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Very high Health to maximize the strength of Khapri's passive
After reaching level 20 and completing the build (with stack items complete) you'll have a total HP of 3860, due to this you'll be getting a shield of 117 every 5 seconds (every 10 seconds when in combat) and a total shield strength of 585 (when the passive has stacked to 15% of maximum health). Whichs means you'll have a total of 4,445 (3860 HP + 585 shield) hit points.
All that HP also helps to increase your magical power
This is due to the ethereal staff's passive (Converts 2% of maximum HP to magical power)
Very high health recovery
Again, once the build is complete you'll have a base HP recovery of 49 every 5 seconds. However, you'll get an extra 77 HP5 due to stone of gaia's passive, this will leave you with a total of 126 health recovery every 5 seconds. On top of this you'll be getting a shield of 117 every 10 seconds (when in combat), so essentially you'll be recovering 369 hit points every 10 seconds.
You will be very hard to kill due to the above reasons
Cool-down will be reduced by the maximum 40%
meaning you'll be able to save your team mates and your own life more often with your ultimate (cool-down for ultimate will be 52 seconds)
Likely to get a high amount of assists and a few kills
Due to returning to base will be kept to a minimum as a result of the high recovery and so you'll be involved in the vast majority of the fights.
Early to mid game, you'll be doing very little damage
This is because the vast majority of your damage will be coming from ethereal staff's passive, this can be solved by simply buying the item earlier in the game. However, this will leave you more vulnerable due to having less protections and/or higher cool-downs early-to mid game.
Again, early to mid game you won't benefit as much from this builds good recovery
This is because a large portion of your HP recovery comes from stone of gaia's passive
Below is a list of the stats for this build
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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