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How to counter certain types of Gods?

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Forum » New Player Help » How to counter certain types of Gods? 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryalken » March 9, 2015 12:23pm | Report
Hello everyone,

There are certain gods that, to me, seem almost impossible to fight against, but that other people do not seem to make a particularly big deal about. This makes me think that there is something that I must be missing. The two gods that come to mind at the moment, are Anubis and Ne Zha.

Yesterday, I was playing mid lane with Scylla, and I was against an Anubis. Now, I know that Scylla is weak early on, but this just seemed impossible. At level 1, Anubis was able to effectively clear the wave pretty easily. I, on the other hand, was having difficulty clearing the wave up until I had my Crush at max rank, and an item or so online. Even then, it wasn't the mindlessly easy kind of wave clear that Anubis had. I still had to auto-attack a time or two to bunch the minions a little, place the Crush down in just the right spot to catch them all, and then detonate it at the right time.

Of course, once the Anubis hit level 5, things just got substantially worse. Every 8 seconds or something, a Mummify went out towards me, and I was either able to sort of juke it, or I wasn't. If I wasn't, he used his ult, and easily secured a kill. If I didn't die from the ult, I was fatally low on health, and forced to back. My tower was taking constant damage anyways, because he'd throw out his clear, I'd throw out mine, and then I'd have to retreat back under my tower and continue to auto-attack the minions forever to finally get them down. This naturally resulted in me losing a lot of gold to the tower, even if I tried to clear the archers first. If I attempted to keep the minions from entering tower range, I'd end up eating a lot of poke from both minions and Anubis. And, since all of Anubis's abilities seem to just do absurd amounts of damage, I'd just keep getting forced out of lane, even if he didn't ult. Naturally, my tower got taken before I even had full boots online, and all the 'noob' remarks started coming my way.

One person told me to buy beads, which is obvious, of course. But I don't feel that beads are very helpful against Anubis until he has his Mummify at near maximum rank. Because the stun just doesn't last that long until he has 4 points in it or something. I purchased moving aegis first, which I popped when the mummify wore off. This did keep the ult from killing me. But everything he does besides his ult does so much damage, it's like it didn't even really matter if the ult didn't get me. But Anubis with some CDR, can ult constantly, and you can only Aegis about every other one. And you do have to buy beads also. But getting beads and aegis, puts you even farther behind in your itemization, and so your clear, which is already really weak on Scylla, stays weak for longer.

Another example, is Ne Zha. Times when I've jungled and the jungle on the other team was a Ne Zha, it just seemed stupid. If you encountered him, he used his ult and you died. I know that you can use beads on his ult, and I know that magi's blessing will stop it also. The problem is, that he's going to use Armillary Sash before he ults, which will get rid of your magi's blessing. And if he's a halfway decent player who sees that you have beads, he's going to wait for your to use them before he uses his ult. The other problem and I'd say the bigger problem, is that even IF you try to beads his ult, it's nearly impossible it seems, to hit them in time. Because like, literally, once he connects with it, you can no longer use your beads. Your timing has to be absolutely perfect to beads that ult. And its difficult to determine whether he's using the ult, or the armillary sash, and if you accidentally beads the wrong one, you're in big trouble.

I think this type of thing has become a problem for me now because Greater Aegis got nerfed. Now I feel like all you see in matches are these annoying stun-lock insta-kill type gods, and without Greater Aegis having value anymore, it seems impossible, or atleast insanely difficult to try to counter or fight against them in anyway.

I apologize for the length of this post, and I thank you all very much for your time. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » March 9, 2015 1:51pm | Report
Alright, with Anubis you really have to be a bit passive aggressive. For instance with Scylla, try and hit both Anubis AND the minions with your Crush to keep counterpressure up. On the notion of Beads I'd say don't put too much gold into beads until around level 10 when he gets rank 2 ultimate.

For Ne Zha Magi's Blessing is still a good item because it will allow you to potentially dodge the ultimate even after Armillary Sash takes it away because you get CC immunity for 1 second. which will give you more time to box the Ne Zha as a number of them won't risk missing the Ultimate. If the Ne Nha is waiting for you to pop beads, don't pop them just wait until he ults (you can often tell). The moral is, sometimes you have to use up those actives just to give yourself more time to kill the Ne Zha

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » March 9, 2015 1:58pm | Report
Both aren't very viable competitively for good reasons. Anubis, while he does have good lane clear and an insane Mummify ult combo isn't a very good mid laner. With Scylla, it's okay if some of his minions make it under tower, you won't lose that much gold. Focus more on staying back and poking him with Crush to force him out of lane. If he's pushing you right up to tower, then he's an easy gank for your jungler since he has no escapes (although they should buy beads first to be safe). Additionally, Anubis is a super easy target for Scylla since he has no mobility, so rooting him and then crushing or ulting him should be easy. Unlike Anubis, Scylla also has an easier time rotating because she has more mobility than him and just as much burst potential.

As for Ne Zha, all he's got is his burst, and he has to go all in to utilize it. Once that's gone he's defenseless. If he gets a few kills this leaves him with a really strong early game, but by late game he's almost guaranteed to die in a teamfight going all in like that, leaving him with a late game even worse than Thanatos (who has a better early and mid game anyway). If you're a squishy mage or adc fighting Ne Zha, you're going to die almost guaranteed if you're fighting in a 1v1, but as long as you ward and play safe this never needs to happen.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » March 9, 2015 6:11pm | Report
I would argue that Ne Zha is still pretty good late game to a degree in that if RNGesus bless him his damage out put Is crazy, on the other hand he could have a really substandard damage out put... He is way to unreliable to be nerd worthy and Anubis is countered by ganks because he has no way of escaping them


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mlyn148 » March 9, 2015 9:43pm | Report
For Anubis, I'd say juking his Mummify (or just juking in general) is something you learn. After you play for a while you start to get good at dodging most things.

If you hang out in the back of the lane and just waveclear with Crush you should be able to absolutely dominate him. If he is in the open or you think you have a good shot try and land your Sic 'Em, then he's at your mercy to either burst with your Crush or I'm a Monster.

Can his mummify go through minions? I'm not sure.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 10, 2015 7:29am | Report
I believe Mummify goes through minions.

but Anubis is teh biggest glass cannon because ith his ult and his 1 rooting himself. and in your story I miss a jungler keeping goobis at bay. His clear is faster and his burst is higher late game but he is in much more danger of getting bursted down then bursting people down because he is rooted.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » March 10, 2015 7:30am | Report
It can


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