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General Melee Play Style Question

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Forum » New Player Help » General Melee Play Style Question 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryalken » November 27, 2014 12:06pm | Report
Hey again everyone,

So, when I play ranged classes like Mages or Hunters I can usually do pretty well, or atleast average. I can avoid getting killed too much, I can put out decent damage, and I can 'usually' avoid falling behind in gold and levels. If I play a Warrior or Assassin though, or really most any melee class, it goes badly. I have a hard time getting kills, I have a hard time not getting killed, and I fall behind in gold and levels quite easily.

It seems like anytime I try to close in to get in melee range so I can hit something, I either get killed, or take so much damage that I am forced to go back to base. It seems like getting last hits on minions is very difficult, and so I fall behind in gold easily. I also fall behind in levels, I think because I'm forced out of lane so much. On the other hand, if I stay back and play it really safe, I feel like I'm just loitering around and not helping my team lol. Also, I'm talking mostly about Jousts and non-Conquest match types here.

I guess my overall question is just to ask for some advice or tips or help in playing Warriors and Assassins. The problem has to be in my playstyle or build. For the most part I'm following the builds on, with discretion and study of course. I'm sorry if this question seems kind of broad or vague, but it's a bit difficult for me to narrow it down more than I have.

Any advice or help on playstyle, build, or anything is greatly appreciated! Thank you all very much for your time.


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » November 27, 2014 1:41pm | Report
well what your saying here is that you are playing way too aggressive. Also in Joust the warrior class goes as tank/support and assassin to adc character. Also as a melee you won't farm much depending on who you are. you just try too poke (if possible) or wait till someone on the enemy team makes a mistake.

all advise I can give you


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