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A more early game oriented build
A full cooldown build youll commonly be going
Tap each threat level to view Thor’s threats
You have knockup immunity in your 3 so she shouldnt be much of a threat most of the time and keep your distance so she cant cripple/root you out of your teleport and youll be fine all game
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 61 [display_name] => Awilix [url] => awilix ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You have knockup immunity in your 3 so she shouldnt be much of a threat most of the time and keep your distance so she cant cripple/root you out of your teleport and youll be fine all game ) 1
Has alot of sustain and poke but can be easily shut down with anti-heal. Just be careful since he can instantly self banish in his ult but his ult has a longer cooldown than yours. You can win the fight since you have better CC
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 81 [display_name] => Camazotz [url] => camazotz ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Has alot of sustain and poke but can be easily shut down with anti-heal. Just be careful since he can instantly self banish in his ult but his ult has a longer cooldown than yours. You can win the fight since you have better CC ) 1
Shes no threat early until her ult is online, stun her out of her 2 and ult whenever she tries ulting you so youll both be out of the teamfights
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 88 [display_name] => Da Ji [url] => da-ji ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Shes no threat early until her ult is online, stun her out of her 2 and ult whenever she tries ulting you so youll both be out of the teamfights ) 1
You have the stronger early game against her since she has to go full attack speed for her build late game. Shut her down early so she cant thrive later otherwise she will dominate. Stay away from her if shes ulting and stun her from range
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 20 [display_name] => Kali [url] => kali ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You have the stronger early game against her since she has to go full attack speed for her build late game. Shut her down early so she cant thrive later otherwise she will dominate. Stay away from her if shes ulting and stun her from range ) 1
She has alot of DoT damage and can follow you thru your own ult and teleport with her dash so choose your pathing wisely and stun her anytime shes breathing fire on you to put her on cooldown
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 128 [display_name] => Maman Brigitte [url] => maman-brigitte ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => She has alot of DoT damage and can follow you thru your own ult and teleport with her dash so choose your pathing wisely and stun her anytime shes breathing fire on you to put her on cooldown ) 1
You have the better early game against him since he has to build crit so shut him down early or he will dominate the late game with his one shot crit attacks
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 44 [display_name] => Mercury [url] => mercury ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You have the better early game against him since he has to build crit so shut him down early or he will dominate the late game with his one shot crit attacks ) 1
You both have ranged CCs but he has to get up close to deal most of his damage so keep him at a distance with your poke and ult him anytime since he cant dodge anything outside of wasting his ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 34 [display_name] => Ne Zha [url] => ne-zha ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You both have ranged CCs but he has to get up close to deal most of his damage so keep him at a distance with your poke and ult him anytime since he cant dodge anything outside of wasting his ult ) 1
She has equal early game lethality but can win the 1v1s if she ults you. Stun to break her shields anytime and ult on her to shut her down with her beads offline
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 49 [display_name] => Nemesis [url] => nemesis ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => She has equal early game lethality but can win the 1v1s if she ults you. Stun to break her shields anytime and ult on her to shut her down with her beads offline ) 1
Likes to go all in on one target but has no true mobility, use your walls to block her pathing and CC her at anytime to shut her down from a distance
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 97 [display_name] => Pele [url] => pele ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Likes to go all in on one target but has no true mobility, use your walls to block her pathing and CC her at anytime to shut her down from a distance ) 1
You both do similar things but he can be a bit harder to catch since he has more mobility and utility so be more consistent with your CC.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 66 [display_name] => Ratatoskr [url] => ratatoskr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You both do similar things but he can be a bit harder to catch since he has more mobility and utility so be more consistent with your CC. ) 1
You can shut down most of his damage with your stuns and avoid his ult with your ult too. Just be sure to not take fights on cooldown.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 35 [display_name] => Fenrir [url] => fenrir ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => You can shut down most of his damage with your stuns and avoid his ult with your ult too. Just be sure to not take fights on cooldown. ) 1
She has to get close to deal most of her damage so keep your distance and ult her anytime since she has no CC immunity unless shes ulting another target and combo her from a far.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 56 [display_name] => Serqet [url] => serqet ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => She has to get close to deal most of her damage so keep your distance and ult her anytime since she has no CC immunity unless shes ulting another target and combo her from a far. ) 1
He has no CC immunity and you can immune his pull and knockup with just your 3 or ult. Stun him anytime and take the fights from afar or up close but just be sure to have some form immunity online when fighting.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 76 [display_name] => Susano [url] => susano ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => He has no CC immunity and you can immune his pull and knockup with just your 3 or ult. Stun him anytime and take the fights from afar or up close but just be sure to have some form immunity online when fighting. ) 1
You both have equal early game and late game lethality but you have way more mobility and more CC. You can shut him down by walling him off and stunning him since he has no true mobility outside his ult.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 43 [display_name] => Thanatos [url] => thanatos ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => You both have equal early game and late game lethality but you have way more mobility and more CC. You can shut him down by walling him off and stunning him since he has no true mobility outside his ult. ) 1
Hes not much of a threat early game but can become deadly mid-late game when he has built some lifesteal and attack speed. Avoid his execution with your ult or beads and fight him from a distance since he has no CC immunity unless he executes somebody.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 60 [display_name] => Ao Kuang [url] => ao-kuang ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Hes not much of a threat early game but can become deadly mid-late game when he has built some lifesteal and attack speed. Avoid his execution with your ult or beads and fight him from a distance since he has no CC immunity unless he executes somebody. ) 1
Her web slows and trails can be a real problem for you since you have no slow immunity and she can stun you mid fight by simply auto attacking you. Just poke her from a distance anytime
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 2 [display_name] => Arachne [url] => arachne ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Her web slows and trails can be a real problem for you since you have no slow immunity and she can stun you mid fight by simply auto attacking you. Just poke her from a distance anytime ) 1
Not much of threat early game since he has to build attack speed but can be threatening mid-late game especially if he ults on you since you cant escape with your teleport and your ult will take too long to activate. So stick to poking from a distance
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 19 [display_name] => Bakasura [url] => bakasura ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Not much of threat early game since he has to build attack speed but can be threatening mid-late game especially if he ults on you since you cant escape with your teleport and your ult will take too long to activate. So stick to poking from a distance ) 1
She has as much poke as you do and can CC from distance too. Sticking to using your 2-1 combo and ult her anytime her beads are on cooldown
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 7 [display_name] => Bastet [url] => bastet ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => She has as much poke as you do and can CC from distance too. Sticking to using your 2-1 combo and ult her anytime her beads are on cooldown ) 1
Can be very tricky and hard to track him due to his stealth so take the fights up close since you can possibly win there. Be sure to grab an Arondight so you can see him in your ult and your stuns can reveal him out of his stealth.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 25 [display_name] => Loki [url] => loki ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Can be very tricky and hard to track him due to his stealth so take the fights up close since you can possibly win there. Be sure to grab an Arondight so you can see him in your ult and your stuns can reveal him out of his stealth. ) 1
Although he has no CC immunity in his kit, he can still be menacing up close with his ult. Just be sure to keep your distance, ult him on cooldown and have some antiheal to shut him down
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 102 [display_name] => Set [url] => set ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Although he has no CC immunity in his kit, he can still be menacing up close with his ult. Just be sure to keep your distance, ult him on cooldown and have some antiheal to shut him down ) 1
He has way more poke and damage than you do and can confirm more of it too. You can shut each other down pretty easily but if it comes down to the ult game, he wins there since it deals ALOT more damage and can follow thru if you try to teleport away. Keep your distance and ult him since he no mobility to dodge your damage.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 111 [display_name] => Tsukuyomi [url] => tsukuyomi ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => He has way more poke and damage than you do and can confirm more of it too. You can shut each other down pretty easily but if it comes down to the ult game, he wins there since it deals ALOT more damage and can follow thru if you try to teleport away. Keep your distance and ult him since he no mobility to dodge your damage. ) 1
Her going into walls can dodge alot of your damage especially if your ulting. She also has a silence to shut down any of your abilities. Just stick to poking her and avoid melee fights.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 117 [display_name] => Cliodhna [url] => cliodhna ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Her going into walls can dodge alot of your damage especially if your ulting. She also has a silence to shut down any of your abilities. Just stick to poking her and avoid melee fights. ) 1
Very difficult to shut him down due to his double immunities and possibly triple if he has beads online w/ lots of shield sustain. Only place he struggles if any incoming damage is instant so surprise him with your 2-1 combo or have your support waste his immunities and follow up
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 67 [display_name] => Ravana [url] => ravana ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Very difficult to shut him down due to his double immunities and possibly triple if he has beads online w/ lots of shield sustain. Only place he struggles if any incoming damage is instant so surprise him with your 2-1 combo or have your support waste his immunities and follow up ) 1
He has no CC immunity so bully him there and ult anytime he tries ulting on you and you should be fine all game
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 38 [display_name] => Hun Batz [url] => hun-batz ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => He has no CC immunity so bully him there and ult anytime he tries ulting on you and you should be fine all game ) 1
Although he has alot of mobility and abilities, he can be shut down easily with your stuns to dismount him off his horse and your wall stun can block his pathing since he has no true leap
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 121 [display_name] => Lancelot [url] => lancelot ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => Although he has alot of mobility and abilities, he can be shut down easily with your stuns to dismount him off his horse and your wall stun can block his pathing since he has no true leap ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Thor’s synergies
Her taunts make you land abilities easier
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 37 [display_name] => Athena [url] => athena ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Her taunts make you land abilities easier ) 1
You both have walls to block enemy movement
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 12 [display_name] => Ymir [url] => ymir ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => You both have walls to block enemy movement ) 1
You both have walls to block enemy movement
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 106 [display_name] => Yemoja [url] => yemoja ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => You both have walls to block enemy movement ) 1
Tap each threat level to view Thor’s threats
She likes to fight alot since her passive rewards that along with her mirror charging but she will struggle to get in range if you stick to stunning her from afar. Ult if she tries ulting you since you'll immune her 2s stun and then land back on her to win the fight.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 72 [display_name] => Amaterasu [url] => amaterasu ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => She likes to fight alot since her passive rewards that along with her mirror charging but she will struggle to get in range if you stick to stunning her from afar. Ult if she tries ulting you since you'll immune her 2s stun and then land back on her to win the fight. ) 1
Good lane bully but you can shut him down decently. Just be careful when he rages since that's where he can possibly win but you can avoid most by poking from a distance or ulting
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 89 [display_name] => Cu Chulainn [url] => cu-chulainn ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Good lane bully but you can shut him down decently. Just be careful when he rages since that's where he can possibly win but you can avoid most by poking from a distance or ulting ) 1
Similar to fenrir, you can shut down most of his damage with your stuns but just be aware around his ult since he'll try to flee or stun you so ult when he tries doing that. You'll easily chase him down. Only thing to worry about is late game since he can heal teammates
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 14 [display_name] => Guan Yu [url] => guan-yu ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Similar to fenrir, you can shut down most of his damage with your stuns but just be aware around his ult since he'll try to flee or stun you so ult when he tries doing that. You'll easily chase him down. Only thing to worry about is late game since he can heal teammates ) 1
Most of her abilities can be shut down with your stuns and can be avoided by keeping your distance. You can also escape her ult by teleporting away or ulting then landing back on her. Be sure to grab antiheal too
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 108 [display_name] => Mulan [url] => mulan ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Most of her abilities can be shut down with your stuns and can be avoided by keeping your distance. You can also escape her ult by teleporting away or ulting then landing back on her. Be sure to grab antiheal too ) 1
Her main clearing ability can be easily interrupted by your stuns and immune her knockup with your 3. In the case that she ults, just teleport away to wait it out or ult to avoid any follow up damage.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 83 [display_name] => Nike [url] => nike ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Her main clearing ability can be easily interrupted by your stuns and immune her knockup with your 3. In the case that she ults, just teleport away to wait it out or ult to avoid any follow up damage. ) 1
He has to get close to deal most his damage so poke him from a distance and stun him or use your 3 to immune his knockbacks. Grab some antiheal too like Contagion to shut him down. Just be careful since he has alot of CC so save your abilities when the time is right.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 41 [display_name] => Tyr [url] => tyr ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => He has to get close to deal most his damage so poke him from a distance and stun him or use your 3 to immune his knockbacks. Grab some antiheal too like Contagion to shut him down. Just be careful since he has alot of CC so save your abilities when the time is right. ) 1
He can clear waves pretty similar to you and can be a bit slippery to catch due to his character size but you can easily avoid most of his damage and ult by simply teleporting away or ulting too, waiting out the duration then landing back on him to finish the fight.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 21 [display_name] => Vamana [url] => vamana ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => He can clear waves pretty similar to you and can be a bit slippery to catch due to his character size but you can easily avoid most of his damage and ult by simply teleporting away or ulting too, waiting out the duration then landing back on him to finish the fight. ) 1
Pretty much a stalemate in lane but a win late game since he's just gonna be poking you with his axe and healing afterwards but his damage isn't enough to kill you. Just clear waves and help your team in mid lane to finish the game faster.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 47 [display_name] => Chaac [url] => chaac ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Pretty much a stalemate in lane but a win late game since he's just gonna be poking you with his axe and healing afterwards but his damage isn't enough to kill you. Just clear waves and help your team in mid lane to finish the game faster. ) 1
Likes to take the fights up close since his passive rewards that similar to yours plus has really threatening hard displacement CCs. Just keep your distance and wall him off since he has no leaps and use your 3 to immune his knockups
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 28 [display_name] => Hercules [url] => hercules ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Likes to take the fights up close since his passive rewards that similar to yours plus has really threatening hard displacement CCs. Just keep your distance and wall him off since he has no leaps and use your 3 to immune his knockups ) 1
Likes to spam abilities on you so reserve your stun when he's doing his long spin attack and wall him off in case he tries fleeing. He has no cc immunity especially if his sword isn't charged so bully him there but just be aware he can charge it back up pretty easily and ult you consistently
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 99 [display_name] => King Arthur [url] => king-arthur ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Likes to spam abilities on you so reserve your stun when he's doing his long spin attack and wall him off in case he tries fleeing. He has no cc immunity especially if his sword isn't charged so bully him there but just be aware he can charge it back up pretty easily and ult you consistently ) 1
There's not much to stop his Bird Bomb combo of clearing waves so he wins there but you can easily stun him out of his 3 and escape his ult ring with your teleport or ult. Just grab a Phantom Shell in the worst case scenario that both those abilities are down.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 11 [display_name] => Odin [url] => odin ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => There's not much to stop his Bird Bomb combo of clearing waves so he wins there but you can easily stun him out of his 3 and escape his ult ring with your teleport or ult. Just grab a Phantom Shell in the worst case scenario that both those abilities are down. ) 1
Very strong lane bully that can poke as much as you do and can set you back a little. He will win the melee fights so just stick to your 2-1 combo and don't bother blocking his path with your wall stun since his passive allows him to walk thru it.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 53 [display_name] => Osiris [url] => osiris ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Very strong lane bully that can poke as much as you do and can set you back a little. He will win the melee fights so just stick to your 2-1 combo and don't bother blocking his path with your wall stun since his passive allows him to walk thru it. ) 1
Likes to poke as much as you do and can avoid most of your damage with his ultimate. Only place he struggles is in the melee fights where you can potentially win but again if he's near death, his passive will proc and he'll want to ult to reset the fight. Just stick to poking him or wait til your Jungler comes to help
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 16 [display_name] => Sun Wukong [url] => sun-wukong ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Likes to poke as much as you do and can avoid most of your damage with his ultimate. Only place he struggles is in the melee fights where you can potentially win but again if he's near death, his passive will proc and he'll want to ult to reset the fight. Just stick to poking him or wait til your Jungler comes to help ) 1
He like to brawl alot since that's where he'll be healing from and land all of his abilities. Use your 2-1 combo alot and stay away from him if in Execution range. Don't try ulting away if your below 30% HP since your ult charge time takes too long and his ult execution will be faster. Just teleport away if in danger.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 94 [display_name] => Achilles [url] => achilles ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => He like to brawl alot since that's where he'll be healing from and land all of his abilities. Use your 2-1 combo alot and stay away from him if in Execution range. Don't try ulting away if your below 30% HP since your ult charge time takes too long and his ult execution will be faster. Just teleport away if in danger. ) 1
Very tanky enemy that likes to get up close for most of his damage
- Keep your distance and use to 2 and 1 combo at all times
- Save your ult when he tries ulting to fly away from the slowing aura
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 129 [display_name] => Bake Kujira [url] => bake-kujira ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Very tanky enemy that likes to get up close for most of his damage - Keep your distance and use to 2 and 1 combo at all times - Save your ult when he tries ulting to fly away from the slowing aura ) 1
Very slippery to fight him since he has two knockups and long CC immunity. Choose your fights however but he can be shut down if you can block his pathing since he has no leaps or go thru walls with his ult.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 119 [display_name] => Shiva [url] => shiva ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Very slippery to fight him since he has two knockups and long CC immunity. Choose your fights however but he can be shut down if you can block his pathing since he has no leaps or go thru walls with his ult. ) 1
Has lots of defense/sustain and can win the melee fights plus he can also avoid your ult since he can go up into the air too and avoid alot of damage. So keep your distance, poke him and grab some antiheal
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 124 [display_name] => Surtr [url] => surtr ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Has lots of defense/sustain and can win the melee fights plus he can also avoid your ult since he can go up into the air too and avoid alot of damage. So keep your distance, poke him and grab some antiheal ) 1
You can easily stop most of her damage and wave clearing potential with your stun and can dodge her ult with your teleport or your ultimate.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => You can easily stop most of her damage and wave clearing potential with your stun and can dodge her ult with your teleport or your ultimate. ) 1
Similar to Bellona, you can easily shut down his wave clearing with your stuns plus he also has no CC immunity so you can bully him there.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 78 [display_name] => Erlang Shen [url] => erlang-shen ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => Similar to Bellona, you can easily shut down his wave clearing with your stuns plus he also has no CC immunity so you can bully him there. ) 1
Although he might have as much CC and have more of an impact in teamfights, he has no immunities in his kit so your stuns can really push him back and focus him in the late game to shut him down.
While in lane, just 2-1 combo anytime and escape his ult with your teleport or ult. No big threat here
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 114 [display_name] => Gilgamesh [url] => gilgamesh ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => Although he might have as much CC and have more of an impact in teamfights, he has no immunities in his kit so your stuns can really push him back and focus him in the late game to shut him down. While in lane, just 2-1 combo anytime and escape his ult with your teleport or ult. No big threat here ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Thor’s synergies
You both have walls to block enemy movement
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 12 [display_name] => Ymir [url] => ymir ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => You both have walls to block enemy movement ) 1
You both have walls to block enemy movement
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 106 [display_name] => Yemoja [url] => yemoja ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => You both have walls to block enemy movement ) 1
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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