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A wild Pikachu has appeared!

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Forum » Signatures & Artwork » A wild Pikachu has appeared! 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » September 13, 2014 11:09pm | Report
Hey guys. Long time c: Well, since I'm pretty decently known amongst the tall grass of SmiteFire I decided to make this little introduction before I actually post my drawing. o:

Well, for starters, for those that didn't know, my CPU is ded. Complete motherboard friage (on both my backup and gaming. Wow.) So that's stopped my activity a little. I still chill with the usually group of JararoNatsu, UnknownPandr, and DJHueHue, All4Games, etc, so be sure to look for me in the Skype chat if you're in.

School has recently started, and I proudly call myself an academic student, as I plan on going to college, so a major stoppage in activity there.

And, I've also been very depressed for numerous reasons, but the latest (haven't even told the guys about this one) is that my grandfather had recently just passed away, so I find myself bring very isolated lately.

Ah well. Don't expect major activity till my CPU gets.fixed, but I'll swing by every now and then cuz I love you guise <3

Anyway, I'll leave you guys with this and be on my way:



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 15, 2014 1:00pm | Report
how did you managed to get your cpu fried (also was it a laptop?). you need to clean your pc once in a year at least (I do that at least even if I can go 2 years).

also my condolence


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