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Horus's clear isn't very good, but I don't see much of a point in building items like Bluestone or Manikin. Your main purpose in solo isn't the same as many other solo laners. You're purely meant as a second support. Warrior's Axe will give you a little more sustain and help keep you alive, plus you'll want the upgrade in the late game. Chalice/pots for more sustain. Blink for engage, beads for safety, shell for team relic. Make your choice depending on the comp you're against.
Warrior Tabi is to help your clear. Tank boots is an option here, but your clear will be atrocious and though you're technically a second support you'll still want a little damage so you're not doing potato damage. More pots for sustain or wards for vision and safety.
Listen, I know this isn't a support item but bear with me here. We'll just keep it moving and you'll see this all come together soon enough. Mystical makes you a little threatening and helps your clear. How are you supposed to help others if you can't even help yourself? You're a bit tankier, but now you do some more damage making you a little more viable.
Hide of the Urchin will make you very tanky by increasing your all prots and health. You also gain a some mana which can help you in the early game.
I actually suggest Caduceus Shield on Horus because of the AoE heal on his 3. It's nuts and sometimes as a support Horus I max his 3 for the massive heal and I buy Caduceus second item to further increase that heal. But as a solo laner do not do all of this. Instead just buy Caduceus Shield later on when teamfights are more relevant.
Genji's Guard will give you the CDR that you're lacking in the build currently. Now that it's late game, you'll need your abilities up more often, this item will help you wuth that. It's passive decreases you cooldowns by a few seconds when hit by a magical ability. The item also gives intial CDR, health, mp5 and some good magical defense.
Hero's Axe is kind of a cool thing with Horus because you are almost a second support so you're here to peel and save lives. The shield given to one of your carries will be really impactful in a teamfight and this happens every 8 seconds which sounds insane. Hopefully the shield doesn't glitch with your ult shield though. Just keep that in mind.
Void Shield is a great way to finish the build, with it giving you power pen and protections on top of a little bit of health making your shield a little bigger too.
Mystical Mail in combination with Hero's Axe will over cap you on CCR, not to mention the stacks of CCR you gain from using your heal. Mantle of Discord is a great way to round out this build as it gives you all prots and CDR, as well as a passive that can protect in a couple of scenarios. One, being when you're ulting and you get to the health threshold, the one second stun can give you a little bit of a head start to possibly ult out safely.
Since you are role playing as a support, there's no true damage options I would recommend.
Spirit Robe is a great item, it gives you all prots, CDR and CCR. The passive will make you take less damage for a few seconds too.
Hide of the Nemean is good against high AA team comps.
Sovereignty is good is your real support chose a more aggressive build route. You are a second support so this item is good.
Gauntlet of Thebes is the same way, helping your team out if your support when more damage oriented. I suggest building this later on though.
Pestilence is great against high healing team comps.
Magi's Cloack is good into high cc comps. It can ensure that you dash to your teammates for the heal. Or even ensure you nail the stun. You also gain health and some all prots.
I'm sure you're all thinking about how this may look confusing. But trust me. Your 1 and 2 are your main sources of clearing aside from Mystical Mail. your 3 is good for teamfights and so is your ult, but your aren't really in teamfights till mid game, right? So ignoring your ult and point saving can get your 1 and 2 maxed before level 13 drastically increasing your damage. You can level your abilities however you want, but I suggest giving this a shot in solo.
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So why hide over mail?
With The Sledge, Spirit Robe, Mystical Mail, and Hero's Axe. Do not forget about his passive Resolute. There is no big reason to build even 40$ of CCR (only if enemy have to much Cc, okay)
Probably you can used only one Hero's Axe, it may be enough for Horus. Mystical Mail for damage in that case, i dont know.
Another one is Hero's Axe passive and 15% of your HP, it can be better to get even more HP.
Spirit Robe is good item instead of The Sledge or both of them if you need cap of CCR. In this build you dint need it, Magi's Cloak is better and gives extra HP to work with Hero's Axe
And pridven passive just not works with horus. This is a feature