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Ao Kuang Joust 3v3

3 3 42,470
by TheGamerVil777 updated June 25, 2014

Smite God: Kukulkan

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Kukulkan Build

Final Items

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Starting Items

Build Item Spellbook Spellbook
Build Item Breastplate Breastplate
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Kukulkan's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 8 11 12 15


2 A B
3 14 16 18 19


3 B A
1 4 6 7 10

Spirit of the Nine Winds

4 Y X
Spirit of the Nine Winds
5 9 13 17 20
2 8 11 12 15


1 X
Kukulkan fires a projectile breath attack that hits the first enemy in its path, doing damage and Slowing all enemies in the area around the impact.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 3s
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 8s
3 14 16 18 19


2 A
Kukulkan channels the wind, allowing him to move faster and cleansing himself of Slows and becoming immune to Slows. This speed boost is strong at first but scales down gradually over the 4s duration.

Ability Type: Buff
Speed: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%
Duration: 4s
Cost: 65
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
1 4 6 7 10


3 B
Kukulkan summons a tornado at his ground target location. A smaller tornado branches off onto any enemies that come within the radius, doing damage every .5s for 2.5s and is refreshed every .35 if enemies stay within the radius, for a maximum of 12 ticks.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 8 / 17 / 26 / 35 / 44 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Tornado Lifetime: 4s
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Spirit of the Nine Winds
5 9 13 17 20

Spirit of the Nine Winds

4 Y
Kukulkan summons the Spirit Of The Nine Winds to breathe down destruction onto his enemies in a path in front of him, doing damage and knocking all of the enemies to the side.

Ability Type: Line, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (+120% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140
Cooldown: 90s

Ao Kuang Full Damage Build

This build works best in 3v3 joust matches. It is highly recommended you use it in 3v3 matches from my experience with Ao but it is possible to play it in other game modes. You want to start off with Soul Reliquary and Breastplate. You may have a rocky start because you may use up all your Mana quickly even with a Mana Jungle Buff (Which is why is a good idea to buy 2 Mana and Health Potions to sustain in the match). If you run out of Mana (highly likely) or are very impatient, go back to base. Keep attacking minions and kill enemy gods to level up.

Once you get the gold buy Breastplate of Valor first because you want a reduced cooldown to use your Tornadoes quickly to clear the lane. Also it gives you Mana and some Physical Protection so you can defend from those pesky assassins (if there are any). Then start to get Book of Thoth. NOTE: It is required for you to get Book of Thoth early in the game. The order of the items bought for example Breastplate of Valor then Book of Thoth or vise versa doesn't matter but it will be a good thing to have a reduced cooldown to level faster by killing minions faster which build stacks faster.

Next, you want to buy an item with Lifesteal potential (Highly recommend Polynomicon but with the nerf it is getting you may want Bancroft's Talon or something similar). Polynomicon restores health and gives you more sustain potential as well as Mana and Magical Power.

Near mid game you want to get Warlock's Sash. Warlock's Sash at full stacks gives you Health so you can last longer in battle and gives you additional Magical Power and Mana.

After that, get Obsidian Shard (or Spear of the Magus but Obsidian shard gives you more Magical Power). Obsidian Shard gives you 33% (about 1/3) additional Magical Penetration (As well as 70 Magical Power. It adds more Magical Power than the Spear of the Magus). If you are facing more magical enemies than physical enemies, replace Breastplate of Valor with Chronos's Pendant. Otherwise, keep Breastplate of Valor (That Loki though...).

Near the end of the game, buy Rod of Tahuti. NOTE: This item is not optional. Every Mage MUST have this item. You should already have all your items stacked if everything goes well and you should kill enemies with more ease than before.


    Book of Thoth gives you Mana. Having the item also coverts 3% of your Mana into Magical Power. This will be helpful when you have at almost 3000 Mana at Level 20 with this build.

    Chronos's Pendant gives even more Magical Power to you. It gives 75 Magical Power and also gives you 25 MP5 so you can restore Mana faster. It is helpful especially if you are spamming 3. If you have Breastplate of Valor, you get 550 Mana so it adds even more Magical Power from Book of Thoth's ability to use 3% of total Mana.

    Polynomicon gives you more Magical Power and Mana adding to the Mana pool which adds more to your Magical Power. In addition, it gives Lifesteal so you can sustain longer without spending a lot of gold on potions. It is cheap to buy too.

    Warlock's Sash gives more Health to you along with additional Mana and Magical Power. As you gain stacks you get more Health and Magical Power.

    From all the Magical Power you have got adding another 70 by buying Obsidian Shard it adds even more power.

    Rod of Tahuti has one of the biggest Magical Damage for an item. It adds 125 Magical Damage. Increases magical power by 25% passively and adds 15 MP5.
In total the power would at least be OVER 9000!!! (Just kidding) The Magical Power would actually be at least 900.

Now you know how to use Ao to his best potential full on damage-wise in Joust 3v3. As they say in Smite, good luck and have fun!

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XxCodyDarnellxX | July 29, 2014 10:53pm
Interesting guide and build. I'm giving it a try right now - However I'm switching "Obsidian Shard" for "Shoes of the Magi", as Obsidian Shard's passive adds (+0 Magical Penetration) because 33% of zero Magical Penetration is still zero.
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Ao Kuang Joust 3v3
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