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Hercules Mid

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Forum » New Player Help » Hercules Mid 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OGreatFox » April 11, 2013 2:05pm | Report
So I've recently been playing quite a bit of Smite, my favorite god having to be Hercules (not a god ARGH). Anyways, I prefer supports and all, but a lot of the times I'm in a team with two groups of two and therefore I'm forced to mid. I am horrible at most things that aren't support, so when I mid I'd like to stick to a god I'm good at, and so I appreciate Hercules mid.

I generally win the lane half the time, even winning against gods like Ra and Anubis. Yet, I still can't get the whole balance of harassing the enemy and going for minion farm, and I bet that's one of two problems I have. I always want to focus 100% on minions, but a lot of the times I lose the lane this way. I try to pull them when they're in line with range minions, but other than that little harassment unless I can get all minions dead with them overextending.

So beyond me not being able to find the balance of harassment and farming, I can't get my 3 timed correctly (The heal). I generally do it if they consistently harass me when I go to pull back the range minions, so I use my 3 and they don't harass, and it's not because they were afraid because I used my 3, it's because I mistimed it, wasting a lot of mana. So, timing the 3 is immensely difficult to me.

Then the last few things, I personally buy mark of vanguard to warrior tabby to dev gloves in mid. I'm fairly certain this is decent, but I'd appreciate some insight (Obviously beyond that being quite situational). Next, I level my 1 first then my 3 if I'm mid, and in sidelanes I level 3 and 1 evenly. This is correct in most cases I assume. Finally, I clear minions by pulling the range ones back and using my 1 to hit all of them. Is this the best way?

Finally, when should I buy my first active item? I always get very confused on this, I normally buy mark of vanguard + aegis + health/mana potions when I mid, and sidelanes I get the same but switch aegis for HOG.

I know it's a lot, just very curious about this. No I don't want to get into using mages and whatnot mid, I personally find Hercules one of the most fun "gods" therefore want to learn all aspects of him.


Posts: 15
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » April 12, 2013 2:16pm | Report
Hercules is also one of my favorite gods he was my main for a little bit but I switched back to Anhur because I still do the best with Anhur when I am a try hard.

I never played hercules mid lane, it doesn't sound like a good idea though for a few reasons. Hercules usually has to use his 2 then 1 to clear a minion wave, hercules will be facing long ranged mid gods most of the time. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying you can't mid with him but I would assume its going to be kind of tougher because I never played mid with hercules so I am going based on my thoughts of what would happen.

Yes you are clearing minions right with hercules. You use his 2 to grab the archers then turn around and use your 1 to push all the minions into your own minions which also pushes them further back for you to hit while their god has to stay back more.

You basically do the same combo on gods you face, use your 2 to bring them back then turn around and use your 1 to push them into your minions, pop your 3 then fight them.

Don't be afraid to snipe with your ULT I have hit many gods long range with his ULT just by throwing it at them, try to land the circle on them though since it does more damage I believe.

The only chance you have mid is your 2, if you don't land your 2 on them then you will probably lose that lane I assume because your 1 will just push them back and your 3 is only going to help you survive longer.

Oh I forgot there is one thing you might be able to do to win mid lane.
STOP THEM FROM FARMING!!! I'm not sure how good it works if you build herc for more damage since you might die from this but if you build him with some defense for the person you are fighting you can probably do this.

After you level up a bit you should be able to walk past both your minions and just try to 1v1 them. Pass up his minions and just sit there and block him from joining in the fight, you can turn around and hit his minions in the back and if he gets close try to use your 2. This is what I normally do in lanes, I just pass the minions up and keep the gods from farming by blocking them from getting close.

1v1 you should be okay especially if you build some defense. I really only use my 3 when I'm going to start the fight not before it. If you use your 3 before a fight you are assuming they are going to attack you. I use my 3 then start fighting.

So there are only a few things you can do mid for a chance to win it.
#1 build some defense for the god you are facing.
#2 use your 2 +1 combo on minions
#3 run pass the minions and stand there and stop him from getting close to the minions fighting so he can't farm them. Most of the time in the side lanes nobody will fight me they will back off when they see me pass their minions up.

Remember even if you are low on health, do not run if they are also on somewhat low health because your extra power will end up with them dying instead of you even though they have a tiny bit more HP. You have to judge it for yourself.

The ult is better used when on lower health.
I personally buy mediation early game because gives me instant mana instead of having to wait and I can spam more moves.

I wouldn't go mid with herc though if I can choose other wise.
Also sometimes I will buy frostbite hammer or whatever its called because it slows enemies when you hit them. Its actually good because when you hit them they can't run. Sometimes I pick it up sometimes I don't.

oh I almost forgot one more trick I do with hercules, this is good especially when they are running or on low health. Many people will think you are too far back to use your 2 on them, but what most people forgot that is if you REALLY WANTED TO you could use your 1 to dash in which will put them in range for your 2.

I do that all the time and it catches them off gaurd. Most people expect you to combo your 2 first then your 1 but If I can't catch them with my 2 sometimes I will have to dash in then use my 2 pop my 3 then get hits on them with my basic attack or ult.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OGreatFox » April 12, 2013 3:25pm | Report
Some nice tips in there that I'm sure would help. I do think that stopping them from farming by initiating behind their minions is a decent technique, especially due to his kit. Also thanks for the 1 to 2 combo, I saw that used by high tier players but never really got into using it. Now that I have multiple sources I'll probably try to do it a bit more.

Meditation I find somewhat iffy though. I suppose, especially in mid, that you could use it to keep farming and getting quick minion kills. But late game I just don't harass enough, but I suppose if I know I have meditation I can buy more wards/health potions and be better off. I just don't know if it's entirely worth it late game.

But I definitely will try the stopping them from farming trick, with his 3 it seems very viable.


Posts: 15

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