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Some tips and beginner help on Joust 3v3 needed :)

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Forum » New Player Help » Some tips and beginner help on Joust 3v3 needed :) 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Calendri » March 2, 2015 7:19am | Report
1) Is there a recent joust 3v3 guide. I looked on the internet, but could only find 2 descent guides on joust 1v1 which in my opinion have nothing to do with 3v3. So maybe anyone here has seen a guide or red interesting threads on 3v3? Pls share :)

2) What is the best team composition? I see a lot guarduan/hunter/mage But it seems to me that warrior might replace the guardian at some points and assassins also might have a descent role here. If so, what is the best combi with an assassin?

3) How important is jungle in joust? I see that a lot of peeps ignore the jungle on the lower lvls, although i red on a forum that everyone should have HoG just to solo jungle on lower lvls. So what do higher lvls think about this?

I think that is it for now since i can't come up with any more questions at this point. I played a couple of joust 3v3 games. Not much, but i enjoy it alot and wanne learn more! I hate the guys instalocking at the start of the choosing. And then telling my what role to pick. But since im a team player i just can't ignore the fact that i want a descent team composition to maximize the winning changes. Usually i play with a friend, so then that problem is less.
But still, to keep is short, if you have any more important beginner tips for me pls share! They are all welcome.:)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » March 2, 2015 11:02am | Report
I'm working on a joust 1v1 guide if that means anything.

I haven't seen any joust 3v3 guides anywhere but you can still look. There isn't a single good comp, it depends from god to god. I'd say a guardian or warrior, mage, and hunter or assassin. Jungle is actually important in terms of xp adavantage. The red buff will give you the most xp/gold, then the purple, and then the blue giving the least. You don't need hog for these though, you should be able to clear it by yourself by the second or third time camps spawn.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 3, 2015 2:43am | Report
I don't know with guides

the best composition depends on the other gods normally you would see a mage-adc/asassin and guardian/warrior sometimes you will see a healer mage instead of the guardian warrior.

The jungle is important mostly because of the advantage and the buff themselves make you stronger too. Not everyone should have a HoG though as mages and carrys can clear the jungle pretty fast without a HoG after some time. Only the guardian and some warriors will have an advatage when wearing a HoG especcially for the first buffs against an invade


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FunnyBunny » March 5, 2015 11:48am | Report
Alright, I'm no expert in explaining how smite works but I'll try using the best of my abilities.

Since Joust (3v3) is a one lane game with buffs, team fights are bound to happen. So before anything picking characters that match well together is a no brainer, and will usually determine who'll win the fight based on how clumsy your enemy team is. At the beginning of the game there are many ways you could start this. You could invade while they take buffs or you could grab your own buffs and leave it like that. Personally I prefer to take buffs first. My reasoning for doing this is because I believe that if you're getting rekt but you don't feed and you turtle you can then entirely counter-attack, wipe the enemy team, and win the game. Back onto buffs, keeping buff control early-mid game is pretty important. This goes back to what I said earlier about getting rekt.

One thing I've also noticed is that depending on how the teams are setup, it'd most likely be best to pick one enemy off before charging in guns blazing. Of course, unless you're team is entirely confident and you know yourself you can pull it off. I think right now for your level you should be fine though. One thing that you could also try on occasion (If either you or your teammate is an assassin) is trying to gank the lane through the middle, it could throw off the enemy once in a while if they don't pay attention at all. Lastly, the biggest mistake I think new players make is getting too thirsty for kills. If it doesn't happen right away I'd say don't worry about it as long as you have lane push.

If any of the real experts have any comments or constructive criticism on what I just typed please give it to me. I'd definitely like to improve my knowledge on the game.
wut r u casul?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 6, 2015 12:25am | Report
Bunny is right on the most things yesterday the game let me join as Rama when the game was 7 min underway (game crashed so needed to restart it :/). Both teams were pre-made (me my brother and a friend against one clan) teams were Rama- Sobek- Kukulkan vs Bellona- Bakasura- Chang'e

I told my team to play defensive until I joined. When I came in the game the enemy had gotten pretty greedy and the score was 6-5 for us. I was behind so I proceeded to farm my dev stacks and play a bit of bait as the moment I came in lane they targeted me. they killed me in 2-3 hits but they paid for it as our sobek and kukulkan took down 3 of them (note the big lvl difference as they had only be with 2 persons all the time we had 2 people of lvl 13 and they only lvl 9-10)

I adapted my lvling (focussing my roll first as otherwise everytime they jumped to me I would be dead). after some minutes when I had gotten my ult thing had gone better for me (getting a kill straight after). I also started with clearing some camps if I died solo (especcially purple)

in the end we won and I was highest lvl of the game and top player damage of our team.

This also shows that hunter's are better then assassins as they can clear safer and most of the time have an escape which assassins need to use for closing the gap to their target (every baka leap I rolled so he couldn't true damage me too death).

Also note that if you can get your creeps under their tower to sometimes not attack the tower but let them lose farm (a tower shot removes the money from the minion it hit so last hitting or the death of teh minion will reward xp only). this will allow you to get ahead in farm and that equals more items for your team and less for them.


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