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AA Based Mid/ADC Chronos Build w/Hybrid Options

3 0 8,195
by LemonDiesel8305 updated April 28, 2021

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
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Chronos Build

Anti-Heal AA Ability Hybrid

Notes sell boots for demonic ring for more AA hybrid,or soul gem/spear of desolation for even more ability focus,or sometimes if you leaning towards abilities more then obsidian shard is a great item for giving a extra punch with pentration, this is more cooldown/and ability hybrid based build but works great against tanks, healers, any strong opposition, if they all are glass cannons or only one tank, i recommend AA Shred for sure.


sell boots for demonic ring for more AA hybrid,or soul gem/spear of desolation for even more ability focus,or sometimes if you leaning towards abilities more then obsidian shard is a great item for giving a extra punch with pentration, this is more cooldown/and ability hybrid based build but works great against tanks, healers, any strong opposition, if they all are glass cannons or only one tank, i recommend AA Shred for sure.

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation

AA Shred

Notes sell boots for ring of hecate and buy speed elixir as soon as you have around 3k 3.5k gold with full build and starter upgraded, this build has great cooldown and mana regen with starter sands of time, i honestly think the impact is a lot better than conduit gem, so you can have your abilities readied to fight, chronos has long cooldowns besides his 1 time rift. Which I max first then 3. Can go rod of Tahuti before telekinesis ring if preferred but I like attack speed first before the burst of power. I constantly win game after game if I don't fall behind early, The combo with polynomicon is nuts, I use my 2 on the 4th quarter of clock which is getting 125% power buff applied to Auto attacks directly, hit with one auto attack, then stun with 3, Auto attack, then 1, Auto attack rinse repeat. That combo almost always guarantees a kill if they aren't a tank, and even tanks that will chunk them down to almost nothing.


sell boots for ring of hecate and buy speed elixir as soon as you have around 3k 3.5k gold with full build and starter upgraded, this build has great cooldown and mana regen with starter sands of time, i honestly think the impact is a lot better than conduit gem, so you can have your abilities readied to fight, chronos has long cooldowns besides his 1 time rift. Which I max first then 3. Can go rod of Tahuti before telekinesis ring if preferred but I like attack speed first before the burst of power. I constantly win game after game if I don't fall behind early, The combo with polynomicon is nuts, I use my 2 on the 4th quarter of clock which is getting 125% power buff applied to Auto attacks directly, hit with one auto attack, then stun with 3, Auto attack, then 1, Auto attack rinse repeat. That combo almost always guarantees a kill if they aren't a tank, and even tanks that will chunk them down to almost nothing.

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Ring of Hecate Ring of Hecate

Let's go

Yo guys my first build on here, been playing for years but was on hiatus for some time, im back for season 8 and I've been loving Chronos as ADC or Mid, even used this build in jungle.. just crazy strong if you hit your stun and a few autos.melts everyone. Level 1 or 3 first, 1 for burst damage/aggression, or 3 for wave clear and more safe play.

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LemonDiesel8305 | April 28, 2021 9:23am
Let me know your guys thoughts, results, suggestions, and anything you want to share about these builds. AA Shred is my favorite by far but if they are really tanky and countering your autos with healing. Prots. And misgardian mail, etc counter items, the Ability AA Hybrid is awesome too, both super strong
Kriega1 (143) | April 28, 2021 9:31am
I probably wouldn't build Hecate, i'd likely go Typhon's instead. Soul Gem isn't awful but I think Poly works better with the 2nd build. Also your antiheal build should have Tahuti as well.

I'd suggest: Sands, tier 1 tahuti, pots, going into Magi Shoes, Tahuti, Deso/Divine, Coin, Telk/Poly, Pendulum, boots for Poly/Telk. For a hybrid/ability build.

For a AA build i'd probably go Conduit / Sands, tiny trinket, pots, going into Magi Shoes, Pythag's, Telkhines, Demonic, Tahuti, Gem of Focus / Pendulum, and selling boots for Typhon's Fang.

Also Bumba's Hammer is pretty strong atm on Chronos, though you'd only get away with it in Mid or Jungle, and in Mid you would start Tier 2 Tahuti and pots level 1 with it.
Farthus (15) | April 29, 2021 1:28pm
WOuld you also have these starter items for ADC role? or is this only for Midlane?
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LemonDiesel8305 | April 28, 2021 9:56am
Yea I feel like it's much harder for me to get bumbas hammer because having that **** dagger or just waiting to buy it later I've gotten so accustomed to starter items that I feel weak early mid game without them, I constantly am drained of mana when I don't use sands having to back/keep a million mana potions every time I push lane, and the cooldown really adds up in 1o minutes think of the damage you put out because of all the mana and extra ability casts you had because of starter, not to mention 30 power is awesome start too.
LemonDiesel8305 | April 28, 2021 9:38am
and bro poly with 2 rings built i swear its like hitting a super hard crit, so much damage
LemonDiesel8305 | April 28, 2021 9:35am
I fixed it sorry I had it messed up, and thanks for Input I like soul gem for the passive heal on you and allies hear and there, and hecate is awesome if you are hitting your autos, with full build sold boots as long as I can get an auto or 2 off I can out box most gods and even 2 gods at once with ult ready, I feel like I can stand my ground much better than physical ADC with this build. I live more die less and get a lot more kills and structure damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LemonDiesel8305
AA Based Mid/ADC Chronos Build w/Hybrid Options
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