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Baron Samedi - Team Synergies

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Baron Samedi - Team Synergies 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 18, 2018 12:27pm | Report
Alright. So I haven't played PTS or anything.

That said, want to talk about Baron Samedi's potential function as part of a team, and who in particular might benefit from his presence.

Okay, so BaRRaCCuDDa played him as an ADC, but in all reality, it's unlikely he's mainly played in that role, unless I'm really missing something.

His 2 calling cards seem to be Mid (like most mages) and Support (as a utility mage), with a possibility of being Solo or something, partially due to his easy poke distance and situational healing.

This isn't what interests me the most though...

Team Synergies

There's not much to talk about in a Solo role, since he'll mostly be left to his own devices in the early parts of a game. But the Mid can combine well with a Jungler for ganking, and as a Support, obviously there are teamwork functions with the ADC.

Everything revolves around his stacks of Hysteria, and how it provides bonus effects (typically above 30 Hysteria):
  • Vivid Gaze: 30% power reduction, 30% attack speed reduction. Great against the damage-based enemies (e.g. Mid, Jungle, ADC).

  • Consign Spirits: 20-40% movement speed boost, cleanses slows, makes immune to slows. This one is just good for mobility and prevention of slows...good for both chase and escape, to a degree. (Don't forget even without Hysteria, it can provide a decent heal)

  • Wrap It Up: Slow + Root to nearby enemies if you can hit the first enemy. This is a lot of control for 2.5 seconds. Great for teamfights. Great for stacking Spear of the Magus. 3-1-2 combo seems pretty nice.

  • Life of the Party: Even without Hysteria, becomes CC immune and takes 50% reduced damage. The coffin pulls and deals damage 3x per second (which is also great for quickly stacking Spear of the Magus, which I probably expect to be his main pen item). If the enemy comes in contact with the coffin, they get stunned. Hysteria just increases the pull strength. But this is not only a pretty wide AOE, but deals damage and provides a lot of control.
Finally, Baron's Brew is actually very interesting to me. It provides a very cheap (150 gold) refillable chalice, that's basically a boosted version of a Multi Potion. I see this working really well for some gods, and can definitely change the items the various teammates purchase at the start.

In particular, it'll work great for some mana-hungry ADCs (like AMC, for example). If he's the Support or Solo rather than Mid, the Mid might appreciate it too. And if some like the Support want to start with both Baron's Brew and a standard chalice, it's cheap enough that selling it won't be all that bad. For example, when I'm Support, I typically get Chalice of Healing + 3-4 Multi Potions. Now, I could bypass the potions and just grab the brew, and get better regen out of it. Selling it after the first back (to make way for Wards) is no worse than using up those multi potions. Freaking awesome.

Biggest Concerns

Although he should be able to output some great damage, I'll always have concerns whenever I play with any randoms that decide to lock him. I really, really hope people don't go full glass cannon, and don't forget to purchase Spear of the Magus to help other magical gods' damage. I also hope they don't overdo it on lifesteal items. Pythagorem's Piece is a great item in the vein of Baron's function, but other lifesteal items...please don't get Bancroft's + Typhon's, and then get hard countered with anti-heal.

In any case, what are your thoughts?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 18, 2018 1:02pm | Report

Baron's Brew should be used by most if not all teammates depending on their start.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 18, 2018 2:47pm | Report
Not saying you probably wouldn't want to use it, just saying I see it being a really nice starter for some gods in particular.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » June 19, 2018 1:35am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
Although he should be able to output some great damage, I'll always have concerns whenever I play with any randoms that decide to lock him. I really, really hope people don't go full glass cannon, and don't forget to purchase Spear of the Magus to help other magical gods' damage. I also hope they don't overdo it on lifesteal items. Pythagorem's Piece is a great item in the vein of Baron's function, but other lifesteal items...please don't get Bancroft's + Typhon's, and then get hard countered with anti-heal.

I think core stats and items would be Rod of Asclepius to counter anti-heals and give it a boost in general, and Spear of the Magus for some damage. Protections and some movement speed seem like a good idea since he's a slow utility mage. shield of regrowth seems interesting as well.


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