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Bastet arena

4 0 10,297
by Warkoi updated July 11, 2022

Smite God: Bastet

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Bastet Build


Notes Start with bluestone, sell it when you will get 6th item.

Last two items are interchangeable.
Brawlers if against Aphrodite, Hel, Sylvanus, Chang'e, Anubis (against healers or gods with a lot of lifesteal.
Titans bane against heavily armored tanks.

Heartseeker is just extra ability damage which scales the more tanky the enemy is.

Crusher is good with a lot of physical power.
Transendance and heartseeker provide a lot of physical power.
Items synergise with each other.

Spirit robe provides damage mitigation if hit by CC. Therefore it provides more defense when you need it, on top of both physical and magical defense and cooldown reduction.

Jotun's wrath is a lot of physical power, but most importantly 20% cooldown reduction.

Bluestone is a great starting item for dot damage on your abilities.


Start with bluestone, sell it when you will get 6th item.

Last two items are interchangeable.
Brawlers if against Aphrodite, Hel, Sylvanus, Chang'e, Anubis (against healers or gods with a lot of lifesteal.
Titans bane against heavily armored tanks.

Heartseeker is just extra ability damage which scales the more tanky the enemy is.

Crusher is good with a lot of physical power.
Transendance and heartseeker provide a lot of physical power.
Items synergise with each other.

Spirit robe provides damage mitigation if hit by CC. Therefore it provides more defense when you need it, on top of both physical and magical defense and cooldown reduction.

Jotun's wrath is a lot of physical power, but most importantly 20% cooldown reduction.

Bluestone is a great starting item for dot damage on your abilities.

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Jotunn's Vigor Jotunn's Vigor
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick


Start with bluestone, sell it when you will get 6th item.

Last two items are interchangeable.
Brawlers if against Aphrodite, Hel, Sylvanus, Chang'e, Anubis (against healers or gods with a lot of lifesteal.
Titans bane against heavily armored tanks.

Heartseeker is just extra ability damage which scales the more tanky the enemy is.

Crusher is good with a lot of physical power.
Transendance and heartseeker provide a lot of physical power.
Items synergise with each other.

Spirit robe provides damage mitigation if hit by CC. Therefore it provides more defense when you need it, on top of both physical and magical defense and cooldown reduction.

Jotun's wrath is a lot of physical power, but most importantly 20% cooldown reduction.

Bluestone is a great starting item for dot damage on your abilities.

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Ahimenes | September 11, 2022 11:02am
Trans must be obtained first on Arena, i think.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 12, 2022 9:53am
Honestly, I think Trans can work after Jotunn's (still should stack quickly enough). Though...I think Trans can also be skipped, and you might consider slotting in Hydra's Lament instead.
Kriega1 (143) | September 12, 2022 11:27am
I don't think Hydra's is worth on Bastet with her playstyle
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Bastet arena
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