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Quite Literally, The Fastest God Alive, No Punches Pulled.

5 0 105,319
by UltraSuperGenius updated May 9, 2016

Smite God: Mercury

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Mercury Build

Build Item Talaria Boots Talaria Boots
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Always Sprint.

Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

I absolutely adore building Mercury this way. It's no One Punch Man, but it is certainly the most fun build I've ever used on him. At level 20, you have 600-630 movement speed or so. You can run from 1 end of the arena to the other in 10 seconds (I counted), you can weave in and out of opponents, are immune to slows, can catch anyone at a distance without an ult, and most importantly, no one will catch you. The damage really isn't terrible either! You can easily fell any hunter or mage in 7-9 punches. Plenty of time before they can get back to base or have time to kill you. Out of the 20 or so times I've used this build, I've only gone negative 3 times, and could get above 7 kills each game. List of things you can outrun, dodge, or catch up to that I personally tested:

    Wukong's tiger by running around him.

    Vamana's Dash.

    In conquest, a Janus who used his ultimate to escape back to base, if you immediately follow him, you will be 5 yards away from him when he gets back his phoenixes.

    All skillshots.

    Scyllas Crush.

    Death, both enemies trying to hit you with everything they have, and Thanatos himself.

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DarkFuma (1) | April 8, 2016 7:09pm

Once more, fair enough, though Winged Blade is more valuable than Masamune in my own eyes, since the maximum it reaches is 50 damage. It would be better substituted for crits.

Alright XD
UltraSuperGenius (1) | April 8, 2016 6:30pm
Once more, fair enough, though Winged Blade is more valuable than Masamune in my own eyes, since the maximum damage Masamune reaches is 50 damage. It would be better substituted for crits.
DarkFuma (1) | April 8, 2016 6:12pm

That's fair if you want your damage output to be a little bit higher. For me personally, however, I prefer to roll with this simply because I like to be as slippery as possible. I cant tell you how many times I've had an enemy team pop their weakening curses to slow me down, only to no avail, or have a Loki ult me, and would've killed me with the slow on his Aimed Strike, were it not for winged blade. I personally find it too useful.

Alright but either way, you have almost 600 move spd with all the other items. Having deathbringer gives you the crit and power that helps makes you a bigger threat with that movement speed. Also, let's be honest, no one else is gonna build a movement speed build to counter you so you can pretty get away from any situation without it. Having deathbringer simply puts the rest of the build to good use by giving you the Crit chance
UltraSuperGenius (1) | April 8, 2016 1:36pm
DarkFuma wrote:

It's alright XD. I use a similar build but with Deathbringer instead of winged blade. This way, you get the crit chance, damage, and movement speed to chase people down before they get away.

That's fair if you want your damage output to be a little bit higher. For me personally, however, I prefer to roll with this simply because I like to be as slippery as possible. I cant tell you how many times I've had an enemy team pop their weakening curses to slow me down, only to no avail, or have a Loki ult me, and would've killed me with the slow on his Aimed Strike, were it not for winged blade. I personally find it too useful.
DarkFuma (1) | April 8, 2016 12:35pm
It's alright XD. I use a similar build but with Deathbringer instead of winged blade. This way, you get the crit chance, damage, and movement speed to chase people down before they get away.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UltraSuperGenius
Quite Literally, The Fastest God Alive, No Punches Pulled.
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