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Change out ninja tabi for wind demon or poisoned star. WD has higher atk spd and crit chance + movement spd and atk spd inc off proc.
Poisoned Star on the other hand lower crit chance than WD but crits cause a slow to add CC to your target activating Rune Forgeds 20% dmg inc + the 15% dmg reduction as well.
Instead of going for both high AA dmg and Abil dmg like the other builds utilizing trans. This one is still has high CDR but more sustain because of LS. Granted anti heal will mitigate the effects of your LS items, but it does not look like it effects th 5% hp gain from bumba's.
Still runeforged is in there because everything Danza does basically procs a CC so 20% extra dmg is always welcome. If you did not know yes danz's 1, 2 and Ult all trigger runeforged. Crits off Poisoned Star also does this.
Sub devourers for Asi if you want, and sub Poisoned Star for WD depending on which you would rather use.
Reminder: You can downvote all you want, but unless you actually present an argument then it does not matter. I have used this build many times now and I am certain it's stronger than any others. Might not hit as hard as a DB crit build but it is close since DB is only 30% dmg increase on crits, where runeforged is a overall 20% dmg increase on everything, but also it has higher cdr and better sustain.
This will be brief. The reason for this build is like my previous one, to incorporate high cdr + procs off malice and now the glorious Bumba's Hammer. You maybe wondering why I chose bumba's, well.
Bumba's hammer granted you can only get it at lvl 20 so your stuck with the jungle starter which can cause issues in your early and mid game, but with bumba's at lvl 20 your an abil throwing sustain machine. So much so you can solo down a phoenix tower with no minions helping you, I have done this many times.
Bumba's provides 80 true dmg on basic atk after CASTING (keyword) an abil, doesn't matter if you hit anything or not. Also after casting your next basic attack heals you for 5% of your max hp doesn't matter what you hit and reduces your CD by 1 sec, could be a Minion, jungle, tower, god you get the heal. On top of this Danz's 2 abil which already heals him just provides even more, and yes the heal triggers off danz's 3 as well because its just casting an abil.
Now malice 3 sec cd off abils + bumba's 1 sec cd 4 sec cd every 5 sec basically. Before the 1 sec cd from bumba's was added it was already possible to keep your abils constantly up on Danz's with malice and max cdr, now you get a 1 sec cd everytime you hit with a basic attack after casting an abil + 5% hp each time, broken, imagine this on KA or someone who can stance dance quickly.
Trans helps with mana sustain, because even at 20 you can run out of mana with how fast you can spam your abilities.
buil summary at lvl 20. Constant 5% hp heals, constant abil spam, high crit chance, 20% extra dmg and depending on which ninja star you take, extra movement spd atk spd or a slow and dmg reduc.
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I know it is not the best build, I have tweaked it many times already, and yes Dom and DT are great on Danz and with this build. I also stated in the notes on each build box what you can switch stuff with. Yeah I completely forgot about Dominance tbh when i made this lol, but yes Dom is a great switch for Trans if you take DT as starter.
Question is how did was it? Like how did it feel to play it?
The biggest issue with this build is the necessity of crit, you seem to have no additional option instead of crit, say if you have a mercury on your team or a geb on the enemy team then you may want to substitute that crit for a different stat as otherwise you'd give the enemy team too much value for their spectral armour.
Personally I wouldn't buy crit in mid and jungle and would stay as far away from it as possible in support and solo, but crit is definitely a stat that would be worth it in adc , my main issue with your build in adc is you have absolutely no attack speed, a more traditional adc crit build would be:
Gilded arrow(which should be the starter you should get in adc and mid instead of dagger)
Devo gloves(this item is simply too stat efficient to give up on in adc, you will be outboxed by every hunter who did buy devo gloves)
Ninja tabi
Executioner or dominance for some much needed pen, and if you want to go crit you should focus on wind demon, rage/failnot and poison star, personally I would rather go a qins build on danza adc and a burst power pen build on danza mid.The build you have given is incredibly strange, and even in jungle K can't really see why you'd build like this, I'm sure it's fun but it is a long stride away from the best danza build.
Also idk where you don't see synergy at. 20% inc dmg from RF, 3 sec cd from malice on hit every 5 sec, 1sec cd every hit after abil cast from bumba's plus 5% max hp return. Fail-not increases crit chance by 15% on w/e god you hit. The procs from your ninja star, either atk spd mov spd or a slow and dmg reduc. Also PS acivates the 20% from RF.
So with that you're looking at 20% basic atk reduc from your 3 skill, which is always off CD because of malice+bumba's and granted you don't even need bumba's to get your 3 off cd instantly, but it just makes it faster.
20% AA reduc while in ur 3 before leaf if using PS that another 15% dmg reduc plus a slow which also triggers RF giving you an extra 20% dmg inc to everything, abils and crits. If you take WD you get Atk spd and MS. The build isn't centered around your AA its an all encompassing build. It bolsters your abils with high CDR basically almost giving you insta cd abils, the crits hit hard not super hard but you will hit 500 dmg ez. In training with no pots was breaking 400+ dmg on 300 prot odin.
So explain how it has no synergy? What i see is constant movement spd inc from your 3 because its always off CD, fatalis, a area slow if an enemy is in it and 20% AA reduc while inside it, plus you can't be slowed, and in leaf form not targetable by AI, Towers, Phoenix etc... A constant taunt which hits hard and heals for a good amount, then ofc your 1 skill applying intoxicate which comes off CD super quick because of the synergy between ur CDR+Malice+Bumba's. Also the +80 true dmg after abil cast on AA+ 5% max hp return on AA it does not matter what ur target is. Then what I also see are the debuffs how they add to your overall survival. Box inside your 3 with PS thats 35% AA reduction, 15% dmg reduc to everything else and remember this is off CD very quickly if not instantly. Don't face tank abilities and you should be perfectly fine.
Then you give yourself an additional 20% dmg from RF+ 250hp which helps a bit, and increases the healing amount from bumba's ofc not by much but its an increase.
This build allows for aggressive play coupled with good survivability and sustain, ofc the sustain doesn't come unil lvl20, but in the notes on each build, it explains them, plus theres builds for LS and Pen. Granted you could easily change 1 item for Dominance to give your AA 10% pen+ the extra 10% pen from the item itself and FN for 30% pen total, granted not flat pen but still pen. So i see no reason why you can't use this build in any role, just not any situation. I think this is what you are all missing, builds change depending on circumstances, but it doesn't mean you can't use them in any role, that all comes down to the player, I did that on purpose to trip ppl up. They see "any position" like i stated in my post, and immediately assume it means for every scenario IDK why.
And no pen item? (only fail-not which is a passive pen item) . No pen no lifesteal adc build in this meta? And Malice _ Seriously?
This is a bad build.
And even Danza in Arena (Which is a game mode that rewards his kit a lot) your Danza win-rate is %50. And You KDA 1.77 and your per game stats like 6.3 kills 6.7 death 11 assists. And for Season 8 your win-rate with Danz is %39 dude. And KDA even lower 1.41. Still not terrible but you can't be that confident about this build and act aggressively to everyone who ain't like it. And due to smiteguru account, u never played him in conquest yet in season 8. But you have a season 8 starter item. So you can understand why people confused about it.
It's not bad at all. But it's so much focused on just 1 mode. So you can't say "it can work every time and everywhere. This is the best Danz build!" cuz your accolades not matching up.
Don't get me wrong your build not that bad. I've seen worse. But you're acting a bit too assertive for no reason. This build not good enough to be that assertive. Also definitely need some clarifications.
Also adc is still new to me a bit, as my main since you looked is mostly Warriors, specifically Tyr and Mulan. Now Idk about the conquest stats, because my last few conquest games I won using this build ez gg, and I have done it in support, carry and jungle. So to say i never played him in S8 is incorrect.
Also ofc it can't work anytime, but you can use it in any role, you have to change up you builds to fit the situation, team comp, enemy team comp, builds etc..., also i never said anytime, I said "any position", big diff.
Also I can be assertive, as the top build for S8 with 60+ upvotes is trash. Also the build is fine, you just need to know how to work it. I also stated it is a hard build to complete because it is fairly expensive, and your kill potential is a little low at first due to bumba's. Granted you can also just take bumba's last and not run a starter item, because most of the starters are meh, i mean they are good but not game changing good, the upgrades are ok.
So again, I can understand your point on clarification, as new ppl might not understand, but also many on SG just look at the top build and vote that way, most don't read the notes on the builds to see why what was chosen or when to swap something for something else. I get reading text you can't see the sarcasm in the title, and I already started tweaking this build to make it better, so clearly it is not the best build, but you didn't bring any statements as to why, you say no LS, no pen, clearly you didn't read the notes either. Also you ask why about malice, I see you didn't read the actual guide notes on the build at the bottom, because if you did, you would know why I chose malice.
Biggest problem is that Danza is currently overtuned (general consensus I believe), and can fit well into multiple roles. But at first glance, most will think this is a Jungle-specific build, because of your starter of choice. So if you think it's viable in most roles, you should just state that in the build title.
There's definitely a lack of pen, at least compared to meta where most hunters are building minimum 20-30% (Dom + Zerk or Dom + Exe, possibly others). You can argue that, at least when enemies are CCed, Runeforged partially plays that kind of role. That said, I still strongly prefer more pen and would recommend it. (Yes, you have 10% base pen in the Bumba's upgrade, and situationally 10% pen in WD passive IF you get that item...but more base pen = better)
I don't mind off-meta build concepts, and it seems this one is thought through to some degree. If you play this in ADC, I think the only reason you might be able to keep up with an enemy ADC is because of his overtuned state. Going Bumba's isn't going to help his laning any, other than when he clears the Harpy or Void camp.
In terms of the skill leveling, I personally think it might be better to prioritize the ult after you've maxed the 1 and 2, as the 3 only adds MS. Not that the added MS isn't helpful, but at that point you'll probably want the higher power, especially as most fights will be teamfights by that point and you'll have opportunities to hit multiple enemies at once with the explosion radius.
As far as him being over tuned? Idk some say he is some say he is average, in terms of new god releases he is def on the more balanced side compared to others. That said, they did nerf some of his dmg, his abils are easy to avoid, and the ult is as well unless he just fires it off, then ofc hide behind something or wall w/e. Personally he doesn't feel overtuned, he just has a friggin wicked kit.
Yes there is a lack of pen, there are options to switch for more pen if you want. Some say lack of attack spd, but I have not found this to be the case. I play danz aggressively. I main warriors so aggressive play styles fit for me. The lack of pen can be compensated by the crits and the amount of abils you can throw out. If using poisoned star the 20% dmg inc is always active if u hit someone, but all his abils activate runeforged anyway, even his 3 if they step into your circle and get slowed. So keeping the 20% inc up is fairly ez. In training against a 300 prot Odin you can hit 500 dmg crits np no pots. Also remember the 5% max hp return assuming since u just have to cast to active Bumba's Hammer. Also yes Bumba's in an ADC role is tougher because of the stats etc... It is not an easy build to finish mind you.
Also I have always been torn between this, but my ultimate decision on how the skill leveling goes was based off malice. Since malice and Bumba's do not trigger the CD reduction on your ult, I level the 3 max first. Because your 3 at max with 40% cdr is like 10 seconds. The circle lasts 5 seconds which gives fatalis and 20% dmg reduc, if u leave before it fades, u now have 4 seconds of leaf form total of 9 seconds. 1 abil + basic atk trigger bumba's puts u off CD right away. So like myself I'll leaf form, ambush ur bac line 2+AA, 1+AA. Now my 3 is already off CD, my 2 is like 1 sec off CD, and my 1 will be up in like 6 seconds, but after hitting with a AA after ur 1 that's -1 sec, after u activate ur 3 that's -1 sec, after hitting with ur 2 -1, thats 3 sec cd already off ur 1 abil and ur 2 abil, not to mention Malice 3 sec cd reduc will proc shortly after, and remember each hit gives back 5% max hp + ur 2 has its own healing. I remember a fight it was a 2v4 and we won, because i got my taunt off on 2 ppl, then hit em with my 1 + AA (4 sec cd from bumbas and malice) popped my 3 stayed in it firing until broke the taunt due to dmg done, and once they broke out of taunt i threw another, and bagged em again then ulted another person, it was nuts but i got a nice quadra out of it, and these ppl all had full hp. Granted it wasn't a 1v4 our levels were the same, but they got out sustained and out played.
Your attack speed is high enough your not shooting slow, you abils hit like a truck, and ur cooldowns are so fast you will run out of mana, unless you use like Trans or something. You can no minion solo Phoenix towers, Titans, and ez solo FG np.
Also there are notes on each build explaining substitutions of items and why you would want to build the over that. Though i know how smitefire works, most come in see the top build and just vote based off that, just look at the top S8 build for danza 66 upvotes for that, that is the top S8 danza build really?? No LS, No Pen, No explanations, but best build for S8 danz...ok.
You have a point on that one build with the votes.
Though one of my favorite builds so far, is a Sentinels Embrace. Since you're backline spreading the 120 phys/magical defense is easy along with other aura's, with danz's CC's and base abil dmg makes danz a decent support, not for every scenario ofc, but its still doable. I have found Leaders Cowl to be tough one to implement playing a support role. If the enemy team doesn't consist of a bunch of dive heavy enemies it might work well.
The builds I used for the 94k match was- Sledge, SE, Sov,Heartwood, Mantle, and Jotuns. Granted this was the finished build, clearly i changed my boots out.
The build for the 55k match was more auras, as my whole team was squishy dmg dealers. Shoguns, Reinforced Greaves, Sov, Heartwood, Thebes, Sentinels. This maxed my magic prots and almost maxed my physical prots. I went 5/5/28, enemy team comp (Scylla, Guan, Aphro, Pos, Art). While in danz's 3 artemis even with her crit build was barely hurting me since -20% basic atk reduc, and I had upgraded horrific emblem for extra 15% dmg reduc ofc periodically.
So i think with some more work, a support/tank danz is very viable, also my damage was over 20k each game, but ofc u lose that high adc dmg, so is it worth it? Most likely not, but it is a lot of fun. I couldn't stop laughing while playing as a tank.
In Arena with the quick match, I don't know that I'd say something like Sentinel's is core. There, I'd probably say that you could skip the starter, or at least go with the more aggressive ones (e.g.
Agree as a tanky type in Arena, I'd go for high CDR, but I wouldn't get
I'll have to give them a shot as I am running tankier builds. I was looking at the war flag, and thought it would be good for arena or clash.
Ya the jotunn's was not the best pick, I was in the moment and had max prots but not cdr, and it was toward the end of the match, so i went with it for its cdr. I did a match with shoguns went well with my team comp.
I was also thinking of Infused Sigil, with the amount you get targeted being known as a adc but being a frontline tank. I think you would get a decent amount of procs off of it.
I wanted to say you could switch ASI wih devourers if you want, they both work well with bumba's extra dmg inc and healing. I have used this build in each game mode and it works well no matter which one you're in except Arena. You can not get Bumba's in Arena, but the build still works just change Bumba's with something else. I have enjoyed the upgraded bluestone items they work well with danz, especially the corrupted one, but ofc there are better items to choose from instead of bluestone upgrades.