After a short delay, Charon creates a rift to the underworld in an area, dealing damage and marking all enemy gods hit for the next 3s. The marked gods are revealed and have their Attack Speed reduced. Additionally, any time an allied god hits a marked god once per mark per ability or basic attack, that ally gains a shield for 3s. Subsequent shields only grant 25% of the original value.
Ability Type: Circle, Debuff, Damage
50 /
85 /
120 /
155 /
190 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Attack Speed Slow: 25%
Shield Health:
40 /
65 /
90 /
115 /
140 +2% of Charon’s Max Health
Shield Cap: 15% of Charon’s Max Health
Range/Radius: 55/15
60 /
65 /
70 /
75 /
14 /
13.5 /
13 /
12.5 /