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Ira's Aphrodite General Healer Build

0 2 19,477
by Iramez updated July 19, 2019

Smite God: Aphrodite

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Aphrodite Build

Support/Solo Start

Notes While this start is geared towards support/solo because of the mana sustain, it is a tad slower to get items online due to the chalice choices! You are getting the chalices so you can maintain your mana, and thus sustain, then wards to be aware of invades to your duo/solo lanes!


While this start is geared towards support/solo because of the mana sustain, it is a tad slower to get items online due to the chalice choices! You are getting the chalices so you can maintain your mana, and thus sustain, then wards to be aware of invades to your duo/solo lanes!

Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana
Build Item Chalice of the Oracle Chalice of the Oracle

Mid Start

Notes While you can get health chalice to help even more sustain in mid, lane, you can easily use the oracle chalice too if you wish, however if your duo and solo lanes are warding, you have more vision so oracle is less necessary! It's up to you.


While you can get health chalice to help even more sustain in mid, lane, you can easily use the oracle chalice too if you wish, however if your duo and solo lanes are warding, you have more vision so oracle is less necessary! It's up to you.

Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana


Notes Use this version For your base! These items should be in your build no matter whats happening, but is still flexible. This build does not and should not be build in this specific order as games may vary as I will explain!
~Shoes of Focus give you extra mana and CDR for sustain as well as a decent amount of power boost.
~Rod of Asclepius should be built early as anti-heal doenst fully affect this items healing bonus.
~Like Asclepius, Lotus Crown increases your player healing, however it is reduced by anti-heal items!
~Gem of Isolation should be a standard item on Aphrodite. not using it is just criminal considering her tick damage will slow the hell out of enemies and allow your team and yourself to both engage or escape!
~Chronos is a good choice for CDR.
!Rod of Tahuti is a good grab for mid and solo Aphro builds.


Use this version For your base! These items should be in your build no matter whats happening, but is still flexible. This build does not and should not be build in this specific order as games may vary as I will explain!
~Shoes of Focus give you extra mana and CDR for sustain as well as a decent amount of power boost.
~Rod of Asclepius should be built early as anti-heal doenst fully affect this items healing bonus.
~Like Asclepius, Lotus Crown increases your player healing, however it is reduced by anti-heal items!
~Gem of Isolation should be a standard item on Aphrodite. not using it is just criminal considering her tick damage will slow the hell out of enemies and allow your team and yourself to both engage or escape!
~Chronos is a good choice for CDR.
!Rod of Tahuti is a good grab for mid and solo Aphro builds.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti


Notes This section should be used if you are countering a healer enemy team. The only difference here is the addition of Divine ruin and Pestilence for anti-heal to counter the enemy healers. You're still keeping Shoes of Focus for sustain, Asclepius and Lotus for healing, and Gem of Iso for mobility purposes.


This section should be used if you are countering a healer enemy team. The only difference here is the addition of Divine ruin and Pestilence for anti-heal to counter the enemy healers. You're still keeping Shoes of Focus for sustain, Asclepius and Lotus for healing, and Gem of Iso for mobility purposes.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

Full tank

Notes This build is solely for tankiness while still maintaining your utility aspect fo healing adn slowing htenemy for various purposes. Youre sixth item can be whatever you see fit at the time but this is the core for your tank build. It is very similar to your anti heal. Items can be switch in and out here for pestilence but pest has really good prots even w/o the anti-heal.


This build is solely for tankiness while still maintaining your utility aspect fo healing adn slowing htenemy for various purposes. Youre sixth item can be whatever you see fit at the time but this is the core for your tank build. It is very similar to your anti heal. Items can be switch in and out here for pestilence but pest has really good prots even w/o the anti-heal.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence

Mid Lane Only

Notes In Mid and Solo lane you are fending for yourself so you don't need shell and meditation.


In Mid and Solo lane you are fending for yourself so you don't need shell and meditation.

Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Every Other Situation

Notes In every other role aside from mid and solo you are focused on your team so you should be giving them shell and med to keep them alive.


In every other role aside from mid and solo you are focused on your team so you should be giving them shell and med to keep them alive.

Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Build Notes

While this build is really heavily meant for support Aphrodite, it can easily be manipulated into other roles, mid and solo, too as it has high sustain! It will also work well for Assault. However, make sure you are adjusting your build for your enemies too if you are playing a support type role! This build can do good damage but isn't meant for damage so be aware of that!

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Branmuffin17 (401) | July 19, 2019 11:11am
Hi Ira,

I feel you need to 100% separate your Support and Solo starts. Going for Support with no Guardian's Blessing is a terrible idea, no offense. You're concerned with mana sustain and getting ganked, but you just have to work with that in different ways.

Specifically, Guardian's has some great mana sustain built into it. You will want to start with that, and then fill out the rest of your early mana sustain with potions. In some instances I can see getting Chalice of Mana, but getting that and Oracle is just straight up inefficient use of your starting gold.

In Solo, you're going to probably want Mage's Blessing, and if not that, Guardian's Blessing again, if you're facing an enemy with far superior clear potential.

In Mid, again going 2 chalices is not a good idea...and also still not getting a blessing. Blessings were made specifically for Conquest starts, and provide a strong form of some kind of sustain for the early game, and I'm not sure why you're so averse to using them. Anyway, back to the Chalices in Mid...pretty early, and especially as Aphro, you'll need wards pretty early. That means, if you get both Healing and Mana chalices, you're going to have to sell one pretty quickly. Please don't use any of these starts.

Mid build should be different than Solo build, which should be different than Support build. None of these are really appropriate for any specific role. I can go more into this if you request. You need other item options listed, because late-game you'll sell Shoes, and your "full tank" build, which isn't full tank by any means, only has 5 items.

Gem of Isolation was an okay item for her before the nerf, and although it can still serve a purpose, I don't think it's a strong choice for her right now. She only has 2 abilities that can even apply the slow, and although her Birds have tick damage (thus prolonging the slow), it's just not strong enough to really build consistently, IMO.

So yeah...these builds need a ton of work.
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Ira's Aphrodite General Healer Build
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