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I'll Save You! - Khepri Support

3 11 8,325
by Rezblaze updated February 4, 2021

Smite God: Khepri

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Khepri Build

Starter Items

Notes Warrior's Axe I think is great for Khepri. The tree is seeing nerfs but I think Hero's Axe goes along well with the rest of his kit.


Warrior's Axe I think is great for Khepri. The tree is seeing nerfs but I think Hero's Axe goes along well with the rest of his kit.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Benevolence Benevolence
Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe

Core Items

Notes Items that should find their way into your build. If any are left out it should be for a good replacement.


Items that should find their way into your build. If any are left out it should be for a good replacement.

Build Item Axe of Animosity Axe of Animosity
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes

Strong Items

Notes These items are strong for the intention of this build.


These items are strong for the intention of this build.

Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen

Axe Build

Notes The idea of this build is to utilize the Hero's Axe passive and maximizing your health sustain. You become a super tank with nearly 4000 health by the time you get your Hero's Axe upgrade. Your passive goes well with this too, giving you additional shield based on your health.

Alongside with the tankiness and health pool, you also gain a large chunk of HP5 from this, meaning you can sit under tower and recover health extremely fast, and recover from very bad poke to still be able to protect the team without having to back to base.


The idea of this build is to utilize the Hero's Axe passive and maximizing your health sustain. You become a super tank with nearly 4000 health by the time you get your Hero's Axe upgrade. Your passive goes well with this too, giving you additional shield based on your health.

Alongside with the tankiness and health pool, you also gain a large chunk of HP5 from this, meaning you can sit under tower and recover health extremely fast, and recover from very bad poke to still be able to protect the team without having to back to base.

Build Item Axe of Animosity Axe of Animosity
Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia

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AmoralOne (11) | February 10, 2021 9:03am
This build is not very good for support. While you do have a couple of the support items in there, your overall build with them is bad.

For starters (no pun intended) your starters of choice are bad, Axe, and Benevolence serve you bad in support. Sentinels while the most boring of the 3 is the best option for Khepri, if you wanted to make a claim for War Flag, I could be persuaded. Other than these 2 there is no other starter worth going on Khepri. your first 3 items after Axe are good, that is the only part of this build I agree with, Tank boots, Thebes, Sov. this is a very strong Core, and will server you well, after that you get Genjis, and Gaia. Genjis, is a throwaway selfish solo lane item in my opinion. If you want to build CD build it in the items that are really good in the support role. For example, Spirit Robe, Mantle of Discord, Pridwen, and Relic Dagger. These are great items that provide more than just cd, and are very useful for supports.

You might also add the level up order, and some active choices as well. Shell, and another team fight active usually is fine.
Rezblaze | February 11, 2021 6:01pm
If you're looking for optimal support builds, look elsewhere. I find meta builds boring, and extremely repetitive. The only reason Hero's Axe hasn't been picked up for more Support roles right now is because people are all building Sentinels. Its the standard go-to, that doesn't mean its the only pick.

But the axe gives protections and health. Hero's Axe provides a shield based on a % of your max health. This build provides not only massive health pools and sustain and protections, but it buffs the Hero's Axe's passive. This is what this build is intended to show. If you're here for that build, that's just fine. If you're here to criticise it because "Its not sentinels" then go elsewhere. Got to meta builds, go to youtube videos that'll be outdated in a patch or two. Watch a DukeSloth video. Here, I am happy to experiment.

The trouble right now is that, sacrificing an item early for a late game item you may never get, or going for an item that has little value early support wise but has high value late, is just as risky. Its better tried in Arena, Clash, and other modes. But that doesn't make Hero's Axe invalid in Conquest. But providing a shield to someone who is hit by hard crowd control IS a very support-like passive, and shouldn't be discredited just because "Its not sentinels".
Devampi (105) | February 12, 2021 11:07am
The reason that in arena clash and other non-conquest modes Warrior's Axe works is because of the huge differences of those modes. In most of those games you either benefit from the higher Gold spooling and wave sharing or the frequency of fights is higher and more deadly, allowing you to profit from the better stats and more offensive passive. These game modes often snowball out to one side within the first 5 minutes.

The thing is and it starts to be slightly noticeable in a stalemate joust match is that in a Warrior's Axe vs Sentinel's Gift the tank running gift will not only sustain better but will passively outfarm you.

In conquest, the same happens and with the lower chance of the game snowballing to one side in the first 5 minutes the longer duration (and low gold spooling) of conquest will slowly have you fall behind. And a support that falls behind too far won't really impact the game before it's over. That support that grabbed even Benevolence will already have upgraded it;s starter for a higher impact while you are still several minutes away for hero's axe

For this same reason War Flag is also not seen often, and I think that one has more chances for the early aggression then Warrior's Axe because it buffs your adc. Hell, even when the game was in beta supports, were focussed on the heavy gold gain through their starter and boots. The whole reason Sentinel's Gift is meta is because it provides the best gold gain to keep up with the others as they often lag behind their team.

While hero's axe can be great late game, you will suffer so much early that the probability you reach it in most matches is low.
Big Damage (37) | February 11, 2021 11:16pm
The reasons no one should be picking up Warrior's Axe in Support are:

You gain no bonus XP/Gold
You don't Support your team until you upgrade your starter
You can't upgrade your starter until you hit level 20

Just because a level 20 upgrade works on a support does not mean it is worth it or efficient to not pick up a starter that is overall more helpful for you and your team, that you can upgrade at a better point in the game.
Moreton22 (3) | February 4, 2021 3:53pm
Shogun's Kusari & Oni Hunters garb should be added as situationals.

I can't see a strong reason for going benevolence or axe as a starter for Khepri Support, I think Sentinels will be your best choice most of the time, with war flag being a close 2nd
Big Damage (37) | February 4, 2021 4:35pm
Yeah take out Genji's Guard, add Shogun's Kusari to "strong items". If he wants to build HP to increase the shield size maybe get Heartward Amulet or Talisman of Energy in the axe build.
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I'll Save You! - Khepri Support
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