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Question about Unconventional Roles and Gods

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Forum » New Player Help » Question about Unconventional Roles and Gods 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryalken » December 9, 2014 10:15am | Report
Hey everyone,

So, for the most part in Conquest, the general consensus seems to be that you want an ADC and Support in duo/long lane, a Warrior type in solo lane, a Mage in mid, and an Assassin jungling. Now, I am aware that sometimes unconventional gods can be used for certain roles, such as Freya in the jungle. What I don't understand in some cases though is why you want certain roles/classes in certain lanes.

Like, a lot of times in normal Conquest matches you see goofy things happen that probably are happening because the players on the other teams don't know any better, or maybe because I'm new and don't any better lol. What confuses me is when these things actually end up working out pretty well.

For example, I played Rama in duo lane with an Aphrodite support the other day, against a Neith and Vulcan. My first thought was like, a Vulcan in duo lane? But then it seemed like it was almost impossible to fight against. The two of them could clear the waves super fast, and Vulcans turrets combined with his ground targeted knock up ability made it to where we couldn't clear waves well at all. So, we spent the whole time pretty much pushed back to our tower.

Another thing that happens sometimes, is when the other team probably gets the solo and duo lanes confused and you end up with one person in the duo lane, and then two people in the solo lane. Or two people in both lanes. This happened to me when I was solo laning with Hercules. I had the enemy hunter and tank in the solo lane against me and it was like impossible to do anything against. The range on their hunter made poking me super easy, along with their tank CCing me and so on.

So my question I guess is sort of two-fold. First, what are you supposed to do when things like this happen? Second, why wouldn't you do these things if they seem to work so well? For example, why not have a mage and tank in duo lane or a mage and hunter?

I saw that someone else posted a question similar to this asking about which classes can be ADC. They answered that usually a Mage goes into the middle lane, but why not have a mage in both lanes? If you know the enemy solo laner is going to be a warrior type, why not have a hunter in that lane? Because it seems as a warrior you can't really fight against range of any kind.

I apologize if this question is too long and unorganized, but thank you all very much for taking the time to read and answer.


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by leoargsal » December 9, 2014 11:19am | Report
Hello again!

Well, putting something not conventional in the lanes is an attempt to do something called "break the meta". As you just said, there are some gods that work very well against others, so why not using them on the lanes that probably will have someone in disadvantage? I saw once an Anubis doing solo agains a Guan Yu and the warrior couldnt do **** against the poking. But doing that depends more on the player than on the gods.
If you put a mage and a support in duo lane against a hunter and another support it is more likely that the hunter/sup will do it better, because once the mage have used his skills and didnt get to kill the hunter, he can come forward with basic attacks (thing that a mage cant compete against a hunter) and will be crushed. But if the mage is way too good and doesnt miss his shots at all, so he makes a very hard job for the hunter, specially if the mage has a strong area attack as Nox, Scylla, Kukulkan, Vulcan or some others.

Going now to the lane that you talked about: Neith+Vulcan X Rama+Aphrodite.
You said yourself that their pokes were way to strong and the lane cleaning was too fast. True story. But on the same way, with you were matched with a tank and you got a hunter with some CC (apollo, for exemple) you could counter them easily (well, as I said, the player skill is what counts the most, but considering them on the same level) because while the tank could protect/support the hunter, the hunter could engage the mage easily and once one of them is killed, the other one becomes very week, and why is that? because even though this kind of duo lane is very strong in damaging and poking and stuff, the sustain is very low and mostly their HP and deffences are low as well...

The hunter thing in the solo lane. It is doable, but i wouldnt recomend it. Id rather have a mage (if we are considering breaking the meta here) because most of them have area attacks and/or crowd control skills. The warriors are know for offtanking, having both strenght and deffence, so a well built one wont lose to a hunter (because of his defence) neither to a mage (going again to the player skill thing). But let's consider an hunter in solo lane against a warrior. There are many warriors who have a strong poke as well like chaac, odin, vamana, wukong... and those are very hard for a warrior alone to fight against, because once they are near you, you are pretty much doomed.

The thing you said about being ending up alone against 2 in the lane, if this happen it is very likely that the same is happening on the opposite lane, if not, the other team is playing without a jungler, which, at least in my view, is not very recomended. If the case is that both solo lanes are agains duo lanes, you can just switch with each other and work this out. If the case is that the other team is without a jungler, you can proceed in 2 ways: 1- if you think you are strong enough to hold the 2 of them alone with the jungler coming time to time, your team will have an advantage, because the other lanes will be supported by the jungle without receiving a counter-jungle from the other team; resulting in 2 lanes pushed against 1. 2- If you cant hold the 2 alone, all that is left is to play in the same way, calling the jungler to also do a duo lane with you and put a 2x2 in the 'solo' lane as well.

Just to summarize: The most important things are the composition of the lane and the player skills. Even being a common sense to put a warrior in solo, a mage in mid, an assassin in jungle and a hunter+sup(tank or not) in duo, this composition is not a rule, you have to work out the best way to help your team! Never forget to think about the whole team composition as well, because when it comes to team fights those are also really important.

Hope I helped you with those 'advices'.

Enjoy the game!


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Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 9, 2014 12:41pm | Report
I'm not perfectly agreeing with the comment above me.

what you say about the role (warrior guardian etc) they are meant that way. But the mages are odd because some of them aren't like the normal mid mage. freya has been meant to be a jungling mage (because recommended lists jungle) and chronos is mostly seen as an adc mage and aphro is seen as a support for the healing and her Kiss. Also the solo lane isn't only meant for warriors anymore. You will mostly see mages their nowadays (but herc and chaac are pretty common too) with Ra being the most fearsome mages to see in solo.

if something that's breaking the meta happens (like with the vulcan) you will need to addapt your strategy more. and look at team compositions. because they didn't have a tank they are going to have a hard time in late game. also just try to play like normal the onyl thing you need to do is dodge different attacks and as a support adjust your build.

the solo lane 1v2 it happens sometimes. normally this is a big mistake on their part. because the duo lane is going to have the same thing as the other teams duo lane. tis normally means that the jungle doesn't need to go to duo a lot. so just ask the jungler to babysit you (and that's what the jungler should do except if they do a 2-1-2) because you are a mix between damage and defense (bruiser) you can normally make it and otherwise just opt to lose some money in the tower. at the end you will out lvl them and then you can easily get some kills on their adc.

when the meta gets really broken (and with that I mean something like a 2-2-1 what did work pretty well giving the mid laner a big advatage) you should be more careful because this ends up in chaos really fast


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