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Aoe Crit = EZ win

53 8 56,529
by SleekVulpine updated June 10, 2022

Smite God: Jing Wei

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Jing Wei Build

Full Speed Crit

Notes As our meta shifts, so does Jing Wei. We are currently in the best meta for her as of 9.5. Though Bonus balance has tried to address some of the issues with hunters, its safe to say this new meta has given Jing Wei a new set of wings.


As our meta shifts, so does Jing Wei. We are currently in the best meta for her as of 9.5. Though Bonus balance has tried to address some of the issues with hunters, its safe to say this new meta has given Jing Wei a new set of wings.

Build Item Death's Temper Death's Temper
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Malicious Deathbringer Malicious Deathbringer

Other Options

Notes These items depend on the enemy gods and there builds. Shadow steel is a good swap in for healers. Deaths Embrace is good if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of anti heal.


These items depend on the enemy gods and there builds. Shadow steel is a good swap in for healers. Deaths Embrace is good if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of anti heal.

Build Item Shadowsteel Shuriken Shadowsteel Shuriken
Build Item Death's Embrace Death's Embrace
Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner

Jing Wei's Skill Order Notes Using your 1 is important for damage and for attack speed, its wise to alternate between leveling your 1 and 2 for your best boxing potential.


Using your 1 is important for damage and for attack speed, its wise to alternate between leveling your 1 and 2 for your best boxing potential.

Persistent Gust

1 X Y
Persistent Gust
1 4 7 8 12

Explosive Bolts

2 A B
Explosive Bolts
2 6 10 11 14


3 B A
3 16 17 19 20

Air Strike

4 Y X
Air Strike
5 9 13 15 18
Persistent Gust
1 4 7 8 12

Persistent Gust

1 X
Jing Wei creates a gust of wind that damages enemies and knocks up enemy gods when summoned. The gust persists for 6s and continues to knock up and deal additional damage to enemies every 1s. If Jing Wei walks onto the area she is knocked into the air and gains an attack speed buff for 7s.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Initial Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Attack Speed Buff: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Range/Radius: 55/10
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Explosive Bolts
2 6 10 11 14

Explosive Bolts

2 A
Jing Wei loads her crossbow with explosive bolts that augment her next 3 Basic Attacks. These attacks are wider, have increased critical chance, and deal area of effect damage.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Buff
Crit Chance: 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%
Damage Per Shot: 110% of your Physical Power
Range/Radius: 55/8
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
3 16 17 19 20


3 B
Jing Wei dashes straight forward. She may use this ability while knocked into the air for a longer range dash. She also gains a 5s increase to Physical Power and Movement Speed upon using Agility. The effect of this buff is increased if Agility is used from the air.

Ability Type: Line, Dash
Power: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Movement Speed: 15%
Air Power: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Air Movement Speed: 25%
Range: 35/55
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16s
Air Strike
5 9 13 15 18

Air Strike

4 Y
Jing Wei channels briefly before taking to the sky. She then flies forward and upward while covering the area below her in explosions that damage all enemies in the area. After her attack she hovers for up to 2s before landing at a ground target location.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 220 / 310 / 400 / 490 / 580 (+110% of your Physical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

Jing Wei Threats

Tap each threat level to view Jing Wei’s threats


Jing Wei Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Jing Wei’s synergies


Just run it down lane.

This guide is made by the mentor team from the SMITE Official Discord. Anyone can join and receive help from the mentors, participate in inhouses, look for people to play with, or just talk about the game with other people who enjoy SMITE.

Jing Wei as most of us know is a late game carry. She has had her ups and downs in the meta, but in a recent shift (Patch 9.5) Jing Wei has gotten even safer and her items have gotten even better (Save for some nerfs in 9.5's Bonus Balance).

As of right now your goal as Jing Wei is to play it safe for your early game, and considering she is probably the safest of any hunter, that part shouldn't be too difficult. Never feel bad for returning to base, abuse her passive and take full advantage of what she gains from it. Her early game banks on her backing often and continually pressuring wave as best she can. Jing Wei does not gave the best early game clear, pairing her with a more aggressive guardian, while not needed, can help with some of her early game frustrations.

Her early game boxing can be quite weak, to circumvent this using her knock up at opportune times is crucial. Her 1 can give her a clear and easy way to land bolt shots, and if time right you can also knock yourself up to receive a solid attack speed bonus which can really win you a early game fight if played correctly.

When you do get your crit online you will notice a shift in kit. You won't be using your knock up as much for damage, but more for either securing bolt shot or for a escape. Late game not many can stand up to the pure burst Jing Wei can offer in team fights, AOE crits are brutal and can really take any enemy off guard if they group.

All in all, your key to winning with Jing Wei is patience. She offers much in the way of safety and pure burst, its just picking your early game fights wisely, and sliding into that late game.

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Lucifer Black | August 7, 2022 10:22am
Glad I can finally play Jing wei again
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 2, 2022 3:25pm
Hey Vulpine,

Have a few questions if you don't mind responding.
  • You're building 50% crit. Granted, she gets the 3 shots from her 2 w/ boosted crit chance, and 50% has been a common crit chance target recently. What is your opinion on switching Death's Toll ( Death's Temper) for Gilded Arrow ( Ornate Arrow)? What are your opinions on drawbacks about going this direction (at least as an option)? This would put her base crit chance late-game at 75%, with an activation of her 2 basically guaranteeing crits. I know DPS isn't everything, but I'm pretty sure Ornate gives better overall DPS late game.

  • In another changeup of your base build, just looking for your reasons for preferring to show Odysseus' Bow in that 6th slot instead of something like Wind Demon. I've never liked the concept of getting a 0 power item in a crit build since the crit multiplier is based on power. I know of course this can still work just fine, but I'm feeling WD is a better standard option to show in the base build, for the added crit chance, power, % pen and utility. So again...just looking for a more thorough explanation of your reasoning.

    Also, think it would be good to identify (especially for newer players) where your alternative items would sub in in your base build. To me it's obviously O-Bow, but to others might not be.

  • If you're looking for a bit more AS in the 6th slot, could The Executioner be another alternative option to counter the increased tankiness of gods? And of course the protection shred is always great for helping your other physical gods deal more damage to a main target or FG.

  • You upgrade to Malicious Deathbringer, and I'm guessing you do this partially for more mobility and more uses of her 2, but isn't Envenomed Deathbringer still a solid option? Any reason you don't prefer that?
SleekVulpine (1) | June 2, 2022 3:46pm

1. So initially I had gilded arrow as the top choice, I was floating it around a lot recently and this build did go through a lot of changes, I do agree that Gilded can definitely a started item going into Ornate. Though recently I was fiddling with Deaths Temper and seeing its real potential. Also taking into consideration what some pro's are building. I know not always the wisest idea, but I think Temper does pack an immense punch. This isn't to say that Ornate is completely off the table. Perhaps I should put it down in my alternative items for the build.

2. I do agree with you here. As I worked towards making this I have always found myself leaning back on Odysseus as an item with potential and one that perhaps I myself use a crutch. I do stand by that I like it and I think it has merit even for being a 0 power item. I suppose, trying not to be a meme, but zap zap hurt and Ive always enjoyed it paired with Silverbranch, for obvious reasons.

3. It had been on my radar no doubt and since perhaps O-bow could be taken out it would be another alternative I could slide into the bottom.

3. This was a super tough one for me. I have been an Envemoned stan for a long time, and it was going to be Envenomed in that slot, but I had to take into consideration it recent nerfing. Yes I know Malicious got a similar-ish nerf, but my focus has shifted more into Malicious being a viable and quite honestly nice option for Jing Wei. Getting her dash up, sure is great... but I'm here for getting those bolts back up ASAP.

Thank you for your insight and criticism.

I'm looking to be a more talented build maker so seeing your views helps with other potential options and ideas <3
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 2, 2022 5:50pm
Awesome and insightful responses, thanks Vulpine!

I've been using Envenomed as a default for ADCs since the Glyphs were made, without giving nearly as much consideration to Malicious as I probably should have, even on gods that have more ability reliance such as Medusa. I really should be considering Malicious more often, even on basically full AA builds.

If you ever want to expand on your writeups/explanations, let me know if you need help with anything!
AmoralOne (11) | June 2, 2022 2:12pm
Sick Guide
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Aoe Crit = EZ win
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