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Key items. Provides great defense on top of the onihunter and robe damage mitigation. Midgard's does what mallet can do for you only with added defense. Stacks, so add to dash and guan is like flies on scat. All items listed are meant to reflect options to take, as I'm mobile and got no idea how to make a guide. Cooldown doesn't really matter on Guan, as conviction is low anyway and if you heal allies with it you cut CDs. 20% is a good amount on him, but hardly needed. I prefer to go greaves, mids, oni, masamune, void and spirit's or mantle. More health and high armor. With Taolu assault and passive always at 20 (with no fear of getting outed in the early engage), you can achieve armor values well over 300. With some 3k health at level 20! With this in mind, remember that you also shred enemy armor. Paired with taolu, most mages, hunters and warriors (most dont build warriors too effective) will have massive quantities of armor stripped even against aura items. While damage may seem wanting, I assure the armor pen will do its job.
Also recall that you should never ult under 20 stacks in engages. That's 40% slow to the old 25%. Get in there and harass, back off, harass, off, get a team and get in full after conviction cuts your CDs. Always be on the hunter or mage (as needed). Guardians are never your problem,
Enjoy being a guardian that uses physical damage!
These are your other situationals. Emperors if towerplay is the game. Thebes if team needs it (more HP!). Hide if enemy team yet still has the deeps and good variety to burst values. Renewal if you just cant seem to stick in the fight long enough. Mantle if enemy team has too hard of CC in melee. I take regrowth if I have a slippery adc (conviction becomes a speed stim). Void I usually always take for health, damage and arpen. Masamune gives defense, speed and HP. Another typical for me. Pestilence for aholes like Hades. Runic is kind of eh for me. Depends on the mage. Kusari if they have attack speed. Winged for slows in comp (this with regrowth can be so funny). Witchblade also for attack speed heavy teams. Spectral if you've got those mean crit assassin/hunters.
Playing this guy I always felt his passive was underwhelming and kind of not intuitive. Reaching max stacks can be annoying in some game modes, and I feel that without it at a constant full it just doesn't seem worth it to run him. Well, then I came up with this. Hasn't failed me yet, and of course, items will change in situations. Generally though, this is a multi-tool build using my Guan philosophy: decide who gets to be where in a team fight and when.
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