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Sell Mages Blessing for one of these
Sell Magi Starter For 4th Item - BoV
Just a quick guide. Could use some insight, just what I have been running. Just something I made really quick because I am bored at work and feel like there are a lot of gods out there without very many build guides.
I like to try to keep CDR @ 30-40% because I feel like stance switching for healing is so helpful in so many fights, and having that on a short CD helps immensely, and helps her have her ult up for almost every team fight too.
Normal Tanky Spanky is great for Joust, oni can make you extremely tanky, especially with your shield ability. Late game I find 30% CDR is pretty adequate and my team lets me have mana buff end game, so I maintain 40% most of the time. With Oni + Shield Ability, you can have a 24% straight reduction in damage, since its % based, no matter how much they try to beef their damage, it will always be 24% less for a few seconds each fight, which can be huge.
Anti Heal is well, great to deal with those people who heal and/or lifesteal a bunch. If they try to CC you, their life will be awful, because your cloak will proc your 15% + you can pop your shield for another 9% of damage reduction and you will just keep smacking them with your anti heal. Get Upgraded Ankh ASAP if they have someone who is a dedicated healer, cause if you proc your Passive on them, and then hit them with that Ankh, they will be taking 30% more damage from ALL sources, which means your DPS can absolutely shred them, in addition to getting less healing, you will annihilate them into whatever afterlife that pantheon believes in.
Tank Me Up Scotty is a build where you won't do a "ton of damage" but just mainly there to support your other two people to the best of your abilities and annoy the others with your tankiness. I recommend Oni as your first Defensive item, because it helps on both fronts, you get a good magic defense, but also get 9% damage reduction from everyone (phyiscal included) so I find this to be the best buy first. You aren't going to be doing the damage, but your silences, resilience, and ultimate will for sure be a nuisance to deal with
Lono's Mask could make a great addition here if you really wanted to really become an ultimate tank. Mitigations would be: 9% (Oni), 15% (Ability), 15% (Spirit Robe), 20% (Lono Mask) so you could mitigate 59% of damage, then they have to get through your protections after that!
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About the builds and the guide, the builds are flawless imo, and the guide is short but has the essential stuff you need to know about builds. :)
So I am trying to make some guides that might help others in Joust the same as in Conquest. I am pretty new to theorycrafting and things, so my builds might not work for everyone, but generally speaking they work really well for my team comps that I run with my friends.
Also I wouldn't advise skipping blessing in joust. You need something for the early pressure.
So I swapped over to mage's blessing, and I really appreciated getting the additional 10% CDR very early on, typically when I would be getting BoV so instead of seeing just a 20%, I was getting 30% right around that same time, which I found really beneficial since I feel like before getting hammer I have a ton of mana issues, but I think now that I am playing her more that I might be able to conserve better at the start and just wait for hammer instead and benefit more from the Warrior's Blessing mana return instead.