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Damage Build

12 7 52,428
by ZimmerPayne39 updated October 15, 2019

Smite God: Yemoja

Build Guide Discussion 13 More Guides
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Yemoja Build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Shaman's Ring Shaman's Ring
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation

Chapter Title

Alright guys, this is my first build on this site and I’ve found this build to be effective

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silentshell (5) | October 18, 2019 2:49pm
Ok, so checking back in, so far I have played 4 matches with her. They were all wins. Did 11k damage 3 matches and 9k 1 match. 2 matches healed 4.5k, 1 4.1k and 1 3.5k. mitigations/damage taken ranging between 17-27k
1st match
2nd match
3rd match
4th match

I have not tried a full damage build yet. I have been trying to build some protections, make sure I have enough mana to get all 3 extra omi, and after reading how cdr helps omi regen making sure that I have cooldown on her as well and finally building enough power to make sure that her heals are decent.

I have been working on things with her in phases. I have mainly been concentrating on timing, positioning of her 1 and getting better at hitting moving targets with her heal. I really feel like with her 2 that they should have two sets of lines for aiming. I feel like they should keep the lines as is for doing damage to targets but for the heal I feel like there should be a wider set of lines parallel to those to make it easier to heal targets that are moving a lot. I haven't worked much on the 3 yet, but I do recognize the potential of getting it down and the usefulness for chases, escapes, helping teammates with both as well. I haven't really gotten the ult down the way i'd like. I get placement but haven't really seen much in the way of returns on it for damage yet.

All in all, I am having fun with her, but as it stands before testing out a full damage build or full tank build my initial impression is that her utility as a healer can really help the party and if you can hit with her cc if can be pretty helpful but I haven't seen myself make much of a direct impact in any of the matches which fits in with Hirez intention of making her a support.

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TangoDownY3k (2) | October 18, 2019 9:41am
I also play her full support, but her damaging capabilities are incredibly high. I have experimented with damage options a little bit recently, but even going my preferred build of full support she is still quite the bruiser.
silentshell (5) | October 17, 2019 7:07am
I have played her a few times in arena and I really like her. I am using her as support(know in arena it is different) but building power/mana through the build. My healing and damage stats have not been all that great but I have not been utilizing her abilities to maximum/proper effect. All three matches were wins.
my lines were 3/3/24, 0/0/30 and 1/1/26.
The first two matches took and mitigated 17-18k damage, did 4.5k healing and did 10-11k damage. the last match(trying to practice more with her 3 and aiming the 1 and missed a lot. Party was also moving a lot just as I was about to heal them. I only did 3.6k healing and like 9k damage that match.
I was trying to link the matches but my smiteguru profile page is being uncooperative.

I have been trying to combine tankiness, mana and a decent amount of power so that her heals are good and I get all the extra umi she can get from mana. She is weird in that she doesn't use mana and pretty sure mp5 does nothing for her omi, but up to 600 mana and you get 3 extra omi for her to use. A lot of mana/defense items have mp5 and even though her ult is the only thing that uses cooldowns I have been putting some cdr in so that she doesn't have to wait 100 seconds per ult. She is also weird in that she has two different abilities she can use with her 1. when my smiteguru profile is working again i'll link the matches so my builds can be seen.

I have been having a lot of fun with her in the limited tries I have had with her.
cartycar22 | October 16, 2019 9:18am
swap polynomicon with literally any other damage item and this would be better even a etheral staff would be alot better than poly haha
Kriega1 (143) | October 17, 2019 2:32am
The build would still have 40/50% cdr which is bad. Also this doesen’t look anything like a support build to me
TangoDownY3k (2) | October 17, 2019 1:47pm
Overcapping usually is never a good idea but I'm curious as to why you believe max cdr is bad. cdr is how she regens omi, and with the right defensive items, max cdr should come rather easy. I do believe that one should never go out of their way and sacrifice other, more important stats for cdr, but I wouldn't say it's a bad idea at all.
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xmysterionz (72) | October 17, 2019 5:20am
Tbh, I haven't seen a single soul playing with her as support.
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Damage Build
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