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Logitech G110 Programmable Key to run Smite

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Forum » Support » Logitech G110 Programmable Key to run Smite 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Drk1lucian » November 9, 2012 1:24pm | Report

Basically I purchased a new gaming keyboard, my first, and I'm currently trying to set the G# keys to run programs when pressed. So far I've managed to do it for just about any other program except for Smite.
Using the same process as the others, I've simply clicked the browse button and clicked the icon for Smite, specified a name for the key, and clicked OK.

After doing so the button simply doesn't work. I've noticed the added arguments at the end of the target field "game=300 product=17", and even tried removing them. Doing so causes the game launcher for Tribes:Ascend to show up, with an error saying the shortcut's old, and to use the new one.
I've also tried removing the quotes from the full target directory address instead, and still get nothing.

Anyone know of any way to run smite using the G# key's? Any method at all would be appreciated. I enjoy having my desktop clear of icons except for a couple necessary ones, so if I can get this working correctly it'd be nice instead of having to have the icon to click.

Thanks in advanced.


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » November 14, 2012 9:37pm | Report
I'm sorry but I have no idea how to help you, this is just for website support. You can leave this up in case anyone else can help you, but I would suggest posting in some tech forums or something if you want help sooner. :(

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