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Need basics

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Forum » New Player Help » Need basics 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by 4L1B1 » May 30, 2016 11:29am | Report
Can someone give me basic tipps (mechanics, aggro, farming, general tipps,..) about smite?

I have over 2000 games in dota 2 and got smite for my ps4 now. I guess the games are similar so if you know dota maybe you can explain things like they are there :)

Any hero recommentations for me? Like to play some very mobile heroes in dota which can burst people ^^


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » May 30, 2016 11:41am | Report
If you don't have any specific questions, I'd recommend looking through Aramey's beginners guide. If you want something more specific to Conquest (the main Moba gamemode) I'd recommend Branmuffin's Conquest guide.

As for mobile bursty gods, I'll list some for each class.

Mage/Mid Lane: Agni, Janus, Scylla, Sol
Hunter/ADC: Cupid, Jing Wei, Medusa, Neith
Jungler: Fenrir, Awilix, Ao Kuang, Mercury, Serqet, Susano, Bastet, Thor.
Solo Lane: Bakasura, Loki, Odin, Tyr, Bellona, Kumbhakarna
Support (note that these are bursty for a support): Bacchus, Cabrakan, Ymir (not mobile but very bursty), Athena (not as bursty but very mobile).
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Blizzard: Zilby#11991_________Twitch: TheZilb

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 30, 2016 1:45pm | Report
The main thing your gonna notice is that Smite has a different format then dota (it more comparable to LoL). It doesn't really allow tri-lanes (or other stuff with roles).

For recommendations:
As almsot every character has an escape/gap closer (some have multiple) you can better look at the classes.
As your normal class probably involves more burst support characters in dota (Lina-Lion) you are probably gonna like mages a lot (however mostly talking about the burst mages (which most mages are capable off only some exceptions) see zilby's post for some examples)
Probably also gonna like the physical variant of them which are the ability based assassins.
these 2 classes are pretty squishy tho.
Several warriors are tankier and can also be bursty. Same for guardians (especcially if build differently then normal)
Lastly several hunters (or if you go crit almost all hunters) are pretty bursty (and with crit they kinda turn into PA).

Something that is pretty different from dota is how turret aggro works. instead of picking the closest target turrets will always target minions if they are in range unless you damaged an enemy god while being inside the turret range. Creep Aggro is pretty much the same.

I think you probably already noticed how farming is pretty different as denying isn't possible. Also you will gain gold if your close enough you don't need to last hit them however if you do you gain 50% more gold from the minion (you will hear a sound if you scored a last hit on the minion). And well gold is (like exp) shared if someone doesn't last hit it (e.g. if a minion is 8 gold when 2 people are in lane both gain 4 gold. however if someone last hits it that guy gets 12 and the other 4 unless Watcher's Gift is on him).

Hope this helps a bit. for more questions after reading the guide feel free to ask.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by 4L1B1 » June 2, 2016 11:12am | Report
Thank you for the help, the beginners guide really helped a lot. After playing some games im level 11 and fell in love with 2 gods, merkur for the amazing mobility and late game AA and Hel for the Nuking, sustain and teamfight power ^^. I won every single game with hel, even one where we had 2 people disconnecting i wrecked the enemy team with the help of a very skilled amor xD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by 4L1B1 » June 3, 2016 1:54am | Report
Need some more questions answered now ^^

Is it normal that you get 5 or even 6 slotted every game? And if yes, everytime im 6 slotted i have about 5 to 10k gold left, is there anything i can do with this gold except buying wards and consumables? Is there some kind of buyback or an item like divine rapier in dota?

When u always get 6 slotted, why doesnt everyone pick the strongest lategame heroes as early game is pretty much only waiting for the endgame then?

The next thing is about picking.
As you dont see the enemys picks you cant counterpick the enemy team. I wonder why there is no "ultimate team composition" which got the best synergies and kind of wombo combos?

Or is the game really THAT balanced?
Is there some kind of Meta Hero or Heroes that are simply unplayable right now?

In Dota you pick slark at the moment and win the game at the picking screen, thats why i dont play it right now. Im sick of the overbuffed and overnerved heroes after every patch... When your favourite Hero just cant win games...

Hope this wasnt too much at once xD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » June 3, 2016 7:23am | Report
I'm assuming you are playing Conquest, because the answers would be different for other modes.

Is it normal that you get 5 or even 6 slotted every game? And if yes, everytime im 6 slotted i have about 5 to 10k gold left, (...)

Provided no team has surrendered yet, a "normal" game would last around 30 minutes.
A full build would cost between 13k and 16k gold, depending of the gods.
So, if you have 6 items and still have 10k spare gold, this means 1 of the following
- You are fed AF, and you should just push to the win
- The game lasts very long and neither of the team seem to know how to end it.
- You are not buying the best items of the game (you can always replace an item for a better one).

In any case, at that point, just stop doing anything else than pushing or going/baiting for Fire Giant.

(...) is there anything i can do with this gold except buying wards and consumables? Is there some kind of buyback or an item like divine rapier in dota?

I don't know DOTA nor what this divine rapier is, but I would guess this is the most luxury item you could ever get, but that cost a fortune ... or 2.
In Smite, once you have your full build, you can buy consumables, such as Potion of Physical Might / Potion of Magical Might for 450g.
If you have even more gold, you can buy Elixir of Power / Elixir of Defense for 3000g.
When you buy one of these, the game should not last very longer than the duration of the elixir.

When u always get 6 slotted, why doesnt everyone pick the strongest lategame heroes as early game is pretty much only waiting for the endgame then?

Maybe in low level all the games last enough long to reach late game, but at level 30, most of the games are over before the 20 minutes mark, because of a surrender.
That means early game gods that can snowball easily, such as Fenrir or Thanatos, are good picks.
Even if they fall off late-game, the enemy can surrender before.

The next thing is about picking.
As you dont see the enemys picks you cant counterpick the enemy team. I wonder why there is no "ultimate team composition" which got the best synergies and kind of wombo combos?

Counterpicking is only available in Ranked Conquest.
In Normal games, you can pick any team comp that you want.
You can create your "ultimate team composition" if you want, but there is always a way to counter it.

Or is the game really THAT balanced?
Is there some kind of Meta Hero or Heroes that are simply unplayable right now?

Hmm no the game is not that balanced, there are clearly gods better than others for a given role.
However, at low level, any god can do well, since the player skill difference is so high.
Once you reach level 30, you will be paired with other level 30 players that have a similar skill level.
At that point, you may want to choose a god above average to get the upper hand (or at least to avoid your opponent to get the upper hand).

In Dota you pick slark at the moment and win the game at the picking screen, thats why i dont play it right now. Im sick of the overbuffed and overnerved heroes after every patch... When your favourite Hero just cant win games...

In Smite, replace "slark" by "the newest god" and you are right.
Like currently, if the enemy team has a Ratatoskr or Susano (or both) and your team does not, you pretty much start with a disadvantage.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 3, 2016 9:28am | Report
What Bullfrog said...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by 4L1B1 » June 3, 2016 10:28am | Report
Thx for the fast and good advice!
I had games lasting for almost 50 minutes xD

I just dont have the feeling how long it takes to push down a lane or kill a phoenix/titan after a won teamfight. This will get better with experience i guess. So i will try to end my games faster and also tell my team when the time has come to do so ^^


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » June 3, 2016 11:59am | Report
You are right, only experience will tell you when you have time to push a lane completely and kill titan upon a deicide.

However, you should see it more like a progression.
Whenever you win a team fight, either it be after 5 minutes, either after 50 minutes, you should try to make the most benefit from this temporary advantage.

At low level, it doesn't really matter if the call is the best one or not.
As long as you get a benefit (T1 tower, T2 tower, phoenix, Gold Fury or Fire Giant) from a won team fight, you are going toward the win.

Late-game, if you are sure that you can't kill titan fast enough, go for the Fire Giant.
Otherwise, go to the titan and kill all the phoenixes.
If you can't kill the titan, at least your are very close to the win.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 6, 2016 9:26am | Report
Wait Slark is considered OP lol. Slark is more annoying then OP really. As most slarks don't buy BKB a bad use of dark pact can mean a dead slark as a stun and chain stunning is painful. Also his win rate dropped with a full 1.5% after 6.87c.

Slark is really good in solo queue tho because uncoordinated people.


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