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My name is x MysTeRioN z, a majority Xbox Player, but sometimes I play on PC too. I'm a Brazilian nice guy who likes to play FPS, Racing, Platform, and RPG games. I like to study and read when I'm not playing and I'm also studying to be a lawyer. My Xbox Gamertag is the same as here: x MysterioN z. |
A - E
Term |
Definition | |
Auto Reset (AA Reset/AA Canceling)
The act of use an skill with 0 or almost 0 recovery time and right after it a basic attack, then a skill again, then a basic attack again...Used to enhance some god's burst power specially when they build ![]() | |
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ADC (Attack Damage Carry)
Also known as Carry. This term is used to refer to the character that will be heavily dependent on basic attacks for their main damage output. This typically also means they will provide the highest DPS on the team, with a focus on taking down structures and objectives such as the Gold Fury and Fire Giant. | |
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AFK (Away From the Keyboard)
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Aggro is pretty much getting targeted (although mostly used for minions and towers it can be used in terms of player forgetting player). | |
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Area of Effect (AoE)
The ability type that applies its damage or effects within a set area. | |
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Attack Chain
Same thing as "Basic Attack Progression". See Basic Attack Progression. | |
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Abbreviaton for Attack Speed. See Attack Speed. | |
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Autoattack (AA)
See Basic Attack. Refers to the term "Auto Attack." Other MOBAs usually allow players to select a target to attack, at which point the character automatically and continually fires basic attacks. SMITE does not use this system, instead requiring you to aim and press a mouse or controller button to perform a Basic Attack. | |
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Passive effect provided either by abilities or items. Auras affect a circular area around the god, with a distance that varies depending on said ability or item. | |
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Attack Speed
A stat that shows how many basic attacks you can fire per second. | |
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Alternated Pick
To select gods knowing the enemy composition. The standard Ranked Conquest pick mode on lobbies. The game intercalates picks between both teams. The opposite is Blind Pick. | |
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The act of stay too much with another player providing peeling or engaging exclusive for him. | |
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Back (B) / Backing
The act of returning to base/fountain using the recall button, on computers usually "B". | |
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To ignore the enemies and go to attack a vulnerable structure without anyone to defend it. Ex: While the enemies fight in middle lane you go behind them and attack the titan alone to finish the game. | |
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Backdoor Protections
The extra protections structures have to avoid people backdoor them easily. These protections are disabled once there are minions around the structure. You can notice a small visual circle around the structure indicating the presence of it. When someone on your team attacks a structure with backdoor protections you will listen to a weird "plah" sound. | |
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To call the attention of an enemy and force him go into a trap. | |
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The fountain, where you spawn and where you regen HP and Mana + the area around the Titan (where the Titan can move/attack.) | |
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Basic Attack
The simplest attack gods can perform, applied with the left mouse button on PC, and on consoles with the right trigger. Some Basic Attacks are Ranged, while others only connect within Melee distance. | |
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CC that removes the target for a brief time from the game. The target cannot perform any actions, and cannot be hit by allies or enemies while in a Banished state. DoT abilities that are applied before the target is Banished will still apply damage. This is a True Hard CC. | |
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Basic Attack Power
The damage your basic attack does. Made with a combination of the base attack power + a scaling of the power provided by items or abilities. | |
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Basic Attack Progression (Progression)
The progression your basic attacks deal. Notice that not all basic attacks deal the same amount of damage, that's because a lot of gods have a progression on their attacks. For example, I will use ![]() | |
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Short term for ![]() | |
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Bruiser (Hybrid)
A god that can tank and still doing a good amount of damage. Usually builds items that provides both power and protections like ![]() ![]() | |
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Bull Demon King (BDK)
The large neutral jungle boss found only in the Joust mode. Killing this boss stops enemy structures from attacking for a brief time, and also provides a buff for the team that killed him. | |
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CC that prevents the affected player from seeing what is happening on the screen. This is considered Soft CC. | |
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Blind Pick
To select gods without know the enemy composition. The standard pick mode on lobbies. The opposite is Alternated Pick. | |
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Body Block (Bodyblock)
The act of a player using their god's location to block an enemy's passage, or attacks against an ally. | |
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To fight with an enemy in a 1 vs 1 fight. | |
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When something goes wrong in the system (game). Also see Glitch. Example: ![]() | |
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The items you bought on the store. | |
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A lot of damage applied in few time. | |
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(To) Camp
To keep going in somewhere multiple times. Example: A Jungler that keep ganking the same lane. | |
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Be Careful. A warning said to someone to pay attention to something during the game. Usually used to bring attention to a specific Lane or Jungle area to warn of incoming enemies attempting a gank. | |
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To use an Active ability. | |
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Achieve the maximum of an stat the game allows. Example: Build 40% CDR. If go further and build more than the stat limit it's an Overcap and has no efficiency. | |
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An affect that can remove crowd control effects. An example is ![]() ![]() | |
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Another term for "minion", the small troop that spawns in a lane near the phoenix and walks towards the enemy objectives. | |
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Crowd Control (CC)
Debuff applied on the enemy to limit his character capacities. | |
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Crowd Control Chain (CC Chain)
Take various CC in a chain, one after one. | |
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CC that denies any movement ability like dashes, teleport, leaps...This is a Soft CC. | |
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The main mode of smite. 5 vs 5 with a large jungle and 3 lanes with 3 structures each one with a final objective called Titan. | |
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Cooldown (CD)
The time you have to wait until use an ability again. | |
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Cooldown Reduction (CDR)
The time that will be reduced from your abilities' cooldown. | |
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Crowd Control Reduction(CCR)
Stat the helps lower the time you are CCed. Not all CCs can be affected by this stat. Only stats affected by diminishing returns can be affected by this stat. See also Diminishing Returns. | |
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Ability type that has a cone as AoE like ![]() | |
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Cheap item bought on the store that need to be activated to be used and once used cannot be used again. Examples: ![]() ![]() | |
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Counter Build
To build something to counter your enemy. Example: If the enemy has healing then you build antihealing. | |
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Counter Gank
See Gank. To come to help a gank originally started by the enemy. Literally "gank the gank". | |
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Counter Pick
To pick a god that can counter what the enemy chose. Example: Enemies get ![]() ![]() | |
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Ability type that the god must keep casting for a while and may or may not be able to perform other actions rather than move. | |
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Abbraviation to ![]() | |
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To kill the entire enemy team. | |
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Defend (D, Def)
Means you have to try to stop the enemy that is attacking something like a place, objective, structure or player. | |
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To deny your enemy farm by freezing the wave or invading their jungle camp. | |
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CC that makes you stop firing basic attacks for a limited time. | |
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Disconnected (DC, DCed)
Someone that originally was in the game but for some reason lost connection with the match. His character will always try to return base and will stay there until he reconnects. | |
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CC that makes you unable to take any action and is turned to a random direction. (![]() ![]() | |
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Diminishing Returns (DR)
This is the mechanic that balances the CC Chain. After taking a Crowd Control, the next one within 15 secs will be reduced by 20% from the original duration. Can stack up to 4 times. Affects Soft and Hard CCs. True Hard CCs apply stacks of DR but have no changes in their durations. | |
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To go inside and structure area to kill an enemy then escape alive after that. | |
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Damage over Time (DoT)
Abilities that applies damage via ticks during a certain time. I consider DoT any ability "Fire 'n' Forget" which means you hit the target and the damage will be applied by itself, no need to stay applying the ticks. | |
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Abbraviation for ![]() | |
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Long/Duo Lane(r)
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Damage Per Second. The amount of damage a god can deal per second. Used to measure Basic attacks only. | |
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Abilities that once the enemy reached certain % of HP deals always 9999 as damage, executing the target ignoring all his stats except damage immunity. | |
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Rank on Ranked mode. There are 7 elos: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grand Master. Elos have 5 subdivisions like Bronze I, II, III, IV, V. The higher the number of the subdivision, the lower the rank is. | |
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Term |
Definition | |
The act of kill minions and camps to gain XP to level up and Gold to buy items. | |
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Fat Finger
The term used for messing up your combo because you pressed a wrong button or accidentally casting something you didn't want to like your ult or beads. | |
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In game currency used to buy Gods and some Skins/other cosmetics. | |
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Vote to surrender. (On PC, you must press usually the F6 to agree to surrender). | |
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Vote to not surrender. (On PC, you must press usually the F7 to not agree to surrender). | |
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When someone dies a lot of times to some enemy/enemies. The enemies then get XP and Gold (farm) from these deaths and become very stronger. If the enemy dies a lot to you, then you say you got "Fed". | |
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CC that makes the target loses the control of the character and it slowly moves away from the fear source. Biggest example is ![]() | |
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To allow other people choose whatever they want to play with then you just get what is missing in the comp. | |
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First Blood
Kill the first person on the match. There are bonus rewards for that guy that get the first blood. | |
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Fire Giant (FG)
The boss of conquest map. Provide a lot of bonuses for those that defeat him. Right at his side, there is the Pyromancer, and since there's no call for pyro on the VGS, people end up saying "Attack the fire giant" when they meant to attack Pyro. Pay attention to which one your team meant to attack. | |
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To put all efforts to kill someone. Usually put efforts to kill the guy carrying (can be the ADC, Mid or JG). | |
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Fog of War
A fog that exist in jungle to limit people line of sight. Even though if you deactivate the fog effect, the limited Line of Sight (LoS) remains. | |
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To stop hitting the wave in order to keep it in the same place, usually used to force enemies get out of their structure area to try to get some EXP and Gold. | |
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The small place where players spawns and are healed/enemies take constant damage. | |
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Attack enemies by surprise. Usually someone is fighting or has line of sight of the enemy and then another teammate join the fight to get an advantage (2 vs 1). | |
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"Generally refers to map walls, regions where players normally can't move through." | |
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In-game currency used to buy cosmetics like skins. Bought with real money. | |
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Glass Cannon
A god that can has insane amount of damage capable to 100-0 someone but is also extremely vulnerable to damage. Usually this guy build only damage items and has no other defenses in the build/extra hp. | |
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"A grabbed unit is unable to take any action and will be relocated by the caster." This is a True Hard CC. | |
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When something goes wrong in the system (game) and a player can take advantage of it. Also see Bug. Example: People combining ![]() ![]() | |
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Gold Fury (GF)
A jungle boss that provides good amount of gold (and maybe other effects) to the team that defeat her. | |
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Good Game (GG)
It means that the game was good. | |
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See Good game (GG). It means that the game was good and easy. Usually used in a disrespectful tone. | |
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It means "Good Luck". | |
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Ability type that affects people around the entire map independently of their position (like ![]() ![]() | |
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Have Fun (HF)
It means "Have fun". | |
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Hand of the Gods (HoG)
Consumable that deals true damage on jungle camps of your map side used by junglers and other people at early game to speed up their clear a bit. | |
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Hard Crowd Control (Hard CC)
Any Crowd Control that makes it impossible to do at least one of the following actions: Basic Attacks, non-movement Abilities, and Movement Inputs. Hard CCs apply 1 stack of DR and their durations are affected by the number of DR stacks a player has. Hard CCs procs the effects of ![]() ![]() | |
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Health Points (HP)
The more points you have, the more you are healthy and can go to the battle. Common to see on expressions like "Low Health", "Half HP"... | |
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Hit Chain
Same thing as Attack Chain. See Attack Chain. | |
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The amount of HP you regen every 5 seconds. | |
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Hyper Carry
A god that is extremely weak early game but can (almost) 1 vs 5 at late game. See carry. | |
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A god that can build two different builds path and can work well with both. They might also mix both paths and work. | |
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Brief moment where your god cannot be affected by anything in the game. Can be "CC Immunity" making your god immune to ANY kind of CC, clearing the one applied and making him glow yellow but still able to be hit by damage. Can also be Damage Immunity like after the use of ![]() | |
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To start a fight for your team. Usually done by the Solo Laner and sometimes the support. | |
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An intoxicated unit has their vision distorted, they will move erratically for the duration, but will not be stopped from attacking or moving. This is a Soft CC. | |
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The act of go to the enemy side of the map to steal camps or buffs usually when they are doing it. Heavily discouraged by the actual meta. | |
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Dodge enemy attacks or abilities while you get closer of him/get away from him. |
Term |
Definition | |
Kill Lane
The term is used for early aggression that can easily kill people usually with a simple combo that if you get caught you're dead. Example: ![]() | |
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CC that pulls the target back. Knockback and Knockup are the "same" CC to the game changing only where the guy is pushed, so if the someone is knockback immune he is automatically knockup immune too and vice versa. This is a True Hard CC. | |
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It is pretty much the act of keeping the distance while you hit your enemy. Can be like a hunter's backstepping while firing his attacks or the best example nowadays ![]() | |
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CC that pulls the target up. Knockback and Knockup are the "same" CC for the game changing only where the guy is pushed, so if the someone is knockback immune he is knockup immune too and vice versa.This is a True Hard CC. | |
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It can mean:
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Lazy Back
When someone tries to return to base/fountain using the recall function, on PCs the "B" key and usually dies in the process because he tried to do it in an unappropriated place (usually too close of the enemies). | |
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Someone with a bad internet connection may have delays when performing actions or even start teleporting for quick distances. When you are like this, you are lagging. | |
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Last Hitting
Tactic that consist in deal the last hit on minions to kill them providing the maximum amount of gold possible. Not necessary on smite, obligated on other mobas like League of legends. | |
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A person that plays a role in a lane (Mid, Solo, ADC, and at early game Supp). | |
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Laning Phase
Moment of the game where everyone stay in one lane farming and fighting against another opponent and occasionally the jungler/support. | |
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To share gold and exp with your jungler in jg camps while you help him clear them. Very common on Mid Lane. | |
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The ranked mode. Matches that have Elos and people earn visible points to climb in a leaderboard. | |
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To share farm just by passing near the camp/wave while their are killed. | |
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Line of Sight (LoS)
The area where you can spot an enemy. Enemies in LoS may appear on the minimap. It is bigger on lanes and smaller when into the jungle (the LoS for minimap remains the same). | |
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Lifesteal (LS)
Stat provided by abilities and items that allows the player heal himself with the damage he applies. It has caps (65% for magical lifesteal and 100% for physical lifesteal), enemies dying to provide less lifesteal than the ones with full HP (even though they receive the same amount of damage) and lifesteals in the area provide only 33% per hit (like an ability that hits multiple enemies, your hit gains 33% of lifesteal for each target hit). | |
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Magical Power
Stat Provided by some items that increase your magical power. Can only be built by Mages and Guardians. These items cannot be built by other classes. | |
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Stat used by most part of the gods to cast their active skills. Few gods/abilities may not use mana for their skills. | |
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CC that forces the god to attack their allies or harmlessly follow the caster. | |
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Map Awareness
Knowledge about the game by looking at the minimap. Some behaviors can be anticipated by looking the minimap like ganks and the possible enemies positions. | |
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Meta (Most Effective Tactic Available.)
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CC similar to a stun. It do not allow him take any action while under the effect. However this effect can be broke if the target takes ANY kinda damage excluding minor minions' damage (like laner minions). | |
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Mid (Mid Laner/Mid Role)
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Missing in Action (MIA)
Said when you lost the LoS of your enemy, commonly used by Laners to say that the other Laner is not there anymore. The "Enemy missing" Voice line (VFF). | |
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See MIA. | |
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Small monsters not controlled by players that spams near the phoenix and attack enemy gods or enemy structures/minions. They always prioritize Enemy Structures > Enemy Minions > Gods unless a god is hit near the minions then they will prioritize the thing that hit the enemy god for a brief moment. | |
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Small map of the game usually on the right side of the screen. | |
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The amount of damage that is absorbed by your defenses. Every god has natural protections and all of them can build more. Defenses can mitigate up to 88% of the damage (at max, 325). | |
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Similar to Elo but in numbers instead of pictures and divisions. See Elo. | |
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It means Magical Power. See Magical Power. | |
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The amount of mana you regen every 5 secs. | |
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MVP (Most Value Player)
The player that was very good at a game, that helped with every thing a may carried the game. See Carry. | |
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To remove/lower stats of a god. | |
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Someone that is fairly new in the game and don't have enough knowledge about it yet. | |
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Someone that is not new in the game but is as bad as. | |
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It means Out Of Mana. | |
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Abbreviation for ![]() | |
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OverPowered (OP)
It means something is stronger than it should be (Like ![]() | |
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To get caught out of position, usually alone, because you were pushing the lane too far from your team. Like push a to the second tower while the rest of your team didn't even finish the first one of other lanes. | |
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Off - Meta
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Off - Pick (Off-Role)
A group of characters that were not meant to be played that way/that role but can do it. |
Term |
Definition | |
Passive (Passive Play)
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Protect an ally from the enemies usually using Crowd Control but can also be using relics or even Bodyblock. | |
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Player animal or deployable that "fill units" and can block some attacks or abilities and may execute commands too. | |
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Penetration (Pen)
Abbreviation for Penetration. Stats the allow the owner ignore part of the enemy protections lowering his mitigation. See Mitigation. | |
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Physical Power
Stat Provided by some items that increase your physical power. Can only be built by Hunters, Assassins and Warriors. These items cannot be built by other classes. | |
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To OCCASIONALLY hit your enemy while in laning phase in order to force him retreat and lose farm or to prepare him for a gank/kill. Recommended to also see "Harass". | |
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Post-fire (Recovery time)
Time that a god will take to perform another action after using one ability. This time may vary depending of each skill. | |
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Abbreviation for ![]() | |
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CC that transforms the player into a different creature. It's a combination of Slow, Silence and Disarm. This is a True Hard CC. | |
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Force a clear wave to allow your minion get in an enemy structure to destroy it. See Split-Push. | |
CC that pulls the target on a direction. Example, ![]() | |
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To go between 2 enemy structures to clear/damage the wave before it arrive the lane. | |
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PP means Physical Power. See Physical Power. | |
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See Structure. Strucutre that once destroyed can respawn after 3 and when destroyed award the team with gold and the minions on that lane become stronger until it respwan. | |
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Power Spike
When you get a significant amount of power and get strong in a few time. | |
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Public Test Server. Where HR place the new stuffs of smite first to people test and provide feedback before it goes on the live servers (the normal smite). You can download it only on PC. | |
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Amount of time needed to wait to join in a match. | |
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Queue Dodging
To not pick anything once you didn't grab the role you wanted waiting for the game ends that lobby then you can try again. | |
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Qins (Qin's)
Abbreviation for ![]() | |
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CC that starts applying 1 CC that becomes strong as the time passes and at the end it applies other CC. For CC proposes, only the last CC is valid. Example: ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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Rage Quit
To get very angry with the match and leave the game (usually after die). | |
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When it is not an insult, it's an abbreviation to ![]() | |
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Same thing as back. See Back. | |
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(Camp) Reset
To walk out the area of a camp in the jg to avoid that the enemy basic or ability incoming kills the minions (If nobody is inside the camp area, the minions there are immune to damage). | |
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To walk around looking for opportunities to gank help the team. Usually done after the player have already destroyed the first tower of his lane (T1) | |
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Functions in a match. Can be: Solo, Support, Jungler, Carry and Mid. | |
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CC that freezes the capacity of movement for a brief time. You may still using Movement Abilities. This is a Hard CC. | |
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To use something (usually a massive damage skill) to guarantee you will get the kill on a player/camp/FG/GF. Example, ![]() | |
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CC that block the use of relics (Except ![]() | |
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To Push another lane of where your team is fighting/holding. | |
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Skills that need to aim to be hit, like the majority part of skills on Smite. | |
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Same thing of Ability. | |
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When a guy that already has some knowledge in the game creates a new account pretending he is a newbie. | |
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To hit a line ability far away from the target, usually using a predict like ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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(Stream) Sniping
To make every thing to be placed in the same match of a streamer you are watching to play with or against him. | |
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To use the VGS or Ping system on the minimap a lot of times in a few time in order to | |
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A term used to refer to ![]() | |
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Some items require stacks to achieve their full potential. Stacks are the act of kill/assist minions to get a stack. Some items requires the kill to get the stack like ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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Starter Items
Cheap items made to help the early game of the gods. Become less relevant as the time passes. | |
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To quickly get fed and become too strong for the enemy team then you start to get stronger and stronger in the game while the enemy keeps getting weaker and weaker. | |
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A god that is very susceptible to take damage. The opposite of Tank. | |
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It means MIA. See MIA. | |
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Number(s) about the character you are playing like HP, Power, Mana, Defenses... | |
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To become invisible to players for a short duration of time like ![]() | |
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CC that block the character capacity of doing anything. | |
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Way that a god have to heal himself and stay in battle for more time (healing, lifesteal...) | |
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Short/Solo Lane(r)
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CC that slow your capacity of move around for a limited time. This is a Soft CC | |
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Objectives of most part of the game modes. They have backdoor protections. Can only be destroyed using basic attacks. They attack enemies within its area prioritizing minions, if the play attacks a god inside the area, the structure will start to focus him. If there are no minions then the structure will focus the closest god. They are Towers and Phoenixes. Any structure destroyed reduces the HP of the Titan. All structures deals physical damage. | |
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Soft Crowd Control (Soft CC)
Any Crowd Control that makes it more difficult to do a specific action, including Basic Attacks, non-movement Abilities, and Movement Inputs. Soft CCs neither apply nor are affected by stacks of DR. Usually don't proc ![]() ![]() | |
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Support (Sup/Supp)
The guy that usually peel/start fights for his team. Usually also tank objectives. Usually played by a Guardian. | |
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CC that forces the enemy attack the caster using basic attacks. Targets are also slowed during this effect. | |
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Teleport (TP)
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A god that can mitigate a lot of damage due his high defenses/hp. The opposite of Squishy. See mitigation. | |
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See structures. The main objective of most game modes. Titans are giant movable structures that prioritize minions unless a player attacks a god within its area, then the titan will focus on him. Titans can only be attacked once at least 1 phoenix is down, else he is completely immune to damage. Each structure down decreases the Titan HP. The team that destroys the titan wins the game. | |
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To get angry with the game. | |
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Switch places with someone. Can be in-game, switching lanes (usually not effective) and can be on lobby, trading your role with someone else | |
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True Hard Crowd Control (THCC)
THCCs have the same definition as Hard CCs but True Hard CCs that are not affected by DR. As such, True Hard CCs apply 2 stacks of DR. True Hard CCs procs the effects of ![]() ![]() | |
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See Structures. Structure that once destroyed does not respawn and award the entire team with gold. | |
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The act of intentionally behaving in odd or unwanted / undesirable ways in an attempt to bother, annoy, offend or harrass other players. A SMITE example: intentionally letting the enemy kill you to feed (Read: feeding) them to ruin the game for players on the same team. Also known as Clowns according to Stuke. | |
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True Sight
Ability that structures have to reveal Stealth gods within its area EVEN WHEN THEY ARE NOT BEING FOCUSED. | |
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CC that forces a god move erratically toward the source for the duration. This is a Soft CC. | |
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Tunnel Vision
The act on focusing so much on one person/objective etc you become shortly unaware of your surroundings. |
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Ultimate (Ult, Ulti)
Your 4th and usually the most powerful ability unlocked only after level 5. | |
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Underpowered (UP)
Weaker than it meant to be. The opposite of Overpowered. | |
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Vision Shard
A type of ward that replaces the non-used relic slot. A bit weaker than a normal ward. See Ward. | |
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VGS (Voice Guided System)
Preset Voice System that allow you to say in game commands like MIA using the voice of your god. No need to use the chat for that. | |
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CC that pushes the enemies towards the center of it. | |
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Wards (Sentry Ward)
The consumable you can buy to place somewhere and sport all enemies passing through it area. See Vision Shard. | |
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The amount of minions that come in line to the lane. | |
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W Keying (Holding W)
It means someone is focusing a target without thinking/caring about the consequences. Someone w keying you means he is ignoring the entire team to attack and focus you. | |
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It means Well Played. | |
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(To) Zone
The act of limit the area your opponent may walk or approach. Example: ![]() ![]() |
Well, that's it, I hope you have enjoyed my Dictionary for Smite Terms!!!. Don't forget to leave your comment and your Upvote because this guide took me A LOT OF TIME to do it!!!!
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Suggestion, you should add "Sprint" to this glossary, since a lot of people still refer to Heavenly Wings as such.
What I mean is that you only looked at the first letter of each term, and arranged them based on that. I suggest you use the followup letters to better your sorting, making it a bit easier to find things (and reduce the chances of scrolling past a specific term one might be looking for).
Here's an example.
Also Bran's picture says everything :p
I understand that it's important to a dictionary have an alphabetical order but I am not having enough time to organize it completely so as I said, I am just respecting the first letter to consider "alphabetical order".
Wouldn't that be more along the lines of "Off Role" / Flex pick?
feel free to ask if you don't know a definition of any of those
Ok, gonna add them later, thx <3Added <3
I didn't add all of them because I felt some weren't needed and some I didn't know the meaning, so if you could explain the meaning of these one below I would be happy:
minion Aggro, tower Aggro speaks kinda for itself, still some people tend to only say be careful for the aggro. Aggro is pretty much getting targeted (although mostly used for minions and towers it can be used in terms of player forgetting player)
cleanse: an affect that can remove crowd control effects (e.g.
creep: Another term for minion (pretty much because Dota called them creeps)
deny: maybe this helps a bit. to deny your enemy farm by freezing the wave or invadign their jungle camp.
fat finger: the term for messing up your combo because you pressed a wrong button or accidentally casting something you didn't want to like your ult or rama rolling into an enemy.
hit chain: another word for attack chain of most melee gods (and
Kill lane: pretty much a way to refer to the types of duo lane. the term is used for early aggression that can easily kill people usually with a simple combo that if you get caught you're dead.
Kiting: well although less used in smite and not requiring a lot of mechanics in smite probably somethign you should add. It is pretty much the act of keeping the distance even though in smite you can backpeddle for it. also includes skill uses like backflip or
leash: you know that mid lane helps the jungle with speed, that is called leashing. Pretty much helping your jungler for a healthier start in the jungle. (in a lot of cases confused with pulling, however that is a dota term where you pull jungle camps out of the cam to let another camp spawn stackign them.)
leech: any time the jungler takes farm from a lane he leeches farm. in most cases refering to if they only pass through the lane when minions die.
overextend: you know those times you are pushing t2 tower while no other lane has pressure and you get ganked. Well then you are overextended. it's the most common laning phase out of position term when they get ganked.
stasis: the "CC"
tunnel vision: the act on focusing so much on one person/objective etc you become shortly unaware of your surroundings. (those I need to kill the adc moments and you miss that your team has disengaged the other team or that you walked in the middle of the enemy team.)
Finished Dev, All terms were added, thank you for your help and patience <3
This from the guy who constantly checks his rank on Discord and complains about his teammates being terrible. :P
This from the guy who constantly checks his rank on Discord
I don't do it anymore because I don't need to do it anymore, I know that I'm the #1, why would I keep checking it? You are just jealous :p
A SMITE example: intentionally letting the enemy kill you to feed (Read: feeding) them to ruin the game for players on the same team.
What do you think of this?
I will add it, thanks!
Gonna add them later, thanks!Thank you for those guys that already published some feedback.
smite academy's list
the list over on MOBAfire be careful with several definitions how they might translate over.
And now a review of what is there so you can spend less time on it (mostly what is missing/wrong in certain parts others you can assume you did a great job especially on some of the extra added information):
All with all a great job already myst
Another example is "Bot Lane", as bottom lane is completely irrelevant in SMITE (as SMITE's camera perspective is entirely different, therefore there is no top, bottom, (true) left or (true) right lane.
Things like these belong in a "dictionary" for MOBAs in general but if we're talking SMITE specifically, shouldn't be there.
Edit: As myst said, Intoxication is seen as "hard" CC by the game. Kind of strange, as "hard CC" is defined as CC that *completely* disables a certain or multiple actions like movement, Intox not disabling anything at all, you wouldn't say it's hard CC, but it is.
A separate chapter at the bottom for terms and abbreviations used in other MOBAs commonly can work, though overall this guide's point is to explain SMITE's terms and abbr., not that of a MOBA as a whole.
You could, also, call this a "MOBA Dictionary" as a whole, though that would perhaps fall a bit outside the scope of SMITEfire specifically. (Though not necessarily a bad thing.)
The choice is yours. As it currently stands though, terms like "AD" and "Bot lane" don't belong in the context of SMITE alone.
I guess I will add a section "Other MOBAs terms" and add this one there.
And yes, a lot of people that I know came from LOL and they use terms like Bot and AD/AP in smite, so specially for new players that comes from other Mobas this might be useful, that's why I prefer to keep them.
Anyway, Fixed Zero, thanks!.
[*]for base I am used to the general moba term. Dunno about others and also dunno about the shout casters for SPL and stuffs.
[*]FG/GF baron/dragon was mostly a wording thing. Making people coming from (modern) LoL confused since the buffs differ and well LoL dragon is a bigger objective then GF.
[*]like said in the comment before for harass and poke we are going to need multiple people their opinion for a solid definition.
[*]didn't know or forgot intoxicate is a hard CC. You did forget the general CC start you did with other CC, which I found more important
[*]AAC was mostly a recommendation to add as a term into the guide.
[*]I honestly don't really know why I typed that last sentence for split pushing.