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11.2 Bonus Update Notes | Live March 5

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Forum » News » 11.2 Bonus Update Notes | Live March 5 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 4, 2024 7:18pm | Report

By: TitanDandy | 2024/3/4





"This Shard has been the clear favorite of multiple roles, and we have specifically noted that there has been a huge uptick in farming efficiency across the board. We have noticed it contributing to snowball and a shift in the Gold/XP balance between lanes, so we are decreasing specifically the minion damage to target that issue."
  • Decreased minion damage from 25% to 15%


"With the change to standard stacking items in 11.1, we have noticed that Transcendence users have been able to evolve it sooner than we had intended. As such, it has led to value being placed in physical mid laners that has shifted mages out of the spotlight. Of course, this also affects assassins and is not the core reason for mages being undervalued, but we are planning more changes in upcoming patches to address this."
  • Increased damage required per stack from 700 to 800


"Being one of the most stat efficient items in the game, Fail-Not finds itself amongst both Crit hunter builds and Ability hunter builds. As such, we want to knock it down just a smidge on both for those angles."
  • Decreased Physical Power from 35 to 30
  • Decreased Critical Strike Chance from 20% to 15%


"Basic Attack warriors have held their position at the top of the meta for some time now, so we’ll be addressing their main laning phase boon by making them slightly more vulnerable."
  • Decreased Physical Protection from 50 to 40


"In the 11.2 main patch, we decreased the amount of time to stack Conduit Gem by half. Our prediction was that doubling the efficiency of this item would make it insanely good, however there was much confusion on if this adjustment was actually a buff or a nerf, so we wanted to clarify our change by firmly making it a buff."
  • Increased True Damage per stack from 1 to 2



"The classic ranked menace, Thanatos, has maintained his status as a top ban for years. While this character has strong potential in the late game, it has always been his early game that stands out. We wanted to make sure his iconic Death Scythe damage still feels impactful, but by nudging the Penetration he gets from Scent of Death downward, it will strictly hone in on the high skill Thanatos players in the early game."

  • Decreased Penetration from 15/20/25/30/35 to 10/15/20/25/30


"We’ve observed that the Ferryman has been taking quite a number of souls lately! Though he did receive a nerf in the main 11.2 patch, Charon’s damage still remains quite high – even when being played support!"

  • Decreased initial hit damage from 90/120/150/180/210 to 80/110/140/170/200

  • Decreased damage from 230/300/370/440/510 to 225/290/355/420/485


"Bellona stands among the best of the best when it comes to Basic Attack warriors, and much of that (beyond itemization, of course) has to do with the frequency she is able to engage and disengage using the mobility and utility of her ultimate."

  • Increased Cooldown from 75s to 90s


"Stop, hammer time” is taking on a whole new meaning! Thor has consistently been a top pick and ban in ranked, and one of the biggest reasons why is his late game burst potential. While that certainly is a big point of frustration, we believe that aspect of his character is a core reason why players enjoy playing as him, so instead, we want to adjust the frequency of the interaction rather than eliminate it entirely."

  • Increased Cooldown from 12s to 14s

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