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I know for witchbalde and frostbound. Pretend you didn't see.
is really good on this build. After that as you need really.
is better overall, but late, you can't really replace it without losing the AS. In that case keep it, or replace it with shogun's to avoid to have 2.0 AS for 2 levels. The "short term" item.
early sustain and faster to come back, pretty good boots, can be replaced late by winged blade or relic dagger, giving you some extra speed, HP and uility. The "long term" item.
The 5 early levels are important, after that, level up adapting to your needs, but mostly the 3 and 1 for quick poke, as your 2 will be cancelled often, and you want to stick to people. Having the 3 maxed so early gives for high damage instant poke and a long disarm.
Tap each threat level to view Bellona’s threats
1: that's a fun build, not an efficient one, it's for casuals.
2: i'm a brainlet and forgot frostbound also had an AS reduction which doesn't have an use cause WB.
Any reason to do so? Not really. But why not?
Bellona support doesn't play like other supports. You don't have to spend much time in duo, you must roleplay a toxic jungler that holds W to near death. Roam around the map, slap and poke anyone in sight, steal buffs, gank... in short create space for your team to get a huge lead.
Stack pots and max the 3 and sustain as much as possible. Then hold W at people and setup and secure kills. You will do a ton of damage for a support, especially in the early game where you can almsot kill people with a 1-2-3 combo.
Bait as much as possible make them waste ults, relics, mana on you, weaken them for your team. Don't try to take towers or objective too much tho, you do potato damage to those.
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EDIT: well WB 20% slow overrides FB that sucks. No idea how to get a slow now... And WB is like the core item of the build...
Or, Frostbound, and either ichaival or midgardian.
And yes he could have gotten Talaria, but he was also wanting the AS from Ninja, I'm guessing.
EDIT: well WB 20% slow overrides FB that sucks. No idea how to get a slow now... And WB is like the core item of the build...
With some thought and testing you can still probably come up with something. seems like shogun's kind of doesn't fit for how you described to play with this build. If you aren't around your team very much(as it sounds) from your description then any AA focused teammates you have aren't really benefitting from the passive. Then, if there aren't really any AA focused teammates it really isn't all that helpful.
Maybe oni's would be a better pick there or maybe you could get a genji's early and pick something like spectral/nemean late as an extra physical counter. In conquest it seems typically i see players talk about building physical protections early but genji's would give you extra mp5, some health, and give you extra cooldown early which would probably be helpful with your harrassing and in and out style). I'm pretty sure that Genji's is not a popular pick on her in conquest in any mode if i am not mistaken, but you have your own thing you're doing so maybe it could work for you.
If anything, since you are a casual player and you are already doing something out of the box, maybe you can tweak it again with some thought to still do what you want to do. I wouldn't be discouraged if you even have to come up with a different build concept that would still allow you to do what you want to do. I think plenty of people on here have had to do that at one point or another at least once.
I would say that if you are getting physically destroyed by any god early, early physical defense is a thing. I don't really feel like arachne is all that great of a threat to bellona. you can plan for her if it looks like she'll be a problem by building defense earlier and even if you don't if you are aware of her and hit her with scourge for the disarm and you can either dash away if you feel in danger and/or still build midgardian and/or frostbound late(although getting both i believe is frowned upon because you could get something else with more utility or defense to help you for that extra slot you are using for slows when one should be enough). If she is such a problem to you then you could definitely go aegis to give you some extra time for scourge and/or dash to get away.
Building more movement by building boots would be one of the best clear ways to make up for movement discrepencies. Winged and Witchblade, i thought should have already been nerfed, and if not will be next week if i am not mistaken so they will only give you 7% movement speed each for a total of 14% between both items. To start the game when the nerf hits you will only have 7% movement speed, so i don't know that you will get much benefit out of the double slows since you will be so slow. Even after getting your last item your base movement will be at least 4% less than anyone else running boots. Even before nerf you are only at 10% base movement compared to 18% for every enemy with boots and then if they build movement you are even at more of a disadvantage.
In arena if I have a problematic arachne, i usually build attack speed late to pair with my defenses early and coupled with scourge i usually don't have a problem with arachne unless they jump me when running from another battle or i get attacked by multiple enemies. This is support, so building attack speed wouldn't really be a thing..but then again what i see here doesn't look like it would be either.
He started the game by solo invading and trying to steal Speed (which he didn't do). That is now more difficult due to the early-game area debuff for invades.
Also, this isn't what you would call support, at least in the current sense, as he doesn't ever really go to the Duo lane.
Finally, Witch and other dagger items are getting MS nerfs. Slight, but will make this a bit less effective.
I can see this being annoying and potentially effective against a team not expecting this, but would expect this to be outclassed by a true supp, at least in ability to apply CC etc.
He started the game by solo invading and trying to steal Speed (which he didn't do). That is now more difficult due to the early-game area debuff for invades.
Also, this isn't what you would call support, at least in the current sense, as he doesn't ever really go to the Duo lane.
Finally, Witch and other dagger items are getting MS nerfs. Slight, but will make this a bit less effective.
I can see this being annoying and potentially effective against a team not expecting this, but would expect this to be outclassed by a true supp, at least in ability to apply CC etc.
I was leaning more in thought to this possibly being a troll build as well, but I wanted to at least try and be supportive and offer suggestions in case it is not. I offered some similar input to you on the movement speed issues and my own funky takes and thoughts on why they'd probably be funky in conquest, seeing as i am an arena only player basically.
It seems like he is receptive to feedback and maybe looking at how he can modify/change it based on his comment to Kriega's original post
Since I only play arena that is why i didn't want to just jump on the troll bandwagon wholeheartedly, you other more established members that play a butt ton of conquest know all that type of stuff.
Okay, understood. I still miss quite a bit on what each role does in the partial discussions over different aspects of the other modes i see in the guides I lurk or decide to contribute something to. Yeah, definitely far from being one of her strong suits.
This is why a god like
Mid-laners typically want high burst damage. They're used for main damage source in a teamfight. It's also better when they have range, as they're squishy, don't roam much, and so makes it predictable to find and attack them. Most Junglers don't have good range, otherwise they could be used for burst damage in Mid.
Junglers typically want mobility and burst potential. They don't NEED crazy burst, but it helps in surprising enemies and getting quick kills.
Solos usually like sustain to say in lane as much as possible early. Since they focus on one enemy for a good portion of the match, it's about counter-building them and trying to get an upper hand to win lane. Since they don't really split farm, they also usually get levels and gold faster, so can use their items to help them be bullies when they rotate.
ADCs want sustained damage. Burst is helpful in fighting of course, but they are almost always going to be the best at taking down objectives (towers, phoenixes, GF, FG, Pyro) and that should be their normal focus.
Technically mids roam quite a lot, since they have good acces to both side lanes.
You could say the same for Solo and ADC roles, but those are off on the sides and less accessible, making mid the most appealing gank lane IMO.
This is why a god like
Mid-laners typically want high burst damage. They're used for main damage source in a teamfight. It's also better when they have range, as they're squishy, don't roam much, and so makes it predictable to find and attack them. Most Junglers don't have good range, otherwise they could be used for burst damage in Mid.
Junglers typically want mobility and burst potential. They don't NEED crazy burst, but it helps in surprising enemies and getting quick kills.
Solos usually like sustain to say in lane as much as possible early. Since they focus on one enemy for a good portion of the match, it's about counter-building them and trying to get an upper hand to win lane. Since they don't really split farm, they also usually get levels and gold faster, so can use their items to help them be bullies when they rotate.
ADCs want sustained damage. Burst is helpful in fighting of course, but they are almost always going to be the best at taking down objectives (towers, phoenixes, GF, FG, Pyro) and that should be their normal focus.
so just as a fun little exercise looking at all the gods i have mastered(not going to break down lvl X and down and such...I am going to try and guess where my mastered gods would go. A lot of them will be pretty obvious since i play a lot of guardians and a handful of hunters but lets see how horrible i do designating them.
Ah Muzen Cab, Artemis, Heimdallr, Hou Yi, Medusa
Ymir, Ares, Cerberus, Fafnir, Jormungandr, Kumbhakarna, Sobek, Terra, Yemoja, Osiris, Hercules, i figure with {[relic dagger]]/full cdr Odin, King Arthur, Amaterasu, possibly Chaac, Aphrodite, possibly Ra, Isis, Hades
Poseidon, Nu Wa, Ra, Vulcan, Thor, Erlang Shen possibly, Hades, Chronos
Amaterasu, Bellona, Bakasura, Erlang Shen, Fenrir, Hercules possibly, Nemesis, Thor, If he wasn't so squishy i'd have Vulcan as a possible off meta jungler due to his passive but i just can't make that stretch, possibly Odin, maybe kinda sorta King Arthur(a lot of doubt but from his movement i could see it)
Amatarasu, Aphrodite, Ares, Bellona, Cerberus, Chaac, Erlang SHen, Fafnir, Fenrir, Hades, Hercules, Isis, Jormungandr, King Arthur, Nu Wa, Odin, Poseidon, Ra, Sobek, Terra, Thor, Vulcan, Yemoja, Ymir
*cringing* at the feedback*
But within those, some are better at that role than others. Going through your list...
Mid: No on
Jungler: You can make most of those choices work. Vulc no though, at least not without trolling a bit. And no on Arthur.
Solo: Would keep
But within those, some are better at that role than others. Going through your list...
Mid: No on
Jungler: You can make most of those choices work. Vulc no though, at least not without trolling a bit. And no on Arthur.
Solo: Would keep
well, i didn't do AS horrible as i thought, but i whiffed on some pretty bad lol.
The ult only drags away one person (and comes up 90seconds with no cdr)
Compare to Athena or Ymir that can taunt/freeze multiple People frequently with at least 30% cdr
ok, fair enough...i don't have enough knowledge other than base character and item knowledge/changes for any other feedback so hopefully the rest of the input from the smitefire community will be gentle.
well, maybe a little bit of it. All that stuff about the movement i didn't need to expand on so much because i missed your boots due to lack of sleep last night and being tired as hell, not so much. lol.
In the middle of a match like..****..where is my extra 300 health, my protection aura and my extra hp5?
If you want to see a good player playing a similar build with a very aggressive strategy I suggest this video!