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When starting on Thoth your clear will be very good with Conduit gem, your ideal situation is getting to lvl 5 ulting the wave and having at least 1850gold in pocket to go buy Book of thoth.
Thoth has 1 tool to escape and having it on an even lower cooldown is your goal, sphinx is that little thing that will push it over the edge and actually make you a safe character. You never need more than 1 flat pen item, because aura items will make everyone tanky so ever point of percentage pen will be as/more valuable to you as flat pen towards the targets. There is 1 simple reason you don't cap percentage pen in your build, and that is your passive, It gives you 15 flat pen and 5% pen. With your build of 30% pen and your passive of 5%, all you need to cap it is putting a buff you pick up on pen, the only reason you would not put it on pen is when you don't have 500gold for potion of power, which caps your cooldown reduction. With this build you can say goodbye to any squishy standing in your way by using 3 abilities, and ulting them with max charge, your ult can literally oneshot any hunter or mage who have wondered into your line of sight. Your relics will be beads and Aegis for most comps, but if the enemies do not have a high burst character (most likely they will) you can get blink or maybe even bracer or belt of frenzy second relic.
Your 2 gets reduced cooldown when you level it up, so it is very important to get it second after your 1
Tap each threat level to view Thoth’s threats
Bakasura with his very strong ultimate he will criple you and kill you before you have time to react, so what your job is in this matchup is getting ready for a Bakasura ult and beads the second you hear it, so you can safely dash out. Be careful not to instantly throw your 2 at him, because his ult has cc immunity a short duration after casting
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 19 [display_name] => Bakasura [url] => bakasura ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Bakasura with his very strong ultimate he will criple you and kill you before you have time to react, so what your job is in this matchup is getting ready for a Bakasura ult and beads the second you hear it, so you can safely dash out. Be careful not to instantly throw your 2 at him, because his ult has cc immunity a short duration after casting ) 1
Odin cage can ruin your day, but you just have to set up your 3 and dash through it to create space between you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 11 [display_name] => Odin [url] => odin ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Odin cage can ruin your day, but you just have to set up your 3 and dash through it to create space between you. ) 1
Poseidon is very dangerous if you get caught out without beads, but even if he uses his whirlpool it does not mean that you should use beads instantly, it is only if he ults which is where you need to dash/run out, but even if he ults a well timed Aegis can save you alot of hp in this matchup
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 31 [display_name] => Poseidon [url] => poseidon ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Poseidon is very dangerous if you get caught out without beads, but even if he uses his whirlpool it does not mean that you should use beads instantly, it is only if he ults which is where you need to dash/run out, but even if he ults a well timed Aegis can save you alot of hp in this matchup ) 1
As Maman has a dash that can make her go with you wherever you dash she is extremely dangerous for you especially since they lied at her release saying her passive is her main way of dealing damage, when her ult deals 4 times more and all her other abilities will also deal more than her passive, it is very imporant for you to get early kills on her before she hits lvl 5, if you cannot do that then you better ward up before fighting or farming, and find her at any cost before she finds you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 128 [display_name] => Maman Brigitte [url] => maman-brigitte ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => As Maman has a dash that can make her go with you wherever you dash she is extremely dangerous for you especially since they lied at her release saying her passive is her main way of dealing damage, when her ult deals 4 times more and all her other abilities will also deal more than her passive, it is very imporant for you to get early kills on her before she hits lvl 5, if you cannot do that then you better ward up before fighting or farming, and find her at any cost before she finds you ) 1
With his cripple you only have to beads, but he is very dangerous if you fight him without beads up, normally King Arthur will 1v5 your team as often he can to make you low in a teamfight, your best way of countering him is to 2 him when he looks at you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 99 [display_name] => King Arthur [url] => king-arthur ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => With his cripple you only have to beads, but he is very dangerous if you fight him without beads up, normally King Arthur will 1v5 your team as often he can to make you low in a teamfight, your best way of countering him is to 2 him when he looks at you ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Thoth’s synergies
As any other character with a banish King Arthur is very strong for setting up your ult on someone. He also has alot of movement which let's him move around to help every part of the teamfight effectively
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 99 [display_name] => King Arthur [url] => king-arthur ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => As any other character with a banish King Arthur is very strong for setting up your ult on someone. He also has alot of movement which let's him move around to help every part of the teamfight effectively ) 1
if there ever was a character for settup Kumbhakarna is HIM. With a strong mezmerise he can set you up for a free ult, just don't spam abilities on the target before his mez is used. His banish is not the longest in the game, but if he catches someone in his root and gets it off you can get ready to ult them even before his ult has started
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 52 [display_name] => Kumbhakarna [url] => kumbhakarna ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => if there ever was a character for settup Kumbhakarna is HIM. With a strong mezmerise he can set you up for a free ult, just don't spam abilities on the target before his mez is used. His banish is not the longest in the game, but if he catches someone in his root and gets it off you can get ready to ult them even before his ult has started ) 1
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Focus > Thoth > Deso > Myrddin > Shard/Coin/Typhon's > Reaver (or Rod) is just a objectively better build path
If Divine is needed, Focus > Pendant > Divine > Myrddin > Coin > Reaver (or Rod)
The only thing in the past CDR wise that could help Thoth's self peel a lot was the old Myrddin passive that let you activate an ability twice after ulting so he could immediately double dash, though it was slightly awkward to get a double long dash using his glyph wall this way unless you had it setup beforehand. Bauble is not providing that.
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Replace Baubles with Deso to get that bit of flat pen, still maintain 40% CDR, have a bit higher power, and now you have 2 items that can give you that situational extra CDR (Deso passive, Chronos passive).
Also curious, why don't you max