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Attack Speed Bellona

1 2 18,470
by X-Ecutioner420 updated July 2, 2016

Smite God: Bellona

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Bellona Build

Have fun

Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Elixir of Defense Elixir of Defense
Build Item Elixir of Power Elixir of Power
Build Item Frenzy Frenzy
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Chapter Title

Best way to use this is to use the
O (ps4) or B (Xbox) button. When activated and used. You gain life steal not including soul eater, both of them combined shall make you OP when used right. When attacking fire giant on joust you can solo it and leave with 85% or more of your health. Have fun with this build and go in order. Please leave a like it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | August 9, 2016 12:30pm
I have to agree with PeachTeaLover, but will actually provide reasons why it's flawed. This is not meant to flame or insult, so please take this constructively.

You mention Joust, so going to assume it's mostly meant for that, though most of my comments apply to any mode. You also mention PS4/Xbox, so understand where this build is coming general, you can get away with a lot more when playing on consoles. A much newer userbase, combined with slower reaction speed (mouse + keyboard allows for much greater precision and response), means that you can sometimes get away with things you can't on PC...and for sure, you won't get away with this build on PC, unless you're playing against new players.

Move speed:
Firstly, you say "go in order" so we have to look at when you actually build move speed. You have Soul Eater 3rd, and it requires 20 stacks to provide a full 10% move speed. Your 4th item is Winged Blade, which always provides 10% move speed. In a fight, you're unlikely to maintain 20 stacks for long, especially as a melee god, so you're mostly going to be dealing with a lower average move speed compared to others building a more common Warrior Tabi or Ninja Tabi. You're also building it way too late. Move speed items, depending on mode, are built 1st or 2nd. This means you'll have a harder time retreating, and be much slower getting back to lane when you go back to the fountain.

Best choice is probably to just stick with Warrior Tabi, or if you're really stuck on attack speed, Ninja Tabi.

You get Transcendence last. Why? Stacking items really need to be built earlier, so you can actually get them stacked up and take advantage of what the stacks provide. If you do build it, it should be built 1st or 2nd...max 3rd.

But really, Transcendence is probably a poor choice for her. The power it provides is great, but this is mostly an item focusing on providing a huge pool of mana for high ability use. In your build, you focus on basic attacking, so this isn't a synergistic item. There's likely no actual stacking item that is good for Bellona in most cases.

Okay, so you've built a ton of attack speed...but you have almost no oomph behind your attacks. You build ZERO power items until you get to items #5 and #6. This means you're doing extremely low damage throughout the majority of your build. You absolutely need some, and much earlier.

You're building 2 lifesteal items, and that is generally considered to make any build inefficient. If it works for you, cool, but I think there are probably better options.

You have none. As a melee god, and as a warrior, you really should build at least 1 solid protection item. The Soul Eater passive will give you just a bit of extra health, to go with the 300 health from Winged Blade, but you're likely to get bursted down extremely quickly by anyone recognizing that you're not building any protection. Normal single protection item would be Hide of the Urchin, but many build at least 2.

And there are the basics of the build flaws. You'll see a horrible power curve throughout the majority of the early/mid game, you'll be bursted down easily, etc.

What would be a more viable build? Granted, this would deviate significantly from your current build, with different effects in mind.

Ninja Tabi, Hide of the Urchin, Frostbound Hammer, Asi, Qin's Sais, The Executioner. Still a decent amount of attack speed, double your inherent protections at level 20, a slowing utility in Frostbound to keep enemies closer/prevent them from retreating as quickly, etc., and a much better power curve to make you more viable at all stages of the game. I'm sure others would have their own builds in mind, but just giving you one example. Hope this helps.
PeachTeaLover | August 9, 2016 10:03am
Horrible attack speed build...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author X-Ecutioner420
Attack Speed Bellona
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