In darkness he lurks. Patient as the night in all its silence. For beneath his inverted perch scampers prey. Whether beast, mortal, or God matters not, only satisfying the unquenchable thrum in his veins for the boiling blood of another creature. But there is never enough. There will never be enough. So Camazotz, bat-god, whose bestial form matches that of his nocturnal servants, lurks in the darkness, waiting only to feed.
Once before, when the hero twins, Xbalanque and Hunahpu ventured to the Xibalba, stumbling blindly into the blackness of his cave, did Camazotz defeat a God. Finding themselves surrounded by a swarm of leathery bats, screeching and flapping with frenzied glee, the hero twins cowered and hid, hoping for dawn to light their way out. Patient, as always, Camazotz waited. Hunahpu, unable to hold out, lifted his head from concealment to check for light. Camazotz leapt, sliding through the blackness like a dagger through skin, and snatched Hunahpu's head from his neck. Victorious, he presented his prize as trophy to the other underworld Gods. However, come the morning light, Xbalanque fashioned a new head for his brother from a gourd and the two escaped while Camazotz was away.
Long has Camazotz hung from his perch, watching as Gods clash and spill their sweet blood upon the earth. He's waited, ever watchful, ever patient, for the moment to strike. Now that the moon has risen, and night has come, Camazotz has disappeared into the darkness. When next he's seen, there will be blood on his fangs.