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Get Gladiator's Shield and
Chalice of Healing on back.
Level your 2 (usually, though you can take the 1 as well, may depend on matchup) in the fountain at the very start at the match (before timer starts) and continually use the ability in the fountain to build stacks for your passive Fragmented.
Or you can keep the level up point until you reach lane, if someone tries to fight you at level 1 put a point into your 1, otherwise level the 2 at level 1.
Use this against high pressure or against magical gods in solo, where you can't rush Glad Shield and therefore you need Health Chalice for sustain.
Can get anywhere from 3 to 5 multi pots.
Also can use this build against someone like Zhong Kui,
Baron Samedi and
Berserker's Shield instead of
Gladiator's Shield if you wish.
You could level your 2 (usually) in the fountain at the very start at the match (before timer starts) and continually use the ability in the fountain to build stacks for your passive Fragmented. Or, you can keep the level up point until you reach lane, if someone tries to fight you at level 1 put a point into your 1, otherwise level the 2 at level 1.
If you take the 1 at level 1, poke the enemy solo with it often, and group the minion wave for the AoE cleave auto.
A side note, don't use your 3 to auto cancel while clearing camps/attacking towers without anyone there, only auto cancel gods with it if possible. It makes ganks by the enemy less dangerous, and allows you to aggress easier if they do show up.
Hide of the Nemian Lion is best utilised on Osiris when paired with
Shield of Thorns, though currently I prefer
Spectral Armor over Nemean for anti-crit. Otherwise consider
Midgardian Mail /
Void Shield. Against teams with multiple AA-heavy characters (with High DPS), you can get
Witchblade instead. You could even consider both
Witchblade and
Midgardian Mail together as they complement each other and if the situation demands it.
Fineokay Osiris gameplay:
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I would start with the 2 and max it first, but I guess you can max the 1 if you want to, maybe.
But basically I borrowed the levelling order from SoloOrTroll on Twitch. Haven't really seen anyone else play Osiris. He could explain it better than me.
Also I might try both in future and see what works well when.
Auto correct sorry.