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Help vs. Khepri & Anubis Combo

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Help vs. Khepri & Anubis Combo 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by akaLSW » July 5, 2016 6:13pm | Report
Alright so I'll make this as short as possible. I've been playing against a couple of friends of mine 2v2 Joust. As the title suggests they've settled on a really good combo of Khepri and Anubis.

Anubis Full Damage, Khepri full Protections.

I've pretty much stuck to using Hunters (Artemis, Cupid) and my partner uses Aphrodite/Freya. I'm open to testing new Gods out but I'm curious if anyone else had come across that combo and what you've done to combat that. If the game drags on we can pretty much power through but more often than not the matches conclude before it gets that far.

Has anyone else come across this? Any tips on how I can effectively build to help the process, different Gods with kits that sort of help against the pair.

I'm pretty sure there's something I'm neglecting to say that would help so let me know and I'll answer any questions as best I can, any help/tips would be appreciated


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 5, 2016 10:44pm | Report
Woof! That sounds painful.

That said, they're both magical gods...not that you need to build much against a full protection Khepri, but it's his CC from his pull and stun that are the most disruptive.

Firstly, it takes a really tanky god to be able to survive a full burst from many cases, there's not a lot you can do if you're grabbed and bursted. So, first, to combat that...your options include Purification + Sanctuary (Pur needed to break out of a pull or stun, Sanc to protect you from the burst), or you can cross your fingers and hope for a timely CC removal from Magi's Blessing (good luck with that one).

For magical protection, your best bet might be Oni Hunter's Garb or Bulwark of Hope. Both have good protection and CC reduction (decreasing the time you're pulled/stunned). Getting just one protection item might help things a bit.

In most cases, it's more a case of outplaying them. Bait and dodge the Khepri pull and Anubis root by moving side to side, rather than retreating straight back. If you're someone like Cupid, be extremely ready to use your dash at a moment's notice...and even if you try to anticipate and dash while they didn't attempt anything, at least you're still safe, and you can back off until it's off CD. Also, you can go on the offensive and throw down your ult to stun him, and then unleash everything you have. If you can kill Anubis first, there's not much Khepri is going to be able to do to fight both of you, and he's not much of a threat anyway.

If you're Artemis, think about initiating with Tusky on the advancing Khepri. If he's close to Anubis, throw down a trap when Tusky hits Khepri, and then go in as Tusky is moving to stun Anubis to try to burst him down quickly. Khep won't be able to move, so his pull won't be a factor for a bit. OR, if Anubis is too far away, build lots of penetration items and try to wipe Khepri. Without a tank, Anubis will pee his pants.

As for your partner, Aphrodite's ult is helpful, her stun is helpful, etc. If they choose Freya, they should absolutely build Hastened Fatalis, and constantly juke to avoid the stun/pull as much as possible.

There are many, many other gods that can you can use to counter in various ways, but I don't want this to be a novel =P

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » July 5, 2016 11:45pm | Report
Aside from Bran's excellent tips, the main thing holding you back is your lack of CC on both characters on your team. Artemis, Cupid and Freya can all dish out a ton of damage, but they lack much in regards to CC, meaning they lack survivability and control, which makes both surviving enemy engages and getting kills off them harder. Aphrodite does do a good job of keeping her damage dealer alive, but in a 2v2, especially against a comp as CC heavy as Anubis + Khepri, it's going to be hard for her to do her job since she'll likely just be targeted first, taken out and then your carry will be next. I'd recommend pairing your damage dealer with any gods that can give you a bit more control, ie: any guardian, warriors such as Hercules, Tyr, Sun Wukong, Guan Yu and Bellona, or even mages/assassins with strong CC and escapes like Agni, Nox, Serqet, and Fenrir.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CakeSlapping » July 6, 2016 12:49am | Report
If you're playing a hunter then your friend ideally needs to play a warrior or guardian, with either a great initiation, or great CC, or both.

Someone like Bacchus, for example can use his Belly Flop to jump past Khepri and initiate on Anubis, dealing a good chunk of damage to him. Khepri then either has to go help goobis, and ignore you. Or hold you back and ignore Bacchus beating Anubis to death.

Another good choice could be Kumbhakarna. Using his Mighty Yawn, at max level, you can put khepri to sleep for 3 seconds (provided you don't hit him while he's sleeping), giving you a nice chunk of time to go in on goobis. His yawn is also great for disrupting khepri's grabs, or goobis' self rooted wave clear.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » July 6, 2016 8:44am | Report
I'm surprised nobody suggested Geb to counter this heavy CC duo.

Geb paired with any of the carry mentioned ( Artemis / Cupid / Freya) could deal with this without much trouble.

Also, look for their relic picks.
Unless they pick Sprint, Weakening Curse would make any Anubis player rage, since he can't escape other than walking.
And he can't even try to outheal your damage as well.

But since your carry would need Purification and Sanctuary, I guess you will need to ask your friend to pick it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » July 6, 2016 10:53am | Report
Well Sobek has his two which can disrupt basically everyone, and even has a pull. Best of both worlds.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by akaLSW » July 6, 2016 5:53pm | Report
Wow, I didn't expect such a turnout, most other communities aren't even remotely close to being this helpful!

This is amazing, I'll definitely go over this with my friend and implement all of your advice tonight, I can't thank you all enough I really was starting to think that there wasn't any answer for this.

Thanks for all the advice again, I'll let you guys know how it goes


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 6, 2016 9:27pm | Report
Good luck! Kick goobis' *** for us! (no offense, Daelinn!)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by superslink6 » August 2, 2016 9:41am | Report
He Bo Awillix is a pretty nasty combo my buddy and I use, Also try medusa and Athena.

With the He Bo Awillix use He Bos knockup with Awillix Ult and literally get a free kill. I could see you knocking up anubis and then having no problem taking care of Khepri. Good luck!!


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