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Combinations with Odin/Ares and question about joust 3v3 and Siege

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Combinations with Odin/Ares and question about joust 3v3 and Siege 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Calendri » March 26, 2015 1:37am | Report
Hello everybody!

I play smite only in the evening like 3 matches a day sometimes less sometimes bit more. So im kind of a casual player
Assault and arena are great modes but lately i tried joust 3v3 and siege. The problem with these modes is that so many players say so many things about group composition in joust and about lane combo's in Siege.

My favorite gods atm are Thor and Bastet. One game i get laughed at cus i choose them, the other time they say those gods rule... so im a bit confused I want to get into other gods aswell like specialise in a hunter or mage but i heaven't decided which one yet. My match buddy likes to play with Odin or with Ares. Sometimes mercury and Thanatos. But those are his favorites atm. We want to fucos on a combination with one of his gods.

So here are my questions.
What is a good team composition for joust 3v3. Maybe Guardian- ADC - (healing) mage? This seems very solid. But we struggle when we wanne put an assassin like Thor or Bastet in it.. So what shoud we add to the team when we play with warrior/guardian - assassin - ..?? Please some help on this. I hope i don't get to much replies with: Assassins suck in joust don't use them, cus thats not the question here. Even if they suck i still want to know what the best choices are with an assassin like Thana/thor/bastet in ur team and maybe some explanation why they are good/bad so i can learn a bit more of whats important.

My second question is about Siege. Here i see the following combo's in a lane: assassin/warrior - (healing) mage. Also Guardian/Warrior(with heal like chaac) - ADC. Any tips on what is important to keep in mind while combining gods in a lane for siege?

My last question is about the combination with Ares or Odin. Is my best pick an assassin(i mean in siege in a lane?) Or is that not advisable? What are other good options to combine with Odin or Ares gods? Tried Ra and Kukulkan which seem pretty solid, but i prefer to learn some other god. And maybe also the other way around, what gods are a good choice to run with Bastet or Thor?

Thanx for taking the time to read this thread!


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 26, 2015 10:14am | Report
well the normal composition in joust is adc/assassin-mage (can be basic attack but then you need a hunter for sure)- warrior/guardian/healer mage

the 1st cato is for the phys damage and the one that needs to be fed the most (depending on assassin or adc)

the 2nd is magic damage

the 3rd cato is the support cato

for siege you normally have a hunter/asassin - warrior/guardian - healer mage - mage

1 is for late game mostly
2 is for tankiness
3 is for healing
4 is for burst.

most of the teams are on a phys:magic ratio 2:2


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