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This build does not excel in the early game due to the lack of damage, the build starts accumulating power as soon as the ethereal staff is introduced, try to play it safe until then.
This build will allow you to reach 3.5k health pretty easily late game and the ethereal passive + the green buff + charons stacked up passive will allow you to hit 4k health regularly, thus enabling manticore spikes to hit even harder, the lifesteal aspect of this build mainly comes from the bloodsoaked shroud, pyth piece and magus spear which helps you stay in fights longer and enable your teammates w/ more damage dealt and extra lifesteal.
The core build focuses on agresssive engaging to buff your health and stay alive, these other options could hel you in the CDR department or making you tankies should the situation call for it.
These options grant you small buffs to the manticore damage and add extra utility and survivavility
Tap each threat level to view Charon’s threats
Can slow you, greatly affect your healing capabilities and has similar poke range
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 65 [display_name] => Ah Puch [url] => ah-puch ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Can slow you, greatly affect your healing capabilities and has similar poke range ) 1
Can stun, slow and shreds health if built correctly, can shut you down in early to mid game if you are not careful
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 2 [display_name] => Arachne [url] => arachne ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Can stun, slow and shreds health if built correctly, can shut you down in early to mid game if you are not careful ) 1
His sleep and ult can interrupt your ability flow and take you out of the fight, not being able to engage on priority low health targets
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 52 [display_name] => Kumbhakarna [url] => kumbhakarna ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => His sleep and ult can interrupt your ability flow and take you out of the fight, not being able to engage on priority low health targets ) 1
Literally unkilable
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 67 [display_name] => Ravana [url] => ravana ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Literally unkilable ) 1
If izanami or most high attack speed hunters builds tank shredder, example: Quins, executioner, dominance, Etc. she, or any good hunter can take you out of the fight if they lay their hands on you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 80 [display_name] => Izanami [url] => izanami ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => If izanami or most high attack speed hunters builds tank shredder, example: Quins, executioner, dominance, Etc. she, or any good hunter can take you out of the fight if they lay their hands on you ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Charon’s synergies
With his ult Ares can help charon set up his ult, 2 and 1 to hit a large portion of the enemy team, also helps you position and gain ground against the enemy team with his cripple and ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 23 [display_name] => Ares [url] => ares ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => With his ult Ares can help charon set up his ult, 2 and 1 to hit a large portion of the enemy team, also helps you position and gain ground against the enemy team with his cripple and ult ) 1
Charon can help rat confirm ultimates and abilities on medium mobility targets due to his root and fear
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 66 [display_name] => Ratatoskr [url] => ratatoskr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Charon can help rat confirm ultimates and abilities on medium mobility targets due to his root and fear ) 1
His stun can be followed up by your 2 to allow your team (specially squishy mages and hunters) to gain free shields in a teamfigt
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 94 [display_name] => Achilles [url] => achilles ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => His stun can be followed up by your 2 to allow your team (specially squishy mages and hunters) to gain free shields in a teamfigt ) 1
Most high damage "hard-to-hit" ability based mages can synergize very well with charons root and fear enabling them to consistently hit abilities and pick up kills easier
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 8 [display_name] => Ra [url] => ra ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Most high damage "hard-to-hit" ability based mages can synergize very well with charons root and fear enabling them to consistently hit abilities and pick up kills easier ) 1
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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