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Maman Brigitte: A Closer Look

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 19, 2023 11:36am | Report

By: TitanAggro | 2023/9/18



There are many deities that handle the transition from life to death. But of those deities, only one is also known for her passion, obscenities, and fierce protection of women. Maman Brigitte is fun-loving and boisterous like her husband, Baron Samedi, but tends to take her responsibilities more seriously.

As a Lwa in charge of shepherding souls from the land of the living to the afterlife, Maman Brigitte is intimately connected with the process of dying. She has the ability to save those who are not yet meant to pass on, but she is also capable of expediting the process if she deems it appropriate for a particularly troublesome soul. She is protective of graveyards, especially the graves of women.


As the Protector of the Dead, Maman Brigitte has no tolerance for those messing with the affairs of the deceased. While Baron Samedi may use his smooth talking to dissuade others from interfering with his duty, Maman Brigitte is more likely to stop them by force. She’s a master of tough love, with an emphasis on “tough.” Just like her partner, she will beat you with a smile and a joke. She just might punch a bit, ok a lot, harder.

Maman Brigitte is usually shown as a black woman in modern art, and in SMITE we chose to use these more modern depictions as the basis for our designs. However, as many Voodoo aficionados know, there are various other sources that often describe her as white skinned with red hair. We wanted to stay true to these Voodoo roots while honoring her iconic artistic themes, so we tapped into a natural curly red hairstyle, and a lighter shade of dark skin than is often seen in modern depictions. We feel like this look elegantly compliments her other Voodoo-themed visuals.

We wanted Maman Brigitte to ride that line between life and death with her gameplay look and feel. Manipulating souls, excelling at killing low health enemies, and doing it all with style.


  • Theme – Protector of the Dead – While swiftly assassinating her enemies may not seem like the most “Protector” thing for Maman Brigitte to do, she’s not one to do things any way but her own. In SMITE, she is a firm believer in the old adage “the best defense is a good offense.” She’s watched as too many innocent souls have been taken by her enemies and she does not intend to let more souls suffer. Unless they deserve it, of course.
  • Visuals - Voodoo Vibes – With this being our second addition to the Voodoo pantheon, we had to make sure that Maman Brigitte stood out. Both in comparison to her man, Baron Samedi, but also other feminine deities that relate to death, like Cliodhna.
  • Personality - Fiery and Boisterous – Maman Brigitte is known for her particularly foul mouth and fierce passion. She is no stranger to embarrassing overconfident fools who think they can beat her in a drinking contest or arm wrestling. And when she beats them, if they don’t like her laughter and boasts then they should’ve simply been better. No sore winners here, only sore losers.
  • Perspective - Celebration – After watching her husband, Baron Samedi, party it up and have fun on the Battleground for years, Maman Brigitte decided it was time to show the other gods that he’s not the only Voodoo deity that knows how to party. If it also happens to let her defeat some evil and shepherd some innocent souls to rest, well that’s just a funny coincidence. Could that have been her plan all along? This is no time for thinking, it’s time to celebrate! Maman is here!


We knew that we wanted Maman Brigitte to be an Assassin, but had to make sure that she stood out. There are lots of dagger wielding Assassins: Pele, Loki, and Cliodhna to name a few. We also wanted to make sure that we brought some of the more modern flair that players love about Baron Samedi to Maman Brigitte without making them too similar to one another.

The development team immediately loved the hair of A and the unique clothing style from many of these concepts. Combining a couple of the standout elements of these concepts brought Maman Brigitte to life.

We knew that we wanted to incorporate black rooster feathers and her pepper-infused rum bottle, two major symbols that are associated with Maman Brigitte. After we had her overall look in a great spot, we needed to decide on her weapon!

E and F were too similar to Cliodhna’s machete-like blade, and C felt a little too impractical for a woman of Maman Brigitte’s skills. The smaller hip or thigh dagger in A or B felt like the best match! That brought us to the incredible Maman Brigitte that you will see on the Battleground of the Gods.

We wanted her color palette to stand apart from Baron Samedi and Nox, who are both almost entirely purple. The splash of green on her bottle and snake tattoo were excellent differentiators. We were also very excited to be able to incorporate her sigil onto the back of her skirt, though you’ll also see it occasionally in her in-game special FX!


Maman Brigitte does her best work at the razor thin edge between life and death. She is a Magical Assassin that is meant to be played in the Jungle, the first since Ao Kuang in SMITE’s first year of official release! She is unique in that her non-ultimate abilities don’t provide the burst damage you’d expect from an Assassin. Instead, Maman Brigitte’s kit is centered around damage over time effects. But what good is an Assassin that steadily chips away at an enemy’s Health instead of just eliminating them? That’s where her Passive comes in.

Maman Brigitte plays like a true Assassin. Elusive and threatening, she is capable of putting out incredible damage and finishing off low health targets with ease. Her strength comes in her late game power, rivaling some of the premiere late game Assassins with her 1v1 outplay potential. The flow of her kit may take a few games to master, but the payoff is immense.


  • A gameplay loop centered around activating her Passive in rapid succession, with her Passive being a major factor in her damage output.
  • An ability that uses a fuel-like system with no regeneration and an effect once she runs out of fuel.
  • A new projectile shape
  • A dash that features a twist on an established fan-favorite mechanic
  • An ability that has different potential sizes based on gameplay conditions
Maman Brigitte has been watching this party from the sidelines for far too long. She’s here to out drink, beat up, and curse out the competition – in whatever order they’d prefer.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RichardMartin » September 21, 2023 3:58am | Report
She looks so beautiful. I must appreciate the developer team who made her. Welcome, college friends! Recently, I came across an informative article titled, ‘5 Best College Homework Help Web Sites in 2023’. This article is a GradesFixer and valuable resource for college students. If you are experiencing difficulty with assignments, then this guide is for you. It thoroughly analyzes each platform, thus making it easy to choose the most suitable one. I highly recommend reading this article. Good Luck.


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