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Go bluestone pendant for damage, and start building into Thebes right away. Reason being that in Arena you get to scale it up really quickly and it provides good health for you. Next Go Glad shield for damage, you will deal alot of damage but remember, even as a warrior in this game mode with this build your mostly a Support.
This is a "cookie cutter" build that I find works in most matchups
These are the relic options. I recommend that you ALWAYS go bead because Arthur has such a hard time with cc. (This goes for Arena only btw)
Also another good one for great potential
These items will come along nicely if you build for alot of mixed damage. Prophetic cloak will help you and your allies, all though it staks a bit "slow" it's synergy with Glad shield will resault in you potentially doing alot of damage while pridwen wil proq of your tier 1 or tier 2 ultimate.
While damage items are IMHO limited on this guy, there a few that will help you and your team alot. I recommend you go for blue stone, along with one of these. In my opinion Runeforged Hammer is an item that is slept upon on him. The damage aura is really good with your tier 1 and especially tier 2 because you hold them in the area while they are affected by the runeforge. Also RF proqs of your 2, the dash. Which will also help your team deal more damage.
We know how annoying crit people are, these are a must if the enemy team has 3 adc, which happens
If the entire enemy team is physical then the build is pretty simple and your build should look somewhat like this. Contagion is a great item if you see them have decent with healing, but if they the damage effect is actually better against squishy targets like neith, artemis, loki etc that stun/ slow or cc you, and will start taking damage.
If the enemies have alot of magical damage Onis' Hunter garb is one of the best items you can get, for the damage midigation aswell as CCR. Main struggle of KA is that if he get's chain cced there isn't much he can do.
Tap each threat level to view King Arthur’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view King Arthur’s synergies
In the current damage meta we are in, KA is having a hard time with burst damage, but so does all, in some match ups where you have 250 protections in both magic and 3200+ health, you'll still feel like you're squishy. This is more or less true so your goal is to go in and harass the enemy team and for you to be a problem for everyone. Don't be afraid to go in, and back out once the enmy wastes and ult or 2 on you.
You are mostly a support role here, go for kills whenever you can, but mostly eiteher engage for your team, or stay behind and wait for assassins to jump your backline.
KA does alot of damage on his own, usually after a Gladiator's Shield and 1 or 2 tank items, you'll deal alot of damage and be able to go into the enemy team 1v3 and usually win trades or actually get a kill, because of your passive.
However CC is your biggest enemy, and especially spells like Poseidons puddle, or Persephone's ult which won't allow you to dash. 4 of your abilites happens to be dashes, so if you get tangled you will get peeled fast. Also characters like Bacchus, can't be knocked up with your 2 when he burps, because he is knock up immune. Other characters like Ymir can block your damage and mobility alone. Becareful when a team has alot of cc. This goes for every god in game, but if KA is locked down he is done for.
I therefore recommend you go beads first then blink or aegis. Blink and Aegis seem like an odd choice for him but if he gets caught of guard he has no cc immunity or jump like bacchus or chaac or anyone else.
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