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Cabrakan Support Conquest Guide

Support Conquest
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by Dashboarrd updated March 24, 2025

Smite God: Cabrakan

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Cabrakan Build


Notes Since Smite 2 only allows you to have 1 relic, and you can only pick that relic for the rest of the game, it's important to understand the effects of it. In Cabrakan's case, there are 3 I prefer on him.

The first is Blink Rune, this is because it's really good at allowing him to close the gap. For example, Cabrakan doesn't have a dash to engage with, so blink is really good on him because it gives him that free escape or engage. This relic has a lot of use cases on Cabrakan and I'd recommend going it just about every game.

If you don't want to go blink, the second relic I would recommend is Sundering Arc. This is because Cabrakan is an aggressive support. He doesn't like to sit back and wait for stuff to happen. He wants to be proactive, and that's exactly what sunder allows him to do. It does this by giving him early game steal potential on enemy buffs, or steal potential late game on main objectives like the fire giant or the gold fury. Overall, this relic compliments Cabrakan's playstyle very well and I'd recommend it if you're not going Blink Rune on him.

Lastly, Phantom Shell can be really good if you want to play more of the protector role in the game. It's also very good into wall orient characters like Odin, especially if your teammates don't have leaps to get out of Odin cage, because it allows them to phase through his ultimate, or frankly any wall for that matter.


Since Smite 2 only allows you to have 1 relic, and you can only pick that relic for the rest of the game, it's important to understand the effects of it. In Cabrakan's case, there are 3 I prefer on him.

The first is Blink Rune, this is because it's really good at allowing him to close the gap. For example, Cabrakan doesn't have a dash to engage with, so blink is really good on him because it gives him that free escape or engage. This relic has a lot of use cases on Cabrakan and I'd recommend going it just about every game.

If you don't want to go blink, the second relic I would recommend is Sundering Arc. This is because Cabrakan is an aggressive support. He doesn't like to sit back and wait for stuff to happen. He wants to be proactive, and that's exactly what sunder allows him to do. It does this by giving him early game steal potential on enemy buffs, or steal potential late game on main objectives like the fire giant or the gold fury. Overall, this relic compliments Cabrakan's playstyle very well and I'd recommend it if you're not going Blink Rune on him.

Lastly, Phantom Shell can be really good if you want to play more of the protector role in the game. It's also very good into wall orient characters like Odin, especially if your teammates don't have leaps to get out of Odin cage, because it allows them to phase through his ultimate, or frankly any wall for that matter.

Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Sundering Arc Sundering Arc
Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell


Notes Cabrakan is a big War Flag user. He has the ability to get early pressure. War Flag is great on supports who can get early pressure because it helps them excel even more in lane, since it's giving an aura of attackspeed, movementspeed, and you're getting extra gold and sustain from it. He also doesn't have an escape (i.e. a dash or leap) so the extra movement speed can really help him in and out of combat. Even though Selflessness isn't an incorrect pickup, I much prefer War Flag on him in just about every case because of the pressure he and his laner gain from it.

Medallion will later build into Stampede which will be discussed in the full build portion of the build.

Finally, we're gonna finish his start off with some health pots, to help sustain in lane, and some wards that we can use to gain sight on anyone coming to gank us. They'll be a section below on where to place the wards.


Cabrakan is a big War Flag user. He has the ability to get early pressure. War Flag is great on supports who can get early pressure because it helps them excel even more in lane, since it's giving an aura of attackspeed, movementspeed, and you're getting extra gold and sustain from it. He also doesn't have an escape (i.e. a dash or leap) so the extra movement speed can really help him in and out of combat. Even though Selflessness isn't an incorrect pickup, I much prefer War Flag on him in just about every case because of the pressure he and his laner gain from it.

Medallion will later build into Stampede which will be discussed in the full build portion of the build.

Finally, we're gonna finish his start off with some health pots, to help sustain in lane, and some wards that we can use to gain sight on anyone coming to gank us. They'll be a section below on where to place the wards.

Build Item War Flag War Flag
Build Item Medallion Medallion
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Vision Ward Vision Ward

Full Build

Notes Here's gonna be our full build for Cabrakan. I'll have another section for items you can replace if you'd like, but this would be my main general build for him. It's important to note that each game is different, and thus will require building different items. But this is a good place to get you started.

War Banner is just our upgrade from War Flag. Get this when you hit level 15, but it just builds from it's starter that we talked about in the "starter" section.

Stampede is a great item all around, but extremely good against comps that have a lot of slows, and really good on characters that need the additional movementspeed. It's honestly a stat stick. It should be purchased in just about every support build with what it gives you right now for tankiness.

Talisman Of Purification I believe is a must in every support build. This item can be activated even while you're being CC'd. It's essentially a free beads for you and everyone around you, and it gives you cooldown. What's not to love? I would go this pretty much every game, building it no later then 3rd item.

Stone of Binding is great on heavy CC oriented characters like Cabrakan. That's because they can abuse it's passive which reduces the targets overall protections. This makes them more vulnerable, allowing them to take increased damage from all sources. It also has great tanky stats. It's an all around fantastic item for any support that can build it.

Spirit Robe is an all around great tanky item. It's very good against CC heavy comps, as it gives you more protections making you tankier when you get CC'd, and it reduces any followup CC on you with its CCR benefit. I think this item is a must have into heavy CC comps, since it has no internal cooldown and it's protections when combined with it's passive are unrivaled.

Screeching Gargoyle gives you a ton of cooldown and magical protections. It's also an additional CC that you can have, and it's very good to help counter dive. On top of that, enemies who are silenced by this item become weaker, reducing their overall prots which means they take more damage. This is another item I have in almost every support build.

By far the most expensive item on this list, and rightfully so, Hussar's Wings, just like Stampede, is a great stat stick. It's like the Yin to Stampede's Yang. It gives slow immunity.... BUT PERMANENTLY. Whereas Stampede just gives a movementspeed boost and slow immunity for a short duration. On top of that, the amount of protections and HP it gives is unreal. This is a great item to finish out a support build with.


Here's gonna be our full build for Cabrakan. I'll have another section for items you can replace if you'd like, but this would be my main general build for him. It's important to note that each game is different, and thus will require building different items. But this is a good place to get you started.

War Banner is just our upgrade from War Flag. Get this when you hit level 15, but it just builds from it's starter that we talked about in the "starter" section.

Stampede is a great item all around, but extremely good against comps that have a lot of slows, and really good on characters that need the additional movementspeed. It's honestly a stat stick. It should be purchased in just about every support build with what it gives you right now for tankiness.

Talisman Of Purification I believe is a must in every support build. This item can be activated even while you're being CC'd. It's essentially a free beads for you and everyone around you, and it gives you cooldown. What's not to love? I would go this pretty much every game, building it no later then 3rd item.

Stone of Binding is great on heavy CC oriented characters like Cabrakan. That's because they can abuse it's passive which reduces the targets overall protections. This makes them more vulnerable, allowing them to take increased damage from all sources. It also has great tanky stats. It's an all around fantastic item for any support that can build it.

Spirit Robe is an all around great tanky item. It's very good against CC heavy comps, as it gives you more protections making you tankier when you get CC'd, and it reduces any followup CC on you with its CCR benefit. I think this item is a must have into heavy CC comps, since it has no internal cooldown and it's protections when combined with it's passive are unrivaled.

Screeching Gargoyle gives you a ton of cooldown and magical protections. It's also an additional CC that you can have, and it's very good to help counter dive. On top of that, enemies who are silenced by this item become weaker, reducing their overall prots which means they take more damage. This is another item I have in almost every support build.

By far the most expensive item on this list, and rightfully so, Hussar's Wings, just like Stampede, is a great stat stick. It's like the Yin to Stampede's Yang. It gives slow immunity.... BUT PERMANENTLY. Whereas Stampede just gives a movementspeed boost and slow immunity for a short duration. On top of that, the amount of protections and HP it gives is unreal. This is a great item to finish out a support build with.

Build Item War Banner War Banner
Build Item Stampede Stampede
Build Item Talisman Of Purification Talisman Of Purification
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Screeching Gargoyle Screeching Gargoyle
Build Item Hussar's Wings Hussar's Wings

Additional Items

Notes These are gonna be some additional items that you can sub in and out of your main build if you'd like. Most of these are going to be more niche, and thus used in more specific situations.

Circe's Hexstone is a pretty versatile item. It can either be used as an engage tool, an escape tool, or just as an additional CC or damage tool. Since this item gives you an additional dash, it allows you to play more aggressively without getting as punished. If you can fit it in, I highly recommend going this item. It's also very good on Cabrakan because he doesn't have a direct escape and this helps him to either engage or escape from a fight. The only reason it's not in the main build is because of the 3 active limit. But if you want to replace one of those actives, this would be a great item to trade in, especially against characters like Baron that have a lot of lockdown CC for Cabrakan.

Shogun's Ofuda is great if you have a lot of auto attack oriented allies on your team. This will provide them that extra stim that might just win you the fight.


These are gonna be some additional items that you can sub in and out of your main build if you'd like. Most of these are going to be more niche, and thus used in more specific situations.

Circe's Hexstone is a pretty versatile item. It can either be used as an engage tool, an escape tool, or just as an additional CC or damage tool. Since this item gives you an additional dash, it allows you to play more aggressively without getting as punished. If you can fit it in, I highly recommend going this item. It's also very good on Cabrakan because he doesn't have a direct escape and this helps him to either engage or escape from a fight. The only reason it's not in the main build is because of the 3 active limit. But if you want to replace one of those actives, this would be a great item to trade in, especially against characters like Baron that have a lot of lockdown CC for Cabrakan.

Shogun's Ofuda is great if you have a lot of auto attack oriented allies on your team. This will provide them that extra stim that might just win you the fight.

Build Item Circe's Hexstone Circe's Hexstone
Build Item Shogun's Ofuda Shogun's Ofuda

Hey there, I go by Dashboarrd and I'm a Grandmaster Support Conquest player. I've competed in the SCC (Smite Challenger Circuit) and I have won SOC (Smite Open Circuit). I have also won plenty of gem tourneys during the weekends, such as Iced and Vulpis. I also hit Masters in Smite 2 and I competed in the Vegas tournament, making playoffs. I have put in many hours into Smite and in particular Cabrakan. I hope this guide can give you some new direction with Cabrakan if you're struggling with him, or just improve your overall Cabrakan gameplay.

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Cabrakan Support Conquest Guide
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