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4 9 7,736
by Talenhiem updated February 6, 2014

Smite God: Nemesis

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Nemesis Build

Such OPness, much balancing, wow.

Build Item Brawler's Cudgel Brawler's Cudgel
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Bracer of Replenishment Bracer of Replenishment
Build Item Combat Boots Combat Boots
Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll

Chapter Title

first guide, obviously best. Upvote pls.

Sorry, I couldn't help it. I'll archive this tomorrow or whenever I'm back on my computer.

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DroboBrandegee (2) | February 12, 2014 10:03am
jking :P
All4Games (54) | February 7, 2014 8:45am

or will they?!??!

... yes. yes they will. they always do. dafaq yuo talkin bout?
DroboBrandegee (2) | February 7, 2014 8:36am
All4Games wrote:

More and more guides will start appearing over the next week and those will be better.

or will they?!??!
Talenhiem (33) | February 7, 2014 7:02am
All4Games wrote:

More and more guides will start appearing over the next week and those will be better.

All4Games (54) | February 7, 2014 2:11am
TheDoctorfl wrote:

I expected a real build,i know this is for fun but you have to realize people want builds and not things like this.

Talenheim has been around for a while now. It's just a joke about how day 1 guides are often awful. Don't take it to serious.

More and more guides will start appearing over the next week and those will be better.
TheDoctorfl | February 7, 2014 1:02am
I expected a real build,i know this is for fun but you have to realize people want builds and not things like this.
DroboBrandegee (2) | February 6, 2014 7:14pm
Its so AMAZING!! *mind blown*
Firraria (58) | February 6, 2014 6:41pm
you forgot the 7th item fgt
Setolino (18) | February 6, 2014 6:35pm
Wow dat guide
UnknownPandr (35) | February 6, 2014 6:04pm
OmG pls teach me how ta nemesis. make another guide pl0x
JararoNatsu (51) | February 6, 2014 6:01pm
I'll destroy you.

Much upvote. Many good. So info. Wow.

*The above comment was a lie*
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Talenhiem
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