a teammate and you have unlocked each others' gods, you might be able to trade, or you can try re-rolling once. In the long run, this just means that you're going to get a lot of playtime with gods of all types.

Once you've gotten a lot more familiar with teamfights and god abilities, then go back into Conquest with knowledge about build styles, counterbuilding, etc., and you'll probably have a lot more success.

If you play around the same time I do (10pm and later Pacific), and you want to try out Assault, I don't mind teaming up, if you'd like. Add me in game (Muffinman17). I've never mentored anyone, but I can try helping you out with builds for whatever god you get, and I can see what I can pick up about how you're playing and give tips. No guarantees that I'll be good myself!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SolarStyle » January 21, 2015 10:47pm | Report
Thanks for all the replies! I would definitely try all these tips out. Once again, thanks a lot! Also thanks for the offer muffin, I'll consider it :)
I'm still new so forgive me if I make stupid mistakes


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » January 22, 2015 6:49am | Report
Or if you play a bit later, you can invite me.
I play around 3 hours later (10:00 PM EST).
I mostly play Arena and Assaults.
IGN is the same : Bullfrog323


Prominent (27)
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