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Theory Testing

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Theory Testing 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xxSHARKxx » January 19, 2016 12:44pm | Report
I'm looking for someone on Xbox One to test certain builds up against each other.

Reason being there are many builds that are very similar to another, but I've never seen them pitted against each other 1 on 1 to see actual results.

Just thinking of ways to get a visual rather than take someone's word on why their build is the best. Since best really depends on numerous variables.


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CakeSlapping » January 19, 2016 12:51pm | Report
1v1 is all about the counter build, so testing stuff 1v1 can be a bit iffy. You're better off getting some teammates to go into joust or something with, who will let you try out your off-meta ideas, and pick characters to complement what you're trying to do, so you'll get a feel how the build works in a team setting.
That's how I test my more outlandish ideas (like Sylvanus ADC)


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