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How-to counter build?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » How-to counter build? 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by handsomedisease » December 5, 2016 2:43pm | Report
Not sure if this is in the right place or not...

Let me preface this by saying I don't really like MOBAs, but there's something about Smite I relly enjoy; the whole mythology thing, I guess, so I'm not really that great at the game, so I mostly play Arena and Joust 3v3.

The general concept to the question I'm asking is obvious, but how do you know what items work for what characters? AA or Ability based? Items that may be good for one character in a particular role, but perhaps not another? For example, the character I play most often/am best with is Bellona; I sometimes play Agni, as well, because I'd like to be able to play at least once God per role when all is said and done to round myself as a player. While I don't play Conquest just yet, it's kinda the goal I guess... just curious how does one know what stats to look for for different Gods/roles?


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 5, 2016 4:20pm | Report
Hi handsome (nyuk nyuk),

Oof...this is a difficult question, and one that REALLY is only going to come with familiarity and experience. If you have a photographic memory, you could read the descriptions of each item and categorize them, but I'm guessing that's unlikely.

With the huge variety of items that SMITE provides, it's unfortunately a painful took me months and months, and even then every situation is different, even if you face the same type of enemy. Technically, I'm still learning, and it's been over 2+ years for me. (Or maybe I'm just dumb)

So, counter-building requires knowledge of the item, knowledge of the god you have, and knowledge of the god(s) you face. That's a lot to think about. Things to consider:
  • Are you a magical or physical god?
  • Is the enemy/are the enemies magical or physical?
  • Are there more magical or physical enemies in total? E.g. Joust 3v3, 2 magical and 1 physical god?
  • Who are the biggest threats, damage-wise?
  • In what form are the biggest threats? Pure burst damage? Sustained basic attacks? CC?
  • What perks do you want with the items you choose?
If you'd like an example, throw out one god that you would be, and one or two gods that you would face...

Sorry I can't be more specific, but there are seriously so many different variations and ways to counter-build.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by handsomedisease » December 6, 2016 4:55am | Report
Gah, that's what I was hoping you wouldn't say haha.

OK... new question. I vaguely remember hearing, (somewhere), that Bellona can be built as either AA or ability. Is this (still) true? I have a feeling ability would be much stronger, but I'm not sure.

As for an example, hm, Bellona vs Loki and Neith. I always take way too much damage against Neith, (I assume) because I have no clue how to counter-build aginst her and I'm still learning how to use my 1 properly.


Posts: 2

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