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Joust Khepri Build - High CC/CDR/Sustain/Defense

3 2 55,674
by ShaoTheGreat updated August 10, 2015

Smite God: Khepri

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Khepri Build

Joust Bruiser Build

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff


Building level 2 Gem early gives him good sustain and could possibly secure him a kill. Once completed, all three of his main abilities become CC abilities. Gem will really only have an impact on his #2, but is well worth it when you see what the build is capable of doing.

Basically, with full CDR you can keep an enemy god on lock down better than any Tyr or Herc. #2 (with Gem of Iso) will slow the enemy, making his root easy to land. From there you grab them. By the time the grab is done, your #2 is back off of cooldown - so repeat until dead or until a teammate kills him for you.

First off, I level my ult whenever possible. It's a second lease on life for you or your teammates, just be sure not to cast it too early as it will probably wear off before they die and have a chance to be resurrected. I admit that I'm pretty greedy and usually use it to save my own *** unless it's a surefire save for a teammate.

I max my #2 first. It provides amazing damage reduction for your friends while debuffing the enemy and slowing them (with Gem of Iso). I try to shoot it through as many people as possible - foe or friend. It works on minions too so make sure to hit them when you have a chance. This is a life saving move and arguably his best overall in his kit. Spam it often as the damage is low. The utility is what makes this ability so great.

Then I focus on his #1... That grab... Like Sobek, but they can still auto-attack you while grabbed. This is a great setup move and synergizes very well with Mystical Mail.

I level his root last. It's just a preference. You may want to level it earlier based on your playstyle.

This is a GREAT build and sorry that I don't know my BBcoding so downvote if you must. I have a lot of strategies for playing him, but he's pretty self-explanatory. Even with the offense items, he is still immensely tanky with this build. I average about 10 kills and 0 deaths per game in Joust using this build.

Good luck and have fun.

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Xaiden1990 | August 31, 2015 1:53pm
Start with Bumbas Mask then get Watcher's Gift after the first camp then support until you die or feel rich enough to buy up half your build in one shop run...sell bumbas when you get Heartward Amulet and buy Sovereignty, then sell Watcher's Gift to get Stone of Gaia, by then you'll be about 20 minutes in. Maybe less.

edit: scratch bumbas mask keep the rest
Xaiden1990 | August 31, 2015 1:47pm
Gem of Isolation, Shoes of Focus, Breastplate of Valor, Heartward Amulet, Sovereignty, Stone of Gaia. Boom.
Scarz99 (3) | August 24, 2015 8:24pm
Reasonable build but a bit slanted. Its normal to have more physical defense than magical but from supporting my whole Smite career I can say that if I built with that much of a defense gap the magical characters would just target me. To each his own but I would suggest switching out Mystical Mail for Bulwark of hope or maybe Stone of Gaia. Other than that I think this is a solid build :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShaoTheGreat
Joust Khepri Build - High CC/CDR/Sustain/Defense
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