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New to the game, looking for good youtube guides.

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Forum » New Player Help » New to the game, looking for good youtube guides. 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IOnlyDateCrakHos » June 3, 2016 12:11am | Report
I'm playing on a PS4 if that matters at all, but what I'm looking for are youtube guides/tutorials. I've found a couple good ones, but I'm down for any you've got. Guides for specific gods are okay, but I'd really like guides to different game modes, the meta, how to play altogether. I'm lvl 10 and doing pretty well on Neith, but failing out pretty hard on the rest of the gods I've been trying.

Thanks in advance!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tweek244 » January 14, 2017 9:56am | Report
If you still play check out rayndaygaming. He's got a positive outlook and some useful tidbits


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by maribearie » January 16, 2017 12:48am | Report
DukeSloth is also very, very helpful! :3


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » January 18, 2017 4:19pm | Report
Even people that still play are really good. I like w3aken,incon, barracuda they give good advice on play style. They stream on twitch too you can watch them live or re watch there streams there.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by overld1 » January 18, 2017 6:41pm | Report


I know that you're new but really how did you messed up his name. Cmon man common sense here.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 18, 2017 9:28pm | Report
There are 2 "e"s, and he chose the wrong one, 50/ biggie.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » January 19, 2017 1:43am | Report
I'm writing on my phone so it's hard to spell correctly Sorry lol


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » January 19, 2017 1:48am | Report
overld1 wrote:

I know that you're new but really how did you messed up his name. Cmon man common sense here.

It's how did you mess up his name not messed up his name speaking of spelling lol

I have always been really good at spelling g you could say that was my best subject in school


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Praefex » February 19, 2017 3:49pm | Report
There's a lot of good Youtube channels but I would also recommend sitting through the god builder and just reading through the items, stats and also the gods/abilities. SMITE is all about the items, gods and game objectives (which are similar to all other major MOBAs).

A few things I would suggest learning for a better experience:

- Learn a few gods from different classes.
- Learn about team composition. Most of the time, people use these "standard" teams (e.g. Mage, Guardian, Hunter, Assasin, Warrior).
- Remember to play WITH your team.

In conquest, the community will for instance normally expect:

- Adc paired with a support (guardian/warrior) in the longest side lane of the map.
- Jungler (usually an assasin) going around the jungle buff/xp camps and helping other lanes.
- Mid (usually a mage) in middle lane.
- Solo goes on the short lane of the map.
- At the beginning of the game, the mage takes the red buff with the help of the guardian and hunter.
- The Jungler and Solo go for speed buff then mana buff.

The list of the game community and MOBA customs could go on but it's simply a matter of getting used to.

A few extra notes:

- Keep a constant eye on the map.
- Don't wander off too far on your own.
- Don't try to fight multiple enemies alone.
- Learn the voice commands, and use them to warn/communicate with your team.
- Watch pro league videos and ranked videos, try to learn from others.
- Don't instant lock.
- Archer minions do more damage and have less defense.
- Towers do a lot of damage, especially at the start of the game. If you attack an enemy under their tower's range, the tower will target you.
- Some abilities can go through walls.
- Keep an eye on the buff camps re-spawn icons.
- Learn about counter building.
- Starter items and boots can be necessary early. With the exception of a starter item in arena.


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