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SMITEFire Weekly Challenge #12 - Coup de Grâce!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Weekly Challenge #12 - Coup de Grâce! 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » June 22, 2020 2:01am | Report

Hey everyone! We're excited to announce our latest SMITEFire Challenge, a new type of community event that will spice up your SMITE matches! We all know that nothing's better than a good match of SMITE, but now it will be even more exciting with our weekly challenges that anyone can take a shot at. Check out this week's challenge and good luck in trying it out! :D

More information on the SMITEFire Challenge and how to participate can be found below.

Pro Tip: Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to never miss a SMITEFire Challenge!

SMITEFire Challenge - Coup de Grâce!

Beat this week's challenge of having at least 1 kill per minute as any Assassin and have the chance to be one of our winners!

You're free to attempt this challenge in any Joust, Conquest, Siege or Clash match against players using any Assassin God. Remember to focus on the enemy Titan though, winning the match is the ultimate goal while our challenges are a fun bonus! ;)

There will be 10 winners chosen randomly from all the eligible participants that will receive an Awesome Chest each.

Only matches that are played during this week (Monday, 22nd - Sunday, 28th PST) and have beat the challenge are eligible.

Clarification: You must have at least 1 kill per minute in a match as any Assassin. For example, if the match lasted 15 minutes, you must have at least 15 kills to beat the challenge. Winning the match is not required. It's the ideal challenge to invite your friends and complete it together. Have fun! :)

How To Participate

  1. You must have a SMITEFire account to be able to participate. Don't have an account? You can create one here.

  2. Play during this week and try to beat the Weekly Challenge - Have at least 1 kill per minute as any Assassin.

  3. Once the SMITEFire Challenge has been fulfilled, find the Match ID. (example)

  4. Reply to this post with the Match ID you've found and your in-game username. You can only submit one match!
    Note: Make sure your profile is not hidden during Monday so we are able to check your entry!

  5. That's it! Winners will be announced next Monday and will receive an email to claim their prize!
    Note: Your SMITE account level must be at least 20 to receive Awesome Chests. All platforms are eligible.

Previous Challenge Winners!

We would like to congratulate the winners of last week's challenge! Make sure to check your emails and claim your Awesome Chest!
  • Bonsly11
  • Jojofit
  • themis695
  • xRullez
  • tomthom
  • ValynStyx
  • LoopyShoe
  • DoomtrainMD
  • LivingRoomSet

We wish you good luck and we're excited to hear your thoughts on our challenges!

Feel free to ask any questions and let us know if you have any fun idea for the next challenge! :D

Note: 'Match Sniping' is prohibited and may not be used to fulfill the challenges (queuing in less active regions in order to get matched with friends to easily beat the challenges). Participants that are found to use 'Match Sniping' won't have the chance to win.
<Community Manager>

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Distinguished (54)
Posts: 362
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PatoLoco » June 23, 2020 3:39am | Report
IGN: PatoLoco69
Match ID: 1053561509


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShadyPhoenix276 » June 23, 2020 4:37am | Report
IGN: ShadyPhoenix276
Match ID: 1053570253


Posts: 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Naykor » June 23, 2020 6:00pm | Report


Posts: 40
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CRYHIGH » June 23, 2020 7:04pm | Report
Match id :1053837505


Posts: 43
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sokrat10 » June 23, 2020 9:44pm | Report
IGN : Bayonita
Match id :1053902187


Posts: 42
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by lem0nzster » June 24, 2020 9:36pm | Report
Ign: Leyguine
Matchid : 1054302092


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheXLayer » June 25, 2020 9:43am | Report
IGN: TheXLayer
Match ID: 1054441769


Posts: 30
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by kamicorp » June 25, 2020 12:28pm | Report
Thats one hard challenge, looks almost impossible for me. Tried Thanatos yet I was half kills to go xD
EDIT: I managed to beat it!
ID: 1054498232
Name: KamiCorp (PC)
Note: I do not have the highest number of kills, but I believe it was not necessary (or stated in the rules). I still fulfil the rules by 11 kills in 11 minutes.


Notable (1)
Posts: 34
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ray-sama » June 25, 2020 3:20pm | Report
IGN: Nyarlatotep__
Match ID: 1054557622


Posts: 20

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