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Please give us a vote to kick option!

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Forum » Support » Please give us a vote to kick option! 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShaoTheGreat » October 2, 2015 10:38am | Report
Hi-Rez! Please, if you're listening. Please give us (the Smite-playing community) the option to kick a player from a team by means of a vote.

I played a game today where we had a very good chance of winning, and in fact had taken their tower first. The problem is that we had a Thor on the team who just jungled and then would try to ult and just die. Over and over again. He had zero lane presence. To make matters worse, he kept cursing at us and calling us noobs for not helping him after he just ulted into their phoenix line while their tower is still up, and we're on the other side of the screen defending our tower. Every time he'd die, he'd blame it on us for not being there to back him up. Instead, he should have been with us, where the killing was happening. My brother and I were on a team and had just won two 2v3s in a row where our third teammate had disconnected early.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we politely asked the Thor just to stay at base and defend the titan and that we could take care of the rest. He of course ignored us and continued on with his same strategy. We then asked politely if he would leave the game or just go AFK so that we could stand a chance at winning, as neither my brother nor I had died much up until this point.


Even while doing this, my brother and I were holding our own as Aphro and Anhur.

Eventually the mass feeding caught up with us and we BARELY lost. It was down to Titans and they deicided us for the win.

If only we could have had the choice of being able to vote him off of our squad, we would have won handily. His relentless intentional feeding lost us the game.

If the majority of players want someone gone, there's usually a good reason.

Please Hi-Rez.. empower us with this ability to keep intentional feeders and the such from destroying our games. It is extremely frustrating being stuck with someone who is intentionally losing the game for you. The potential for abuse is far outweighed by the stress-relief granted by allowing good players to keep someone from destroying their win/loss record.

I like to queue with just my brother and we play a lot of Joust. Our third player is almost always a total bozo, but we can usually manage to pull it off regardless. When someone is intentionally feeding, it's a different story. These people don't care if they're reported because they can just open another account, or perhaps they have several accounts already. Banning one will mean nothing to them. These people are true poison to the Smite community.

Please Hi-Rez, this and bringing back Domination as a game mode would make me about the the happiest man on earth. Thank you for your time.

A devoted Smiter since May, 2013 - Shao


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » October 2, 2015 10:55am | Report
I understand your frustration, some people don't understand the idea of player responsibility or just like to troll but Hi-Rez has nothing to do with this site. So I'll step in place of Hi-Rez for this.
The idea of a kick function would be very bad, it might even be worse than them leaving the game. As when you kick a player, you'll still be down a player and the enemy team will take advantage of that. When it comes to MOBA's, especially Smite, the teams are set up in the pre-game stage and no one can enter a game that already started. People can leave and come back if they were originally in that match, but anyone else cannot take their place. If they are giving you a problem, just ignore them, mute them, whatever. Just don't give them what they want, attention. It's the easiest option I can give and later when the match is over, report them, block them, and go on your merry way.
I hope you have a better future, and don't get mad just smite harder.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShaoTheGreat » October 2, 2015 11:34am | Report
I disagree. A feeding player is worse than no player at all. Who cares if they're up a teammate? My brother and I win like 90% of our 2v3s because we're cautious and know how to play together. It's like that one guy in Arena that dies 16 times without a kill. Did he help the team? How? He would have been better off voted off before he had a chance to ruin it for the rest of his team.

I think you missed my point. It's not the smack-talking that bothers me, it's the intentional feeding and horrible players who won't listen and try to fight an entire enemy team by themselves when they're levels down. I run into these guys all of the time and wish that there was an option to be rid of them.

I think many Smite players would agree.

Many players are much more detrimental to your team IN the game than OUT of it....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » October 2, 2015 11:50am | Report
I very rarely come across someone who's so bad it would be better if they weren't there at all. Regardless, a kick function would be a terrible idea. New player trying out conquest for the first time? Kicked from every game. Bad player? Kicked from every game. Party of 2 in joust? Kick 3rd player just for ***** and giggles.

You can see the issue here...
Smite Account: Zilby__________Steam Account: Zilby
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I am the most foul, cruel and bad tempered rodent you've ever set eyes upon!.. Oh, her? Yes, well... she's with me.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » October 2, 2015 12:05pm | Report
Like Zilby said, greed and even more trolling would come out of this and make more people leave the game instead of making the game better.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » October 2, 2015 12:12pm | Report
There's really no way to implement this without it backfiring.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 2, 2015 12:19pm | Report
if it isn't shoa long time no seen (you know this would have more effect if you posted it on the official forums probably)

I'm going to tell you that such an option won't be coming anytime soon. no other MOBA has it because of the reason Zilby stated.

yes I know how annoying feeders can be annoying (especially that kind you had there: the I know what I'm doing but actually doesn't know at all). I would like to kick those too.
However the problem of 2v3 does arise and in most cases you will get a very hard game (with a bigger chance to lose) especially if you are already a bit behind.
Even while ahead a 2v3 is hard to win as the 3 person team just needs to slow the game down because after a while a gods power stops growing (full build and full lvl) meaning you are losing your advantage and with that advantage your momentum.

In joust you won't notice this as much as in conquest though

these games happen sometimes you should just move on (and don't start tilting because of that game)

Also gotta agree on the dominion mode


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 2, 2015 2:07pm | Report
This kind of thing has happened before in other genre game modes. It has NEVER worked out at all.

Like Zilby said, trolling WILL happen and they will ban random people for no reason. The best examples I can give is CS:GO and Left 4 Dead 2.

I like a "punishment" for doing certain stuff. Like if you team kill in CS:GO. If you want something to ban people, this is the only way.


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