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Hi-Rez Weekly EU Tournament Recap

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Forum » News » Hi-Rez Weekly EU Tournament Recap 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Retributi0n » July 14, 2013 12:42pm | Report

If you ask me, today's EU tournament was a bit of a let down. Between the lack of participating teams, to the dreadful DDOS attacks, it was something to forget....with the exception of a few things.

Much like yesterdays NA tournament, two main teams dominated today's tournament, those two being Denial Esports EU and SK Gaming. The first match of the day features the former, facing off against a VexXEU team that has been improving over the last few weeks. It was a no contest in this match though, Denials GameHunter showed us why he is one of Smites best AD Carry, as well as Mugiwawa showing off how good Athena can be in competitive play. When I say no contest, I mean it--Denial was on fire and they showed it by pitching a shut out, not allowing VexXEU to secure any kills through the entirety of the match.

Match two showcased two of EU's most popular teams, SK Gaming and Bipolar Method. It also showcased something we have seen a lot more of these past 2 weeks, teleport was used and in my opinion was a decisive tool for SK Gaming. BM looked to be controlling the match for the first ten minutes, but it was an engagement at the Gold Fury (which SK stole) that allowed SK Gaming to balance the scales and even put the control back in their favor. During that engagement, SK Gaming took advantage of Hyrrok (Hun Batz) and Lawbster's (Zeus) decision to keep chasing. After this point, SK Gaming's lead kept growing--while BM was able to pick off the enemy a few times here and there, it wasn't enough to pull the game back in their grasp.

The third match of the day was interrupted by what everyone knows as DDOS attacks. Just before the ten minute mark, two Denial EU players fell victim to disconnects that we later found out were DDOS attacks. QVOFred (Thor) had already secured four of Denials five kills, with Sprayarn (Odin) having the 5th. With both of these skilled players gone, Denial seemed in a tough spot--nope. The remaining Denial players kept their heads up and kept pushing, their three man composition consisted of Athena, Neith and Aphrodite. The synergy between this teams players was really showcased, because these three were able to secure kills, all the while pushing lanes and finally into the minotaur to end the game.

Sadly the players who were victims of the DDOS attacks were unable to participate any further in the tournament, which led to Denial having to forfeit the Grand Finals match up against SK Gaming. We did get to see the bronze match between Bipolar Method and Xen of Onslaught though. Which may have surprised some. When I say this match was balanced, I mean it was balanced--at least early and mid game were. Throughout the early game, any team that secured a kill, would in turn give up that many deaths to the enemy team. Once the later game rolled around, both teams were able to pick each other off at various times, Bipolar Method was just able to do it more often. BM's lead steadily grew into more than XOO could handle and we saw the surrender vote go through.

It is unfortunate that we didn't get to see the Grand Finals played out due to DDOS attacks, but congratulations to SK Gaming on their win and also to everyone who participated in the tournament.

Again, thank you for reading. Keep in mind, these are meant to be quick recaps for those individuals who may not have had a chance to watch the tournament, but would like a quick rundown of what took place. Thanks again.

<eSports Writer>

Notable (1)
Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » July 14, 2013 1:07pm | Report
Denial would of won but **** happens GG to all teams :D


Remarkable (8)
Posts: 188

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