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Eset - Damage/Sustain Build

28 6 49,731
by Obi Saint updated January 31, 2022

Smite God: Eset

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Build Summary


Notes Sands Of Time - Is a great starter item for Eset. As it gives you the MP5 from the passive which will work with Eset's very own passive and the cooldown which is definitely effective in early game.

Charon's Coin - Also a great item to purchase after Sands Of Time as it also gives you MP5 and HP5 on a large scale, especially when it joins with Sands Of Time and Eset's passive.


Sands Of Time - Is a great starter item for Eset. As it gives you the MP5 from the passive which will work with Eset's very own passive and the cooldown which is definitely effective in early game.

Charon's Coin - Also a great item to purchase after Sands Of Time as it also gives you MP5 and HP5 on a large scale, especially when it joins with Sands Of Time and Eset's passive.

Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin

Extended Build


Notes Spear Of Desolation - I choose this item as it's a great core item for Eset as it gives you the damage, cooldown and penetration you'll need early and late game.

Soul Gem - A great item to have as it works well with Eset's third ability but also her fourth ability. From the passive to the magical lifesteal it's a great item to keep you sustained during a fight.


Spear Of Desolation - I choose this item as it's a great core item for Eset as it gives you the damage, cooldown and penetration you'll need early and late game.

Soul Gem - A great item to have as it works well with Eset's third ability but also her fourth ability. From the passive to the magical lifesteal it's a great item to keep you sustained during a fight.

Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem


Notes Calamitous Rod Of Tahuti - Such a great damage item for any magical class. I use this on Eset as it's a great power scaler and it comes with MP5 which is great on Eset.

Soul Reaver - This item may look off, but not to worry. As a final item is sure does round up the whole build. With the passive your sustain and damage scaling will be immense.


Calamitous Rod Of Tahuti - Such a great damage item for any magical class. I use this on Eset as it's a great power scaler and it comes with MP5 which is great on Eset.

Soul Reaver - This item may look off, but not to worry. As a final item is sure does round up the whole build. With the passive your sustain and damage scaling will be immense.

Build Item Calamitous Rod of Tahuti Calamitous Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver


Notes The placement of these 2 items vary from which gods are on the enemy team. A god with a greater pull skill, I'd purchase beads first. However, if I think my team will need to extra heals early game then I'll purchase meditation.


The placement of these 2 items vary from which gods are on the enemy team. A god with a greater pull skill, I'd purchase beads first. However, if I think my team will need to extra heals early game then I'll purchase meditation.

Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads


Notes The item's I'd start with are the Chalice Of Healing and The Chalice Of Mana.

Wards and Sentry Wards purchase late game as you start with a ward free of charge early game.

Elixir Of Power and Elixir Of Defense purchase these very late game as most of the time you won't have time or will win or lose before you've fully built you build.


The item's I'd start with are the Chalice Of Healing and The Chalice Of Mana.

Wards and Sentry Wards purchase late game as you start with a ward free of charge early game.

Elixir Of Power and Elixir Of Defense purchase these very late game as most of the time you won't have time or will win or lose before you've fully built you build.

Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
Build Item Elixir of Power Elixir of Power
Build Item Elixir of Defense Elixir of Defense

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Iralor | February 3, 2022 12:35pm
almost one-shot kill 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Obi Saint | February 5, 2022 7:44pm
Che, Thankyou. I’m glad your enjoying it.
Obi Saint | January 31, 2022 1:53pm
Hello Everyone! It's Obi.

I'd just like to say that I hope you like the build I've created for Eset. I use this build everytime I play Eset and it's never failed me for my fellow team members.

Please feel free to ask any questions and let me know if you think a item would be more effective than one that I use at the moment.

Obi St.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Obi Saint
Eset - Damage/Sustain Build
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