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In the ADC role, I think gilded arrow is viable, but it will be a laning oriented start, and manikins still farms well anyway. In mid, I would stick with manikins, I think even sands of time might be better than arrow. As for Deaths Toll, this build will quickly go into lifesteal (given the weakness of current ring builds), so the sustain isn't important in this meta.
This build will shred through tanks, noting the penetration you get from both typhons and ob shard, as well as the protection reductions from demonic grip.
I've left bancrofts at its tier 3 in this build. I think either upgrade is OK for auto attack mages, just don't upgrade it until after building demonic.
There are a lot of options for your last item, mostly because at this point you've already built the only good items on AA mages. The rest are just OK. Some to consider are hastened ring, staff of myrddin, telekhines. You can also replace manikins starter with one of these items since the upgrade isn't that good. If you went gilded, I say stick with the starter upgrade.
In this example build, you would go griffonwing, then sell the starter for ob shard. If you dont want griffonwing, you could do just obshard, then upgrade the starter, or go myrddin or something.
Last note, I want to dissuade anyone from building more than 3 attack speed items on Olorun. Once you hit 4, you're likely capped on attack speed and your second ability becomes pretty meaningless. Even 3 is kind of pushing it, but again, options are limited.
You could also try out either polynomicon or pythagorems, probably replacing spear of the magus or your starter.
I added demonic for pen here since you should be capped on lifesteal at this point. Good luck not being antihealed to death.
Keep in mind ability olorun is only for fun, it is not the best way to play him and you should only do this in casual or customs.
You could do any starter on this build. Conduit, vamp, even manikins is fine, I just like sands for the power and cooldown, especially late game. Staff of Myrddin will be insane when you ult. That said there are a lot of options for an ability based olorun build.
See what I did there. Solo-run? Hehehe. Again, weird build, don't try in ranked.
The idea here is to build a little tank, a LOT of health, and get fat animosity procs so you don't have to build much damage.
I wouldn't recommend starting the benevolence, though you could. It becomes a passive gold machine and thats it. The other choice is to start tier 2 warlocks, play passive for the first few waves and back when you can finish the item. Then you TP back to lane and should have a solid power spike and start stacking.
Build order assumes your lane opponent is magical. If the enemy solo laner is physical, swap physical and magical defense.
You can substitute shoguns for talisman if you want, talisman just gives more health. There aren't really any attack speed physical defense items for mages, so we go sovereignty again for health. But breastplate of valor is debatably a better choice. Tons of other options as well.
Toxic blade is for antiheal. If you need it earlier, you can swap stone of fal. If you don't need it at all, skip it and go magi's cloak, pythags piece, demonic or something funky like that for your last item. Again, a lot of choices, its up to you and what you need.
Beads and Aegis are usually the go to. As I always say, shell saves lives, so if you don't need either, usually go shell. In certain situations, I also like heavenly (sprint) as it can be used both aggressively and defensively.
As for the upgrades, they are often situational. Don't upgrade until you fully finish build. I think temporal beads is one of the best relic upgrades in the game, however, it seems quite useless on olorun. Acceleration aegis is the smart play. You could make an argument for either sprint or belt upgrade.
I used to build Stone of Fal quite a bit as it made you almost completely untradeable if you had lifesteal, but seeing as how its been nerfed and we are kind of in a big damage meta, building full damage is better.
Divine for anti-heal, toxic blade doesn't give damage.
Needless to say, a crit auto with a polynom proc will chunk.
Spear of the Magus has always been good on magical ADC's if you can fit it into your build.
Book of the dead shield can keep you alive when you inevitably get dove and bursted down, occasionally even helping you outtrade by giving you time to lifesteal through damage.
Book of thoth gives good damage, so if you want it make sure to build it first and stack it early.
After level 5, do not put any points into your ult until you max every other ability.
Tap each threat level to view Olorun’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Olorun’s synergies
Your 1 does the most damage of anything in your kit. It goes through minions, so try to use it to clear the wave and then hit an opponent behind them.
Don't worry about not having the 2 fully stacked when you use it early game, it can still get good poke. Just don't spam it and waste mana. Late game, you should stack your 2 with a minion wave or camp before heading towards any fights. You can stack while the 2 is being fired. This is one of the most intricate parts of your kit, if you're new to olorun, practice getting comfortable with your 2, it's super underrated value for both attack speed, raw damage, and zoning.
Your 3 should mainly be used for healing. Remember every ally healed gives you protections. I find this healing is best early game when trying to out pressure your opponents in lane, or late game when trying to push a pheonix with your team. It's also good self peel, as in addition to the heal, it knocks up and slows your opponents, so hold the ability if theres a risk of you getting dove. Also, if someone tries to jump on you and your knockup hits them before they land, it will cancel their landing animation and any subsequent damage or ability affects. This includes Bacchus leap, Odin leap, Anhur jump, etc. Just note it takes about half a second for the knockup animation to actually go off, so your reactions need to be quick.
The ult is undoubtedly the most important part of your kit. This ult can change the course of a game if you're using it correctly. Early game, try to use it to catch opponents out of position as you're rotating, or simply to out trade your enemies. Late game, use it as soon as a teammfight breaks out and if your team loses they can only blame themselves. Just try to keep in mind which of your opponents can counter your ult, either with beads, a cc immune ability, or a good escape ability.
Last is your passive, which plainly stated is building power gives you crit chance. You can crit on your first and second ability, and spectral armor does not reduce the damage done by these magical crits.
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As for the ability based build, no its not a very efficient playstyle for olorun, but I tried it once, had a lot of fun and did surprisingly well, so I recommend trying it out in casual games.