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E3 2016 - Pics, Thoughts

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 17, 2016 11:42am | Report
Went to E3 yesterday (a yearly thing, been going for the past few years). Thought I'd share.

Standard/generic pic showcasing the Square Enix booth area.

Me w/ Charles Martinet (the voice of Mario). He was going down the line, and repeatedly pulling out trademark Mario sounds (haha! Whee-hee!). Who else thinks he should have been breaking a brick above our heads instead of that thumbs-up?

After E3, we hang out at a bar in downtown Los Angeles, called EightyTwo. We parked around the corner, and this was what was on the wall.

Sadly, E3 was significantly less impressive in some ways than in years past. Several big-name companies, including EA, Disney, and Activision Blizzard, didn't participate, and it was noticeable in how much emptier the place was. Swag was also a lot harder to find. I did end up getting a pretty cool Persona 5 cat beanie, though.

I only went the last day, and was too lazy to sit in line for hours to play the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild demo, as I'm already going to get it when it comes out. Some people were selling the little coin that you get at the end after playing on Ebay...some had sold theirs (including my brother-in-law) for upwards of $200. WHO THE HELL IS STUPIDLY INSANE ENOUGH TO PAY THAT MUCH FOR A LITTLE COIN?!?

Anyway, there were definitely still some gems that have me interested. I probably won't buy 90% of them since my $$$ is spent on my kids/family. Here are some of the ones that looked pretty awesome to me:
  • Persona 5 (maybe, I loved 3 FEZ)
  • No Man's Sky (didn't see anything on it there, but it's been on my radar for a while)
  • Dragon Quest VII (3DS remake, will probably get this sometime)
  • The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild (duh)
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn (seriously looks awesome)
  • Final Fantasy XV (the demo sold I just have to get a
  • I am Setsuna (probably get on Steam sometime...was a huge fan of Chrono Trigger for SNES)
  • Cuphead (holy **** this game is BEAUTIFUL...saw it last year as well...reminds me a bit of Castle Crashers gameplay, but with that old-school cartoon flair)
  • South Park: The Fractured But Whole (I have Stick of Truth on Steam but never really played through it...should probably do that sometime)
  • Steep (I love snowboarding games...this is more realistic than SSX and you can ski, soar in a wing suit, etc., but the controls need to be a bit tighter I think)...AND it's coming to PC!!! NICE!
  • Absolver (dunno exactly how it's going to turn out but the online combat RPG looks interesting)
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (beautiful style, pretty much a new Castlevania Symphony of the Night game)

Any games you are all looking forward to in the coming year or two?

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